The Alchemist ~ The Alien’s ~ The New Crystal~Like City!

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 ~Galactic Love Reporter Lisa Gawlas~


The Alchemist ~ The Alien’s ~ The New Crystal~Like City!



Boy, these days are unfolding like a blurr.  My relationship with time is becoming looser and looser.  I have so much to do, yet get none of it done in any ongoing day.  It is very much like, after my last reading of the day, I go seal myself up in an energy bubble on my chair and before I know it, I am starting a new day with more things on my to-do list.

Yet… it is all I can do.


Yesterday, my 3rd full week in the fields of Shambhala (smile) I feel like we all hit a crescendo.  So much added detail to the field… our field together.  But before I get to that, let me share the fullness of the day as I experienced it.


Lauren C. Gorgo~ The New Holographic Matrices (Pleiadian High Council)

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In your world affairs many are beginning to realize that the truth can no longer be repressed by the few who wish to dominate the land. A tide has turned and the current is too strong to swim against and many are losing the strength to resist the unyielding cosmic flow.


It is, however, with great honor and prestige that the mighty and the few who begin to rise to the surface now will be noticed for their glory in lieu of selfishness or greed. The story of the past can no longer precipitate the planning for the future, for the future beckons new perspective, new levels of consciousness that are rising to serve the planet as a whole.


~ Jesus ~ When Judgment Is Set Aside, Appropriate Responses Can Be Determined ~ 22 January 2012

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~Galactic Love Reporter John Smallman ~ Jesus ~ When Judgment Is Set Aside, Appropriate Responses Can Be Determined ~ 22 January 2012



 As you watch the dramatic evolutionary changes in people’s behavior occurring all over the world, you cannot be unaware of the effects that those changes are causing. For some decades now, many of you have been seeking peace, hoping for peace, praying for peace, and because of that, your own attitudes and behaviors have become far more peaceful. This has made space available for you to withdraw from spontaneous judgment in your dealings with others, and this encouraged them to do likewise. When judgment is set aside or avoided, actions and situations may be observed dispassionately, allowing an appropriate response to be determined which is suitable to the occasion or circumstances.


Lucas ~ ~Message From The Guiding Spirits ~ 22 January 2012

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~ Galactic Love Reporter Lucas ~ ~Message From The Guiding Spirits ~

22 January 2012



We are your guiding spirits from the higher realms  you know us by our names.


(Lucas) I have connected to you  collectively  to give a message at your feast of light and your holidays.


We  will give our message to all of you,  dear ones.

Dearly  beloved souls, we are the collective  guiding spirits giving you this message. As we  come to the Chinese New Year we want to speak to you about the your ascension process advancing. 


Our lives have been given wanted and unwanted changes these past months. Just see it as for the better of you and all of mankind.  The changes will give you windows of  opportunities to follow the new path finding the way of you inner ascension process. You seek ascension as if its was an apple to be bought in a store. You will not find the way as you seek outside yourselves dear ones.


~ Hilarion ~ 22 January 2012 Be the Love and Beacon of Light as Humanity Awakens~

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Marlene Swetlishoff ~ Hilarion ~ 22 January 2012 Be the Love and Beacon of Light as Humanity Awakens~





Beloved Ones,


The higher energies of Cosmic Love are continuing to permeate the atmosphere of the Earth and more and more people are beginning to have long hidden or unresolved issues come up for review from within them and this is creating a lot of anxieties, questions and worries within themselves. Be alert to these energies as they come up in those around you, including your family members and be compassionate but detached. It is no longer necessary for you to take on the concerns of those around you. No matter how much you love them, realize that it is they who must comes to terms with what is now surfacing.



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I see daily Search terms on my Stats page here from increasing numbers of people searching for information about why they’re feeling inner body vibrations; why they’re smelling smokey burning incense; why they’re having excessive inner heat (hot flashes) in their bodies that radiate outward and so on. I thought it was time to try again to help more people being activated now to better understand what they’re experiencing and why.

Over the years I’ve written several articles about the many Ascension symptoms, about Kundalini rising and its symptoms, and about the Rewiring of the Body and Brain. The bottom-line is that all of these symptoms, all of these unusual experiences are the same Process. Theyall are Ascension symptoms, Kundalini symptoms, because they’re one and the same thing.


~Space Weather Update~ CME IMPACT~ Incoming Love Codes~ Wind Speed 435

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CME IMPACT: A coronal mass ejection (CME) hit Earth's magnetic field at 0617 UT on Jan. 22nd. At first the impact did not appear to be a strong one: the solar wind speed barely lifted itself to ~400 km/s when the CME passed by. Now, however, in the wake of the CME, a dense and increasingly geoeffective solar wind stream is blowing around Earth, setting the stage for possible auroras on the night of Jan. 22nd. Aurora alerts: text, voice.


A surge of ground currents in Lofoton, Norway, signaled the CME's arrival, but the impact occurred as the sun was rising--too late for European sky watchers to spy the Northern Lights. In Canada, however, there was a window of visibility:


"It was very cloudy at Lake Laberge north of Whitehorse, but we just happened to get 10 minutes of clear sky not long after the CME hit," reports Phil Hart from the Yukon. "A green corona appeared directly overhead."


attachments / impediments and darkness ~ Updated 19 January 2012 ~ ArcMichaelLight ~ Michael Xavier

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attachments / impediments and darkness - Updated
19 January 2012 - 6:13pm |  ArcMichaelLight

Love Reporter Michael Xavier



[This transmission on energy management has been over seen by Archangel Michael and the Archangels which will be exploring certain anomalies having to do with energetic anomalies and how they affect ascenders. This will also bring forth on how to best overcome these anomalous energies in these times of personal and planetary ascension]

Your Morontial Soul / Energy / Auric field and how to maintain and keep it clear of illusion and darkness.
There are many impinging factors and energetic attachments that are not visible to the human eyes to the morontial individual / soul self / energy system of who you are.


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