~Reconnection with the great Mother..a Love I've never known.~

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Galactic Love Reporter HollieMac


~Reconnection with the great Mother..a Love I've never known.~



ok so perhaps ive been watching too much of the national geo. channel lately, but i feel like so many are afraid of the changes occuring here on Earth. Many believe Mother Earth is angry at us, and will in turn, wipe us out with natural disasters.


oh well thats just not the case now is it?! i feel these changes very much anticipated by our dear Mother, oh how she wishes for her children to reconnect with her! shes ready for ascension, and wants us to come with her. these changes are essential for her, just as we have made changes within ourselves. Were in this together, right?


~Blue Ray: Negative Thoughtform Release with the Archangels~

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 The Blue Ray Beings are an ultra-sensitive, empathic soul group like the Indigos that came from many different ascended planets and light realms to enlighten the genetic code of humanity and raise the God consciousness on Gaia.

Find out if your from the Blue Ray Here:  

“Shekinah", a Hebrew word in the "Language of Light", is a mentor of the Blue Ray. Shekinah is the lost aspect of the sacred Divine Feminine of Creation that is the embodiment of God, the ascension process. BlueRay is the soul group consciousness of the highest aspect of all Blue Rays. Together we give you these transmissions.

~ To What Degree has the Dark been Defeated? ~ Steve Beckow!

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~To What Degree has the Dark been Defeated?~

2012 January 19
Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Steve Beckow

What is the current situation with the dark cabal that has been threatening the planet’s population for so long and particularly in the period following the Second World War? Can we arrive at an up-to-date report on their strength or lack of it?

Perhaps the most direct report has come from Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon on the Dec. 26, 2011 Hour with an Angel radio show. At that time he said that “about 67 percent of your Illuminati have been completely disarmed, disempowered, removed. The others? There are still some kicking and screaming.” (1)


On Jan. 16, 2012, SaLuSa informed us that:

Wes Annac ~ All is being Lead toward a Wondrous Conclusion~

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SanJAsKa via Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Wes Annac
~ All is being Lead toward a Wondrous Conclusion~


The unraveling of the old paradigm is occurring all around you. If one could view events from an outward and slightly detached perspective, one would see that there have in fact been many major events and breakthroughs that have served to further secure the inevitable victory for the Light that is at hand. Even many revelations that have come to the fore, that have made their way to the public’s ears have opened the bottle for the genie to escape; for all to know the truth.

Laura ~ Allendale: Energies to Assimilate

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 Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Laura ~ Allendale: Energies to Assimilate



Good evening to you, lassie.


Laura: How are you Al? Many people are expecting great things to take place this year. Can you tell us a little about what is ahead of us please?


Sure, my lass. The dark ones’ power will continue to diminish, their power is fading away, and along with that goes their territory of control and manipulation. Many people will feel destabilized and out of quilter. Many changes ahead lass, no time to sleep on your laurels.


This year will literally fly by, like a month would go by. Yet, it will be so action packed that you will not have time to catch your breath from one event to the other. Some folks will lose the plot more or less, they will become completely out of centre and out of place. They will feel more and more frightened as the year goes by.


~Space Weather Update~ Advancing Sunspots~ Looking Towards Earth~ Wind Speed 361~

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CHANCE OF AURORAS: NOAA forecasters estimate a 15% to 20% chance of polar geomagnetic storms during the next 24 hours in response to a possible glancing blow from a CME. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras. Aurora alerts: text, voice.


INCREASING SOLAR ACTIVITY CLEANS UP SAT-DEBRIS: Earth's atmosphere has been puffing up in response to increasing levels of UV radiation from sunspots. This is good news for satellite operators, because a puffed up atmosphere helps clean up low-Earth orbit. "The number of cataloged debris in Earth orbit actually decreased during 2011," reports Nick Johnson in NASA's Orbital Debris Quarterly newsletter. "[The figure below] illustrates how the rate of debris reentries from the Fengyun-1C anti-satellite test of January 2007 increased during the past year."


Message from the Pleiadians 1/18/12

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Internet search engines can be your ally in the war of information and disinformation. Making yourself informed is your task, one of many at this time, and you are to see to it that you complete this task by learning as much as you can about your world, either seen or unseen, and your universe. There are a multitude of different questions you would do well to understand, and after that a multitude more questions will present themselves, but not until the initial questions are satisfied satisfactorily. Heightened states of awareness are achieved not only through the attainment of academia, but also of knowledge only gained through the gateway of the heart. Your searches through the many channels of information available throughout your Internet can be not only searches for answers to your questions, but food for your heart and your soul. A beautiful photograph may not answer a specific question you may have, but may unlock emotions buried deep within you, emotions that will unlock new doors for you to walk through.


~ Attention All Press Readers~ We will Be back~

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We are Participating in the Internet blackout today beginning at 12pm pacific time zone and will return tomorrow morning. We stand with you in Freedom and for the Truth~ You still will be able to access the site, as some others are doing a complete blackout~ We send all our Love~ Enjoy your Day in Peace~ We Love You So, Love Mother and Father God and The Entire Galactic Free Press Staff



~The Galactic Free Press~ Truth Transmissions~ Trusting Who You Are Becoming~

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~The Galactic Free Press~



~Truth Transmissions~1~18~12


~Re~Educating Humanity into THE TRUTH~







The Liberation and Freedom of the Soul is your road to full consciousness. This is a quantum leap forward, a paradigm shift and a vertical learning curve all at once, from out of illusion and into True Reality.



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