Will Harader ~Where is the Kingdom of Heaven? Where Is God? Where Is Love?

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~Where is the Kingdom of Heaven? Where Is God? Where Is Love?






Where is the Kingdom of Heaven? Where is God? Where is Love? Do you find these at your house? On vacation? During the weekend? After retirement? Perhaps these are found in books? On the Internet? Learned from a lecture? Taught in school? Found at church? Maybe in the next episode of your favorite TV show? Or the next level of a video game? People search everywhere for Love and happiness, except for one place and that's where they've been told to look over and over again. The Kingdom of Heaven is within you.

~The Importance of Unconditional Love of ALL Life!~

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The Importance of Unconditional Love of ALL Life!

~Galactic Love Reporter Lisa Gawlas~



This is probably the most important post I will ever write.  I have written many times on this subject over the years simply because of it’s importance, but today, it feels different, fuller maybe.

I sat here yesterday just pondering everything.  I do mean everything!  But most especially, what is so special about here.  This place, this energy.  How is it really all coming to life after waiting eons of time.


2012 the Truth

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Commentary from Galactic Free Press:

Truly inspirering and from the Heart talk from Jim... Yes, there are tribulations coming... Yes, there are challenges arising... And Yes, we have greatest opportunity to see this through  Loving Eyes, and be open and acceptant that these events are not here to hurt us in any way of existence, but simply to provide oprtunity to see self out of this existence... out of this material notion of life... Out of the box called judgment... Out of our own mind, and stay directly in our heart...

We are so Grateful dear Jim, for your messages... They are coming from your heart... and they are coming without judgment and blame... 

With Love, Predrag from GFP... 

Sekhmet ~ 2-0-1-2 ~ Dragon Flame of Empowerment, Water of Harmony

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Sekhmet ~ 2-0-1-2 ~

Dragon Flame of Empowerment,

Water of Harmony



Ascension Energy Tools Call,1-17-12


"Well, Greetings Everyone! Such a wondrous time we are in this year of 2-0-1-2. Yes, someone was asking about it in terms of the Dragon. And this is the year of the Dragon, and of course that is all about power, taking charge, as it were, powering ahead, and sometimes it can be somewhat overwhelming.


"But wait a minute, this is the year of the Water Dragon! And so the water has a tendency to cool the excess of fire. It is a balance, you might say. It is another way of creating Harmony, where there might have been a perception of, shall we just say, power running full steam ahead, with no regard for anyone who might be in its path.


Wes Annac ~ What Lies ahead for Earth and Humanity? Wes Annac Scratches the Surface ~

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 Galactic Love Reporter Wes Annac ~ What Lies ahead for Earth and Humanity? Wes Annac Scratches the Surface ~ 21 January 2012



In this forecasting of events to come, I found myself speaking from both the perspective of the Galactic Federation and the perspective of us who are incarnate on Earth. When pondering why this was so, the answer came to me clearly: because I am a fully-working member of the Galactic Federation, while being incarnate here on Earth! Upon review it actually seems kind of simple. 


We have heard many times from sources of information on the coming age of prosperity and ascension, be they channeled or otherwise, that in a quick amount of our fading concept of time our lives will change in profound and dramatic ways. We have heard and read this many times, though I don’t think many of us have truly tried to realize or understand the seriousness and the trueness behind those words. Have many of us who are looking forward to the immediate period ahead of working with our Galactic brethren, have considered all that that entails?


The Planetary Grid Transmissions ~ New Moon Monday, January 23, 2012 ~ Children of the Sun

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Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation  


The Planetary Grid Transmissions  

New Moon Monday, January 23 


 With unified meditation, receiving and transmitting

during 4 synchronized times:  


Sydney, Australia: 8 pm

Country of India: 8 pm

 Paris, France: 8 pm

New York, USA: 9 pm

HEAVEN #4075 ~ All the Good Things ~ 21.01.2012 ~ by Gloria Wendroff

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Galactic Love Reporter Gloria Wendroff ~ The Heaven Letters 



All the Good Things

Heavenletter #4075 Published on: January 21, 2012

God said:


As you come closer to Me, you become more like Me. That's how it is. When you love, there is nothing to be proven. There is no proof to give, for love is. Be reassured in your heart that you are a being who loves. You know how to love, and you are love.


HEAVEN #4074 ~ GOD'S BLESSING ~ 20.01.2012 ~ by Gloria Wendroff

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Galactic Love Reporter Gloria Wendroff ~ The Heaven Letters ~ God's Blessing ~ 20 January 2012



God's Blessing

Heavenletter #4074 Published on: January 20, 2012

God said:

Your dreams are beginning to come true. They are on the horizon. You can see them. Your dreams are sliding toward you. As you look at your dreams on the horizon, you may not be able to see that they are moving toward you. Their movement may be imperceptible.



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