~We are the miracles we’ve been waiting for… ~

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~We are the miracles we’ve been waiting for… ~





A truthbringer is never esteemed in places where our gifts cause others to confront the inner lies…


If I listened to all the criticism I receive from the deadened ones, I’d be like so many other people… silent, scared… unable to sing, dance, create or smile, look myself in the mirror, or even praise God… how I’ve risen above I don’t quite know how, I just know that I AM doing it, with all the assistance of our universal family and an open heart..


~Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ ~Perseverance~ Hang In there~

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~Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ ~Perseverance~

Hang in there

20 January 2012




Be steadfast, and keep going. Visualize your desires, and they will come your way. Angel wisdom reminds you that negativity will block your progress. If you have been asking your angels, 'What is next for me?' we wish to also remind you that we are waiting for you to make the decision for yourself. If you have been feeling stuck lately, it is because you have not decided where to go next. We can help you decide, however the choice is ultimately up to you. An impasse can occur if you are afraid to make the wrong choice. There is no wrong choice, that are just choices that take longer than others. We will light the path of your choosing. Your mission is to choose the path you wish to take.


~We can Announce Disclosure Ourselves~

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~Galactic Love Reporter and FIrst Contact Team Member Pamela~
Dear readers,


We are proving every day that we do not need politicians to speak for us. We have the power to make our own YouTube videos and announce disclosure for ourselves. If all of us who follow sites like the Galactic Free Press made a disclosure video, then this could go viral ~ everyone making their own video.


A simple "I believe..." statement will suffice. Ex. "I believe in friendly extraterrestrials." "I believe that Light Beings from other worlds are here to assist us." Anything of this nature. Just go on record. The more simple the message, the more likely the concept could go viral.


At the very least, it could get the ball rolling. Maybe if disclosure becomes a public trend, politicians will follow suit.


The plans of the Light Beings are based upon probabilities, not certainties, meaning that anything can influence them, including especially us.

~The Doorway Has Emerged!~ ~Galactic Love Reporter Lisa Gawlas~

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~The Doorway Has Emerged!~



~Galactic Love Reporter Lisa Gawlas~


I am getting so many new visuals, communications, (vague) understandings that it is really hard for me to keep up.  Thank God for a good nights sleep (smile.)  I really feel the soul whispers to the consciousness of the human about what they are seeing and feeling so they can get a clearer understanding… and even more excitement about it all!


~ 2012~The Lightworker Flash Mob~

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Sunday, 1 January, 2012  (posted 19 January, 2012) 



I have seen videos on flash mobs but I never related flash mobs to Lightworkers until last month when the Angels wanted to make an encouraging point.  You may have seen some of the videos of flash mobs singing and dancing. The video I saw was from the University of Minnesota, the Carlson School of Management. Here is the video - The “mob” was a group of nearly 300 University of Minnesota music students. When I was watching the Angels told me to pay close attention to every detail.


James Tyberonn ~ Archangel Metatron ~ Crystal Skulls And The Ascension Paradigm

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Crystal Skulls & the Ascension Paradigm

Greetings Masters, I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I encircle each of you in a
field of Unconditional Love.

Beloved, it is 2012, and much awaits you. For this heralded time has been a clarion call to all on the path, and this beginning era, is the time for your perfection.

Sal Rachelle ~ 2012 ~Danger High Voltage~

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 Galactic Love Reporter Sal Rachelle ~Danger High Voltage~



Sal Rachele’s January~February Newsletter



You’ve seen those signs outside the gates of electrical power plants. Well, it looks like 2012 should come with a similar warning sign, at least for those who have resistance to daily increasing energies. Some of you are having trouble sleeping, while some are running around in a tizzy wondering where the time has gone. Others are having challenges staying grounded and centered.


Most of the feelings of electricity coursing through the body, or tingling, light-headedness, headaches, erratic sleep patterns, and a distorted sense of time are due to our bodies’ resistance to the higher frequencies associated with the portal shift of 2012. We cannot actually feel the energy itself, but rather, the resistance to it. Our bodies do not like rapid change, and they are being asked to move quickly into the higher frequencies.


This is why it is essential to rest, relax, ground, center, and love our bodies, giving them proper nourishment, exercise and a healthy environment.


Bill Ballard ~ Is This Love From The Head Or The Heart?

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Bill Ballard ~ Is This Love From The Head Or The Heart?


January 20 2012
via email


In the recent past I have seen many individuals coming together, thinking they have found their one other – their twin soul – only to get disappointed. This disappointment invariably happens when they believe happiness is related to this other and/or they experience love from the head and not the heart.


When you truly love from the heart it does not matter what another says or does to you or whether or not you remain close to them throughout your life. Although you may feel emotion brought to the surface as a reaction to interacting with another, that which you choose to feel is a personal matter. No one has done this to you.

Gloria Wendroff ~ The Heaven Letters ~ God’s Blessing ~ 20 January 2012

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Gloria Wendroff ~ The Heaven Letters ~ God’s Blessing ~ 20 January 2012

God said:

Your dreams are beginning to come true. They are on the horizon. You can see them. Your dreams are sliding toward you. As you look at your dreams on the horizon, you may not be able to see that they are moving toward you. Their movement may be imperceptible. As you look tomorrow, you may well see that they have moved – an inch or a mile. You will see that your dreams have been gliding toward you. Little by little, or all at once, your dreams are coming true. Of course, you are the dreamer of your dreams, and now you are the finder.


You have had the pleasure of seeing your dreams glide toward you. Near-fulfillment is wonderful, for you see your ship coming in. Oh, the anticipation. Oh, the wonderfulness! And all the treasures I have heaped up for you, you will drink of them. There will be no slip twixt cup and lip. You will drink of the cup you have prepared. You boiled the water. You steeped the tea. And you offer the tea you made to the world. You offer the world the pleasure of the tea you have made.

~Wes Annac ~ Mariara The Pleiadian On The Cannabis~Hemp Issue ~ 20 January 2012

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 Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member~Wes Annac ~


Mariara The Pleiadian On The Cannabis~Hemp Issue ~ 20 January 2012





After much reluctance, I have decided to go ahead and ask Mariara about this whole cannabis/hemp/mind altering substances issue. This is the resulting message. Much Love :)



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