Space Weather Update~ Quiet Sun,Solar Wind 391

Lia's picture

QUIET SUN: Solar activity is low. None of the sunspots on the Earthside of the sun is actively erupting. NOAA forecasters estimate no more than a 1% chance of M-class flares during the next 24 hours. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.


ASTROPHOTO-OP: Astrophotographers, ready your cameras. On Friday morning, February 3rd, Comet Garradd (C/2009 P1) will pass approximately 0.5 degrees from globular cluster M92 in Hercules. On Jan. 31st, Rolando Ligustri took this picture of the converging pair using a remotely-controlled 106mm telescope in New Mexico:



The ten minute exposure shows the comet's fan-shaped dust tail, which roughly traces the comet's orbit, and its pencil-thin gas tail, which points almost directly away from the sun due to the action of the solar wind.


2/1/2012 -- Severe Weather Outbreak -- South USA -- AR, LA, MS, AL, TN, KY, GA, SC, NC

AnaShyNa's picture

Full website post with multiple links you can use to monitor this severe outbreak:

If you live in the states of: Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, Georgia, South Carolina, or North Carolina --- be aware of this severe weather outbreak -- pay heed to any warnings issued for your area .

Be safe, be prepared.



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I imagine that most of those who join me on this vlog are aware of Benjamin Fulford. His post from Monday, January 30th contains information released from the White Dragon Society revealing plans to establish a New World Order. This includes providing $125,000 to everyone on the planet, returning stolen funds being restored to their rightful owners: the people that have been fleeced by the criminal cabals that have undermined the peace of the world. Does this make sense? Here's the link for those that wish to read it all:


AnaShyNa's picture

A video from Maharishi University featuring David Lynch and Dr. John Hagelin was sent to me yesterday. The former said that peace is not the absence of war, it's the absence of negativity. It's a short, thought-provoking video that, for me, created and enigma. What is negativity? For that matter, what is peace? Here's the link to the video:

AAUriel ~ It is Decision Time

Lia's picture

For many of you, it is decision time. The energy has stepped up to a level that, for some, who still have much to release, it is becoming very difficult. Those in this position might say it is not becoming difficult; it HAS been difficult for some time. We would agree with this. Many of you might feel that it has been one thing after another piled upon your shoulders. Perhaps it is the universe trying to get your attention. And yet, you dig in your heels and keep doing the same thing but expecting things to change, but how can things change when you are not even willing to make any change? Look around beloveds – look at your life. What is it that is not working? Whatever it is, make the decision to change it – take some step, no matter how small toward this goal.

Message from the Ashtar Command 2~1~12 Taking a lead role in sharing the news that your world is being visited by your brothers and sisters from the stars is a task most important at this time.

Lia's picture

Message from the Ashtar Command 2~1~12 Taking a lead role in sharing the news that your world is being visited by your brothers and sisters from the stars is a task most important at this time.





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