Message from Yeshua 1.20.12 ~ Be Love ~

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Message from Yeshua 1.20.12 ~ Be Love ~

As channeled through Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Fran Zepeda


From time beginning there has been love, unconditional and everlasting, and unequivocally true. My dear friends, you are approaching a period where nothing can compare. You are approaching a time where the hearts of many will be One and the truth will be contained in pure thought, when all that matters will be pure intention, my dear friends. Look at your lives at this moment; consider what is in your hearts. Take a moment to reflect on what is your true desire. Forget what you perceive to be the truth from what others are projecting, and anchor within your hearts right now. Right now dear ones, go inside and dwell in your hearts.

Extraterrestrial Discloure Announcement

Best HBCU's picture

This video is a public announcement of the disclosure extraterrestrial life and that these beings from other worlds are friendly and want to assist us in restoring ourselves, one another, all life upon the planet, and the planet herself, back to total freedom and love. If you believe the same, perhaps you will make your own video. This will help them to know that we want to make contact with them.


AnaShyNa's picture




Your HEART is a Treasure
Message from Archangel Jophiel
  Julie Miller
January 20, 2012



You are truth seekers on a journey that brings many delights and knowledge soaked lessons. The truth you seek is of yourself. What is it that shines your light so bright? What is it that you believe in or hold dear to you? What is the basis or foundation of who you are and how did you get here? These are only some of the questions I see that form into many minds.


Within your heart dear ones is a light; your light that has always been there. It has not been hiding, merely waiting. It is your shining Divine Light of your heart; your God-Spark, the Light that encourages you with optimism as you go forward.


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'Birthing New Reality', heARTfully designed by K. Allen Kay

Self-Love is the well-spring of Kindness, Compassion,
Truth, Freedom, Beauty and Appreciation ... all
expressions of an Illuminated Heart.

In nurturing our Dream Seeds, we are Birthing
New Reality, reconnecting to the Source Code of Love,
and streaming this through our Hearts into the World.

This Love magnetizes to it vibrationally-matched
experiences, drawing to us abundance, creativity,
delightful relationships and fulfillment of our dreams.

It all begins with Self Love.

Just for today ...

Be present to opportunities to practice Self-Love.
Speak kindly of yourself and your dreams. Practice
compassion when self-judgment rises. Identify your
Truth, and live it at all costs. Celebrate the Beauty of
who you really ARE, and Appreciate all that this day


Blooming Humans are WE!


In recognizing our outer reality is simply a projection
of inner state of being - our vibration - we are
empowered to shift our individual consciousness,
and so we change the world.

Accepting we create our own reality precipitates
responsible co-creation, life-affirming action and

~ Earthquake and Volcano Watch~Watch Jan 22-26, 2012 Possible 7.2 Quake~

Lia's picture

Targeting Coronal Hole (CH495). Strong solar disturbances and significant K-index spike indicates a strong seismic event for the coming days. After analysis I have isolated (10-13°S Latitude) and a location just above the equator. Solar symmetry to earth indicates best fit regions for a possible 7.2 Magnitude Earthquake are:

Celebes Sea, Solomon Islands or Central Peru

Targeting Coronal Hole (CH496) indicates a strong seismic event for the end of this watch period. After analysis I have isolated (21-27°S Latitude). Solar symmetry to earth indicates best fit regions for a possible 7.2 Magnitude Earthquake are:

Mozambique, South Pacific Islands or Western Australia
*Possible volcanic activation in the Reunion Islands (Piton de la Fournaise)

OLR Anomalies this week are: Cape Verde Islands, Panama, Colombia, Gulf Of California, Kamchatka Peninsula, Western Australia, Ryukyu Islands and East Of Samoa

Excellent information websites for solar watchers and researchers
Earthquake Reporting Channel

Worldwide Visualization for a Better World [Planet]: Saturday, January 21, 2012

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Worldwide Visualization for a Better World [Planet]: Saturday, January 21, 2012



Worldwide Visualization for a Better World [Planet]: Saturday, Jan. 21, 2012


The worldwide event is called “Vision for a Beautiful New World” and takes place on Saturday, January 21, 2012, at 6 PM Spain, 7 PM Jerusalem, 9 AM California (adjust for your time zone).


The visualization event was created by Mathew Hart, given to him in a dream event recently. (Click here to read the original story posted January 8.)


Please consider joining in this international meditation for a “beautiful new world.”

To learn more about this event, please go to: or you can visit Zingdad’s site .



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