UFOS !!! 30th January 2012 ~ MAJOR SIGHTINGS Happening

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New York is Booming with activities in the night skies. Since the turn of the year, people have been posting sightings and these 2 last vids I am posting, is from the past 2 days..

There are multiple crafts in each photo. Each video is from one photo ONLY.

It is interesting to notice the energy fields around the craft when zoomed in on.

"Keep Your Eyes on the Skies" and stay posted. Share us on Facebook so people may gain awareness.

~ Everything is coming into the Light~ Our Space Family is Here, this is Evident~

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~Galactic Love Reporter Happyneerod~ Doreen~
01~31~2012 ~ 10:17.

It is so evident to my heart, eyes, and soul, that all I've been being shown here on this wonderful site...Galactic Free Press, (and in my heart) about our brothers and sisters from other galaxies is quite evident... There are so many different UFO ships, you can see they are all not from the same place... Different designs... So many in our skies from every corner of the galaxies... coming to see all the wonderful events taking place on Gaia, Mother Earth, this beautiful planet. And to be witness to all the change happening in ALL our hearts. Love is blooming everywhere... Whether one wants to admit, see or acknowledge what is happening, change IS taking place..within our hearts. Love is shining in every nook and cranny..We are understanding many mysteries and Learning many secrets..

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Changes

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The world changes as you change

Allow your physical world time to catch up with the new you. It is the most dense and therefore takes the most time to see the results of the new energy that is available. Have patience. A happy move or place of employment often follow such huge shifts in your world. This movement ushers in positive new energy. You a powerful being of light. We are so happy to watch you step up and take your place.


Jafree Ozwald – Enlightened Beings – How to Master Your Financial Destiny – 31 January 2012

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Jafree Ozwald – Enlightened Beings – How to Master Your Financial Destiny – 31 January 2012

Posted on January 31, 2012 

Life in itself




is an empty canvas; it becomes whatsoever you paint on it. You can paint misery, you can paint bliss. This freedom is your glory.” ~Osho


Taking the Lead in Pushing Disclosure Forward ~ 2012 January 30 ~ by Steve Beckow [with commentary from GFP...]

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Commentary from GFP:


ML King here, dear Brothers and Sisters... what do you think about his wondrous offer?... Does it sound real?... Or, you think it is just another galactic 'scam'? Exactly... Just simply asking you these questions I put you in doubt and suspicion... Right?... 

Well, this invitation is for the ones who do not doubt... This is for only ones who KNOW, who We are... This is for the Ones who had been ridiculed, judged, accused, laughed at.... This is for BRAVE ONES, who stand TALL ALL these years of disclosure dates moved around, postponed, delayed, avoided, played with their faith... 

Yet, OUR faith is so strong and our Knowing is directly in our Hearts... And, YES, I HAVE A DREAM... I HAVE A DREAM... was on my mind for long 40 years of my previous life... but KNOW I can FREELY SAY OUT LOUD: NOW I LIVE MY DREAM... WE ARE OUR DREAM COME TRUE... MY DREAM BECOME FULL REALITY...

Love you dear Brave and Free Brothers and Sisters... WE ARE FINALLY FREE... WE ARE FREE... 


Galactic Free Press staff member Martin Luther KING/ aka Predrag 



~Mira the Pleiadian: All Masks Will Be Removed~

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~Mira the Pleiadian: All Masks Will Be Removed~



2012 January 31
Through Galactic Love Reporter Valerie Donner

A Message from Mira, from the Pleiadian High Council



Dear Ground Crew:

Has this past month or so been challenging for you?  Are you feeling physical pain, having strong emotions, needing extra sleep or not being able to sleep at all?


Do you want to crawl back into bed in the morning and stay there? Are people in your life getting ill, passing away and/or acting strangely? Is time moving fast for you?


Have you noticed that you are having dreams or old feelings about things that are unresolved or that you thought were resolved? Are you getting positive feedback from others about your impact on them?


~On the Use of “White” in “White Brotherhood”~

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~On the Use of “White” in “White Brotherhood”~

2012 January 31
Galactic Love Reporter Steve Beckow

Here is the article I mentioned yesterday on the notion of “white” in the designation “White Brotherhood.”


— In GRT-CIP@yahoogroups.com, July 7, 2009, XXX wrote:

> Hello,

> I have a question : the White Brotherhood – is this a collection of white/fair skinned races? I recall that many indigenous races here on Earth have legends of white skinned “gods”. What about the colored races here? Where do they fit in re. the GF? Or does the White may refer to the Light?


Jim Euclid ~ A Posse Ad Esse ~ From Possibility To Actuality ~ 31 January 2012

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Jim Euclid ~ A Posse Ad Esse ~ From Possibility To Actuality ~ 31 January 2012

Meritocractic capitalism has emerged as a tour de force of the second decade (21st century). What this paradigm suggests is that it should be illegal for anyone who is untalented and rich to secure advantage over any political, scientific, religious or economic establishment.

Anyone expecting overnight changes to the current system would be asked to be patient, or else become one. The wealthy will be slow to part with well worn traditions. Boredom, especially within the poor class, produces its own remedy – violent action. Hence, creativity will occupy those who await the transition to Ascension; be it in music, literature, science, politics, economics. To paraphrase a great movie, if we build a new earth, people are sure to come.


Spirituality has merged with science to finally conceive of the notion of  ’conscious evolution’, a sort of spiritual darwinianism, where survival of the fittest is replaced with flourishing of the wise, where only the wittiest will prevail.


Steve Beckow And Linda Dillon ~ An Hour With An Angel ~ Hosted By Graham Dewyea ~ More About Disclosure

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Steve Beckow And Linda Dillon ~ An Hour With An Angel ~ Hosted By Graham Dewyea ~31 January 2012


By Graham Dewyea :  Steve Beckow interviews Grener, President of the Intergalactic Council, channeled by Linda Dillon.


Grener discusses the Council, which represents many beings, cultures and galaxies. Its guiding principles are peace, cooperation, non-agression, non-violence and love. Earth is a member. He extends to all human beings a welcome to the Council.


He indicates that there are millions of ships here now that have come in peace to assist as equals. Those on the ships look human. They have no need of Earth’s resources, only to share their knowledge and information. They want to see how we build love to serve as a model for other universes. He talks about Ascension and the Shift. He indicates that it is time for us to acknowledge our membership in the Council and to acknowledge our brothers and sisters from the stars.


1/31/2012 -- Earthquake Northwest of Chicago -- in ADDITION to the nuclear power plant issue

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SOMETHING is going on in North Illinois --- Northwest of Chicago --- first , yesterday (Jan 30, 2012)... the Nuclear power plant northwest of Chicago experienced an event -- the reactor suddenly lost power -- and vented RADIOACTIVE STEAM into the air -- which blew down into Chicago .

Move forward 12 hours --- and now we see an EARTHQUAKE also happen to the northwest of Chicago.

See these links to find out more:




past videos I've made on the subject of Nuclear power plant earthquakes:


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