TAUK with Allendale ~ Dream of James Martinez and comments on the Bill Wood, David Wilcock Camelot Interview.

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TAUK with Allendale ~ Dream of James Martinez and comments on the Bill Wood, David Wilcock Camelot Interview.



~Galactic Love Reporter Laura ~

Laura: Hi Allendale. I had a dream last night, it fell very real and intense. I was in a house with a lot of people who were suffering financially. I was one of them, although I was a lot more worried for those with families than for myself. James Martinez came to visit the house and hundreds of people and couples were there. James came to see us all and evaluate our needs. We have explained our difficulties and needs to him, and he assured us all that our needs would be shortly looked after his report to his superiors. I would love to hear your interpretation of my dream. Is it a sign of things to come, such as I have recently had premonition dreams of my imminent move of last week.


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 Galactic Love Reporter ~Lynette Leckie-Clark



Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ We feel there is excellet information here. However, being told to do specific things for this is not needed, being pure means you have no held belief systems in your Body Hologram. All you have to be is Love. Water does assisting you in grounding the energies.Love Mother and Father God and The Entire Galactic Free Press Staff


I Kuthumi come forward to speak to you at this time. A time of great remembrance. Cellular remembrance, brought forward through the changing vibrational energies of the ethers, through your etheric bodies to filter into the higher chambers of your heart. These energies mingle with your cellular structure, traveling throughout the physical body and finally merging with the same higher vibrational frequencies entering through the Soul Star chakra to the Crown chakra, merging into the Pineal gland. So here is unity of your Heart chakra my friends in this great year of emergence, 2012.


Pure Energy Intake

Greg Giles ~ A Message From Melina Of The Ashtar Command ~ 25 January 2012~ Events are transpiring smoothly and efficiently, and much is being accomplished ~

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Greg Giles ~ A Message From Melina Of The Ashtar Command ~ 25 January 2012~ Events are transpiring smoothly and efficiently, and much is being accomplished ~

Hello, I am Melina, and I would like to share a few words with you through our channel Greg today. I am a female officer of the Ashtar Command. My command involves the procurement of space travel related equipment and supplies. These articles are necessary for certain types of our craft to travel through space. The supplies are shipped to awaiting frigates where I then command our ship to rendezvous with the frigate and transfer the goods to our ship’s storage holds. This equipment is vital to our mission and must be delivered at regularly scheduled intervals to allow us to maintain our ship and carry out our duties. 
I have been a member of the Ashtar Command for many eons, and I look so forward to meeting so many of our new recruits from your world. We are very excited to finally meet so many of our human family face-to-face, and we are in our final stages of preparations for this historic meeting. Many of you have clearly demonstrated your ability to accept us and your willingness to work with us in a mutually beneficial cooperation.

~Greetings from Alpha Spaceship!~

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~Greetings from Alpha Spaceship!~


Until now you had been raised to think, at the most, whether God exists and He created the Universe, or whether it formed itself from a big explosion. This is the deepest divide you can have in your actual state of consciousness. However, when you have ascended beyond the third dimension or the density in which you live, no longer will there be any more questions like this, since your connection with your Higher Self, being accentuated and improved, will give a capacity of understanding of who you are, where you come from, what are you made of, and where you come from, more in keeping with the truth.

~Confusion Twice Compounded~ Steve Beckow

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~Confusion Twice Compounded~

2012 January 25
 Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Steve Beckow

A number of you have written in or posted to the discussion groups expressing a range of emotions from shock to disappointment at the variety of messages that we’re receiving on the issue of Disclosure.


I want to acknowledge your confusion and say that I share it and, unfortunately, am not somehow in touch with whoever makes the decisions on behalf of the star nations. So I cannot easily dispel it for you or for myself.


~2012 ~ A Glimpse Into The Magnifient Year Ahead Archangel Metatron Channel via James Tyberonn

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2012 ~ A Glimpse Into The Magnifient Year Ahead

Archangel Metatron Channel via James Tyberonn



Greetings Masters !

We encircle each and every one of you with a nurturing energy and with the field of self empowerment, for each of you are truly Masters on your path of Ascension. It is our purpose to offer you inspiration and clarity, but indeed it is once and always requisite that YOU, as a sacred and sovereign BEING, practice discernment with this and any such 'channeled' message.


We will begin this assay regarding 2012, a truly auspicious year, by addressing the fears some of you may have. We will first tell you the Ascension is on track, and will in fact occur. You have made it so. In many aspects, the Ascension has already taken place. What remains however, is tantamount to the completion of the Crystalline Grid, and the final activations of the Crystalline Transition.

Now, regarding the fears, we gently ask all of you to look at the world around you for just a moment. What do you see ?


~Update~ From The Brotherhood and Sisterhood of the Divine~ The Wave~Emotional Intensificaton and Release

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The Wave~Emotional Intensificaton and Release

Through Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Eric Breault
Hello, We are the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of the divine.  We are in divine connection with god.  We have noticed a powerful storm system moving from the West Coast with a possible tornado and reports of 100 plus mph winds as it moved through California with damages.  This storm system brought about stormy conditions right through the east coast.  The worst of the conditions manifested deadly tornadoes in the southern states.  This system  actually is a manifestation of the powerful energy wave that has been circling your planet.  This system is stirring up a lot of emotional turmoil that has been hidden inside many.  This is also causing the children to become more hyper, silly and losing a sense ofboundaries because of their sensativies of this powerful wave moving through the country. 


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A LIVE 3 hour marathon Q & A with Kerry Cassidy, David Wilcock and Bill Ryan and the audience of some 3,000 viewers ... this version has been edited to begin without delay from technical issues in the beginning.

Bill Wood discusses why his INDIGO clearance which goes above top secret is not well known among Navy Seals or others, his experience with Looking Glass and the convergence of the timelines seen at the end of 2012. He also covers why this is a game changer for humanity and how to discover your own special abilities and powers.

Kerry Cassidy
Project Camelot


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