A Message from God ~ Inner Shift ~ 26 Jan 2012 ~Galactic Love Reporter Laura ~

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A Message from God ~ Inner Shift ~ 26 Jan 2012

~Galactic Love Reporter Laura ~


Laura: Thank you for coming in contact with me, dear God. Thank you for your love and protection. Please if you care to give a message for all of us.
God: Thank you for your work, dear Laura. The times ahead are unequalled in terms of joy, happiness, and events coming together. Merging and converging is now what is taking place. Like the waters of all worldly rivers merging into the big mother ocean, your lives are uniting. This takes place on many levels; many lives and people are coming together. Your higher bodies are also merging into your body in order to life you up.
This coming together inside is carrying out a general cleansing at a cellular level. It may be imperceptible right now to you all, but rest assured there are great changes taking place inside of your very core, my beloved.

.Once this cellular restructuration takes place, your entire world will shift. The shift will take place for each and everyone of you internally at first. Then you, my beloved human creations, you will carry Mother Earth along with you into the higher realms.
This cleansing process I speak of may be painful for some of you, it is nevertheless a necessary step for your body’s Ascension. You will take your body with you into the higher realms, so it is natural that you should focus on clearing your body of residual pains, unbalanced energies and hurtful body cellular memory, which are elements holding you back into the 3 level of density.
Be at peace, be joy and love, all is going according to plan. Trust in yourself, have trust in love.
Channeled by Laura

Greg Giles ~ Message From The Galactic Federation ~ 26 January 2012 Frequency Alignment~

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Greg Giles ~ Message From The Galactic Federation ~ 26 January 2012 Frequency Alignment~



It is you that have always made the rules that govern your existence. Now, working within the frequency of togetherness, you are all rediscovering the powers that you have always possessed. Reclaim your powers of creation, and sculpt your new world anyway you see fit. It is your right to exist within a world of your choosing.


It is no one else’s right to dictate to you rules, laws, regulations, & taxes; all are objects of your own creation. You built the walls that are currently locking you inside a prison that is paid for by your labor and constructed by your sweat, and it is you that must tear down these walls. We, the Galactic Federation, are here to assist you relieve the Warden and his guardsmen of their duties, but it is you who must give this order.


Our assistance today in your world is confusing many of you. Due to our presence here, many of you falsely believe we are here to do your work for you. This is not correct, this is not part of the plan, and this is not even permitted under the rules that are in place. We are here in service as per decree of the Creator and must abide by these guidelines. It is your show.You must write your script.


~ From My High Self (Prilon) On The Convergence Of Timelines On 12/21/12, Gaia’s Birth ~ 26 January 2012

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Suzanne Poulson Spooner ~ From My High Self (Prilon) On The Convergence Of Timelines On 12/21/12, Gaia’s Birth ~ 26 January 2012



Prilon, my High Self


[Hello Prilon!] Hi Suzy, I have stepped back into the heavenly dimensions so that you can concentrate on the matters at hand. [Yes, we had been working on the modules for the Ascension Class.] Yes but in your dimension of 3-D, things are changing very rapidly.


In your messages are coded frequencies that assist the readers to prepare for the convergence. [Can you explain to me about the convergence?] Yes, the convergence is the melding of timelines and this belief is what will occur on the date of 12/21/12. It will plunge the Earth into darkness for a period of 2-3 days. In this time the Earth’s axis will shift, the poles will move, Gaia will be born into a higher frequency and the inhabitants will ascend with her. 


Purity of Being ~by Will

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Purity of Being


It's not pure water, food or air that cleanses a Being. In fact, no physical thing is going to cleanse your Light Body, especially because your Light Body is already pure. The "impurities" that people feel lie within the mind, and those are what need to be cleansed. Poisoned thoughts leads to poisoned bodies, not the other way around.


People are going about it a totally backwards way, though most people on this Planet are living upside-down. They believe change in the physical, what they do in the lower dimensions, creates change in the Higher. Even people who don't consciously believe this still act like that's the way things work. Go tell that to any Master and they'll find it highly amusing. The Master knows which way Energy flows.

Love's Simple Truths: Rumi's Path of the Heart By Ross Heaven

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Love's Simple Truths: Rumi's Path of the Heart By Ross Heaven



Wherever and whenever people meet, it is never long before love and relationships - their problems and confusions, their bliss and beauty - is discussed. Love is as essential to us as air; a force that drives us all.

Love determines who we are, who we become, what we can achieve and, through this, how the world will evolve. It may even determine how long we live. Policy advisors to government now claim that the single strongest predictor of whether an individual will be alive in 10 years time is his answer to the question: "Does somebody love you?"
Psychologists have found links between love and self-confidence, mental, emotional, and physical well-being, and freedom from stress and anxiety. By sad contrast, those working with Romanian orphans have also found that children who are denied love can develop a "virtual black hole" in their brains where their emotional centres should be. Because of this, they can never grow up to be complete human beings.

Metatron~Reinstatment into Universal Circuitry~

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Metatron~Reinstatment into Universal Circuitry~


Galactic Love Reporter Michael Xavier for the Universal Service of Light

Messages received and shared here come from spirit and even though spirit utilizes human/personality channels - it is this group’s view that messages from spirit are never meant to elevate or be claimed by the singular. The universe works in accordance to each and every ones need - so if you are reading this you are meant to have it. Please share accordingly.



I AM Metatron

There is a vast celestial inter-working now unfolding on your sphere - and in this knowingness as the energy and vibrations are increased - many of you will begin to experience higher states of consciousness and higher frequencies in your daily lives.

Hilarion comments on Karma of Japanese Tsunami; Housing Crunch and Kim Jong-il

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Because this energy becomes stronger and clearer and this sort of vibrational interchange from all the levels becomes stronger and clearer, an energy gets started on your planet that really can't be stopped easily. This energy then says that those things that are wrong, those things have created harm, those things who stand in the way, these must be swept away. These must be released.


LOVE Yourself and Let the HEALING Begin ~from Ascended Master, Hilarion ~ by: Julie Miller

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Love Reporter Julie Miller

LOVE Yourself and Let the HEALING Begin
Message from Ascended Master, Hilarion
by: Love Reporter Julie Miller
January 25, 2012



Welcome dearest children of God to our transmission that is getting underway. Before we begin, I am sending forth a cleansing wave of love and devotion that is over pouring from my heart dear ones.

Still seekers of the truth…that you will always will be. Seeking the truth of the world around which you live does not mean you are overly inquisitive it means you are being informed. How your world, the community which you live including the people that are you neighbours, family, friends, passers-by; all can effect your perception of the truth.


I recommend and encourage each of you to stay fast and true to what YOU believe in, even if your beliefs to not match with another’s. There is no need for heated confrontations, simply accept everyone is different. Accept you have your own set of values, traits, beliefs, etc. There does come a time dear ones when you will need to address those values and beliefs and investigate their usefulness to you in the now and present.



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