~A Special Message and Update from The Galactic Free Press~ ~WE ARE YOUR EARTH ALLIES~ WE LOVE YOU~

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~A Special Message and Update from The Galactic Free Press Staff~






Love From The Galactic Federation of Light, The Company of Heaven, and From Galactic Central~Center. WE are Your Family of Light From The Stars and Beyond. WE are Your First Contact Ground Crew Team, Assisting in the Process of a Mass Landing~Contact.


WE are In Direct Communication with Our Flag Ship "Eye of Ra, Heart of Light" that is one of the 24 Flag Ships currently Surrounding Mother Earth at this Moment.


Each of these 24 FlagShips, Each with 24 Captains have sent in 500,000 Ground Crew Members to Planet Earth, So this is a Total of 12 Million Ground Crew Members, that are now across this Planet on the Ground and in Postition.


~Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ ~Beginnings~

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~Each moment offers new beginnings~

~Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ ~Beginnings~


As you honour and follow the guidance of your heart, new opportunities come your way. If you are not happy with how things are progressing in your life, try something new. You are supported by your entourage of angelic beings and many beings of light who want nothing more than to see you happy, healthy and on the path of your desires. Take a moment and quiet your heart and your mind and ask your many angels of the highest light to surround you. Feel the love and open up to suggestions that drop into your mind. Then, pay attention to the signs that are there to guide your way. A  chance meeting is no mistake. It is divinely orchestrated as a catalyst to set the wheels in motion for the fruition of your dreams. Pay careful attention to new people and places we send into your life. You will recognize them as the hand of spirit by the sens of familiarity, comfort, and energy that you feel with them or while you are there.

~Seeing the Signs of Our Life!~

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~Seeing the Signs of Our Life!~



~Galactic Love Reporter Lisa Gawlas~


Life is just an amazing journey, especially when you can see all the sign-posts you have left for yourself along the way.

I have always said, life is always. ALL-WAYS conspiring FOR you!  Never ever against you.  Sometimes it may take years or even a decade (or several) for all the signs of your life to really come together and shout “WE MADE IT” to you!


This week has been so exciting for me, not because of the readings, altho they always get me excited (smile) but because of the people seeing their own sign posts that has been saying… you really are going somewhere and today, that validation of arrival (even if we don’t know tangibly where or what that somewhere is) sings thru the heart stream loudly.


Compte de Saint Germain's Blog~Mental Caring vs. Active Caring~

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Compte de Saint Germain's Blog


~Mental Caring vs. Active Caring~

Posted: 16 Jan 2012 02:45 AM PST

Many of my chelas have become less conscious because of their dire circumstances. Facing their fears is the only way to move forward. Instead of giving up, they need to keep looking for answers. Instead of making just any cause an answer to their need for money, the request for divine intervention is more  congruent with their heart's actual desire.

Synopsis of David Wilcock’s “Financial Tyranny”

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~Synopsis of David Wilcock’s “Financial Tyranny”~


2012 January 16
Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Steve Beckow

To make sure that everyone has a chance to glimpse at least parts of David’s recent article on “Financial Tyranny,” (1) here are snippets from some of the more significant parts of it.


Please keep in mind that David pushes farther and farther into this subject perhaps at great personal peril; certainly he cannot be sure that that’s not the case.


As you read through it, also keep in mind a statement that Matthew Ward made back in 2010:

~ Re-minders from Home ~ Honor the other Gods and empower those around You

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~ Re-minders from Home ~

From Steve:

Steve in channelSteve in channel

As we step into this special year the group give us a glimpse into the future and the open door before us. This next year will be about harmony for all of us in one way or another. The best way to achieve harmony is to honor the other gods and empower those around you.

As this year of 2011 ends and we begin a new year Barbara, Austin, Charmaine, Jon, Meg and I, along with the all the Lightworker family globally, wish you a very happy holidays and an empowered new year. We have all been waiting for this year for a long time.  Now let us walk into this special year with consciousness and create a new world with our every thought.

Big hugs,


~1~16~12 Poofness Report~ Ride Captain Ride~ YEEHAW~ All the Way HOME

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Ride Captain Ride Lyrics


Seventy-three men sailed up from the San Francisco Bay
Rolled off of their ship, and here's what they had to say
"We're callin' everyone to ride along to another shore
We can laugh our lives away and be free once more"

But no one heard them callin', no one came at all
'Cause they were too busy watchin' those old raindrops fall
As a storm was blowin' out on the peaceful sea
Seventy-three men sailed off to history

Ride, captain ride upon your mystery ship
Be amazed at the friends you have here on your trip
Ride captain ride upon your mystery ship
On your way to a world that others might have missed

(Repeat first two verses)


Ride, captain ride upon your mystery ship
Be amazed at the friends you have here on your trip


Commentary from the Galactic Free Press~ Poof speaks in code, but what she is Saying Basically is YEEHAW~ All the Way HOME~ Love Mother and  Father God and The Galactic Free Press~


Jennifer Hoffman ~ Archangel Uriel ~ Celebrate Your Failures ~ 16 January 2012

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~Galactic Love Reporter Jennifer Hoffman ~ Archangel Uriel ~ Celebrate Your Failures ~ 16 January 2012



Is it possible that the greatest reasons to celebrate are in the form of what you
would call a failure, those things that did not end as you expected or become the
fulfillment of a hope or desire? How can you be happy about something that causes
you sorrow and whose outcome means that you must re-create a part of your journey
or find another path for your life because the one you have been on is finished?

That which you call a failure is actually an expression of your soul’s healing
if you understand its true meaning and value.

The meaning of a failure can be found in alignment because what you cannot create
what you are not aligned with. In the past you may have been able to create a version
of it but as you increase your vibrations you will notice that your failures come
more quickly and with greater intensity. This is because you are being guided to
follow the path of alignment, that which is aligned with your energy, your soul’s
desire for your highest good and greatest energetic expression. When you intend
to be powerful, anything that is not an expression of that power is removed from
your field of potential.


Ben Arion ~ Galactic Federation First Contact ~ Through Diversity We Find Unity ~ 16 January 2012

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~Galactic Love Reporter Ben Arion ~ Galactic Federation First Contact ~ Through Diversity We Find Unity ~ 16 January 2012



(The links are mentioned in the picture leftside and at the end.)


Keywords in this first contact is Love and Truth. Nothing will be as before. A reunion together with thousands of Cosmic Civilizations, only in this galaxy. It´s a step by step process which will introduce us to the universal family.

The media shows only a fraction of the truth of what is happening on Earth.  One who seeks answers will have to find them on his own. The truth is that changes are bigger and stronger than anyone can imagine. Our planet is about to break out of its old shell and rise up to a higher frequency and that concerns everything that lives on her.

Now I want to speak about the implications of first contact.

People will see and feel this Cosmic Contact in different ways, depending on their beliefs.



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