The Universal Teaching of Unconditional Love: A Message to Humanity

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This article is contributed to Evolving Beings from Galactic Love Reporter Odaine Carr



*Message from the editor: Dear readers, although the following article is exceptionally long, I hope you will consider finding the time to read it in its entirety as it contains vital wisdom for our current times and future path. Odaine does a great job explaining the basis of life on this planet to date due to the paradigm of fear that we have all allowed ourselves to live in, and delves into the core topics of self-love, unconditional love and how these are our only solutions for our personal and collective salvation. He also includes a special message for men and women, in terms of marriage and its role at this time of the great awakening. He leaves us with practical ideas, expanding our consciousness and fostering our awakening further through all that he shares. Evita.


The Quest For Absolute Truth

The Increase of Solar Flares from a Spiritual Perspective

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The Increase of Solar Flares from a Spiritual Perspective





Yogi Bhajan had a clear understanding of what would happen as we entered the Aquarian Age and he warned us that solar storm activity would increase significantly and affect the magnetic field of the Earth.


In the past few years, even mainstream media has been reporting massive solar flares unlike any we have ever seen. These solar flares are directly connected to the Earth Changes we are experiencing and play a big role in our quickening -  our accelerated evolution as a humanity.

Spacemuffin ~ Disclosure ~ 26 January 2012

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Spacemuffin ~ Disclosure ~ 26 January 2012



How much evidence do we need, to finally wake up to the fact that we are not alone in the Universe?


  We have structures on earth that to this day, we haven’t the technology to re-create, yet so many people turn away from that fact.  We have had thousands upon thousands of sightings, that we know of, and they are increasing exponentially, but we still doubt.  We have scientific evidence, spiritual evidence, aboriginal knowledge, but we’re still unsure.  We have crop circles all over the world, that magically appear out of nowhere, that defy our understanding of physics, yet they still want us to believe that some drunk guys made them in the middle of the night. We have paintings of spacecrafts in caves and paintings of spacecrafts found in the skies of oil paintings, which hang on museum walls all over the world. 


Selacia ~ Making Sense Of Now ~ 2012 Tipping Point, Year Of The Dragon ~ Council of 12 Message ~ 26 January 2012

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 Galactic Love Reporter Selacia ~ Making Sense Of Now ~ 2012 Tipping Point, Year Of The Dragon ~ Council of 12 Message ~ 26 January 2012


Living now is unlike any other time. If you are like most people, you have more questions than answers, and you wonder more about what’s coming next.

The following are five key themes associated with being alive during 2012. Each applies to you personally while also relating to humanity as a whole. These universal themes impact people at all stages of spiritual growth. The effect may be experienced consciously or unconsciously, depending upon how awake a person is to what’s going on.   

As you consider the following, invite your inner wisdom to speak to you about what is especially relevant for you right now. Meditate upon that. Bring the ideas into your dream state over the coming days, too, inviting a higher wisdom about your life and optimal next steps.


Five Themes of 2012

(1) Transformation


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Yes, after my video yesterday I listened to the entire 3-hour interview on Project Camelot with Bill Wood, David Wilcock, Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan. That and other things in the past 24 hours give me a sense of hope and peace. The day was capped off hearing an amazing man, Dr. Lin Osbourne, 90-year-old retired college professor of World Religions as he opened his heart and shared his deep spirituality. This morning I am still sensing awe as my own heart touches the infinite once again.

Gloria Wendroff ~ The Heaven Letters ~ Greatness Is Yours ~ 26 January 2012

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Gloria Wendroff ~ The Heaven Letters ~ Greatness Is Yours ~ 26 January 2012




God said:

When you put aside the little smallnesses that occupy you, in contrast, what Greatness would you then be? I am talking about the thoughts you carry, how this one hurt your feelings, and that one didn’t do right by you, and all the echoes that occupy you so single-mindedly. Beloveds, if you would drop all thoughts like that and think about that which holds value to you and look into the eyes of those whom you are presently peeved at, what Greatness would you be?


What Greatness would the world be? Energy is not lost, and yet you put your energy on small things, little pin-pricks of society that amount to nothing, and yet you let these pin-pricks occupy your thoughts. If they occupy your thoughts, they occupy your life. So what if everything someone says doesn’t suit you? So what if everything some people do doesn’t suit you? So what, this and that? A crowd of thoughts mill around you, and you are surrounded by them, and your life feeds on them. What do you want your life made of? I know you want your life made of Greatness. Let go of those pesky little thoughts, and Greatness will be yours. Great thoughts yield great crops.

Lucas ~ The Truth Within Yourselves ~ 26 January 2012

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 Galactic Love Reporter Lucas ~ The Truth Within Yourselves ~ 26 January 2012


I had the urge to write about that what is  for lots a difficult part to grasp.  Seek the truth within yourselves.  What a one liner again you think.  But soon you will see it is more. You are mostly still seeking the truth in what others tell you to see as your truth or what you have to belief. But is that truly the truth in you? Is that what your deepest heart feeling says to you and what resonates in you not your truth? 


I think we forgotten to see that we are much too dependent on others. Seeking a lot but not where you can find it. You have in you all the knowledge that you need to have, but you need only see that it is there. You do not have to think in a buddhist fashion nor in an other believe system or being called alternative or  spiritual as  all that are labels you need not take notice off. Ascension, as it is called, is nothing more than finding the ultimate truth in yourselves that you have more capabilities in creating an unconditional loving world. You have the ability to create the lightworld in and around you. You can even find the true meaning of being in a constant state of  harmony, love and light in the connection with the source. Yes, the one called  many  names:  God, Creator, The Divine, etc.


~ Let's Bring In The Love~ We Are HERE~ Family Reunion~

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~ What is Disclosure? Love IS~~~ Love In Action every Moment. We Stand with You in all Love is. And the Givers On this Planet are Inherting this Planet~ We Love You~ Be Love, Love Yourselves, Love Each other and spread this..... Love is Manifested on Planet Earth=Heart and Love WINS~ Love Mother and Father God and The Galactic Free Press Staff~



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