What do You Know?... Just finished conversation with MLK [Martin Luther King]...

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What do You Know?... Just finished conversation with MLK [Martin Luther King]... 



Not some ethereal, or channeling talks, but face to face, smile with smile conversation... And He is not so serious as MLK , but quite contrary... extremely joyful and almost comedian... And this time he is white dud... This was kind of surprise for me...


But again, we choose all varieties of incarnations, not only to experience this duality of the world, but to follow the path of our higher knowing, where our every action has beautiful consequences during our present life, and all the future lives... Especially Ascended Masters, have tendency to leave such a beautiful trail of energies, through their actions, writings, discoveries, philosophies, music...


As MotherFatherGod are all the time saying to me: Masters will walk with US, here on Earth, next to US, be with US...


~GALACTIC FREE PRESS ~ Dedicated to Martin Luther King Jr.~Humanity you will Be Free and Get to the Promised Land~

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~Special Edition Dedicated to Martin Luther King Jr.~ Humanity you will Be Free and Get to the Promised Land~
~ Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it. Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it. Hatred darkens life; love illuminates it.~ Martin Luther King Jr.

Natalie Glasson: Mother Earth’s Message ~ by Lady Quan Yin ~ 2012 January 16

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Love Reporter Natalie Glasson

Mother Earth’s Message by Lady Quan Yin
2012 January 16

Mother Earth’s Message by Lady Quan Yin


January 15, 2012


My grace and love is expressed to you bountifully from every vibration that combines and creates my being. I am Lady Quan Yin, I step forward as a voice for the feminine vibration of the Creator’s heart holding power, gentleness and tenderness. It is my mission to step forward to you today to share some important wisdom and to be of service at this most sacred time.

Message from the Galactic Federation 1/16/12 Collecting the Clues towards Disclosure~

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More people are awakening every day and are beginning to search for and find the clues that are plentiful throughout your world. We see so many of you collecting these clues and putting the pieces together that solve the riddle of your existence and your future ahead of you. Continue to search for answers, and we shall help you further your understandings in every area in which you wish to gain more wisdom.


There is so much more to your reality than meets the 3rd dimensional eye, and one of our tasks as a member of the Galactic Federation is to assist you in discovering these new avenues of wisdom to travel upon. We send you clues, and at times gentle nudges to set you in the direction you expressed your desire in traveling before you left the spirit world for your new 3D adventure. We saw the times when you veered slightly off course, and we helped you reset your compass points and regain the trail. We must always honor your sacred right of free will, and we are careful to not overstep our boundaries, allowing you to make your own choices and travel the paths you so choose.


How clear are your intentions? Do you know what you desire? ~ by Cassandra

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by Love Reporter Cassandra


How Clear are your Intentions? Do you Know what you desire?




Love to you all,

This week is a powerful week for manifesting! I felt this message all day yesterday and now I am seeing this same message pop up everywhere.

How clear are your intentions? Do you know what you desire? If you are unclear, try to pick one area of your life and start there. Sit down and dream as big as you can. Do you remember when you were a child and anything was possible? That feeling of if you can imagine it, you can have it. Get back to that feeling and mental space. Don't limit yourself.

ઇઉڿڰ(̆̃̃♥ Prayer to Mother Earth ♥(̆ڿڰઇઉ

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ઇઉڿڰ(̆̃̃♥ Prayer to Mother Earth ♥(̆ڿڰઇઉ


We present ourselves before you at this solemn moment to express our awareness, our gratitude and our aspiration as a spiritual family. We know that our ancestors are always alive in us and that we can always take refuge in you and in our ancestors.

Mother Earth, breathing in, we see that we and all of our ancestors are your children. With your patience, stability, endurance and creativity you have raised us and guided us through many lifetimes. You have given birth to countless Great Beings, Buddhas, Saints, and Boddhisattvas. You are the great Earth, you are Terra, you are Gaia, you are this beautiful blue planet. You are the Earth Refreshing Bodhisattva–fragrant, cool, and kind. We see that though we and our ancestors have made many mistakes, you have always forgiven us. Each time we return to you, you are ready to open your arms and embrace us.

But since everything IS ONE and CONNECTED... ~ AA Michael ~ by Susan Elsa

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Commentary from the Press:
all of heaven is with you now...
by Love Reporter Susan Elsa

Dear beloved Souls of the wonder-full Creator

I A.M. Archangel Michael. Many of you seem sometimes to have completely forgotten who I AM, or who God even is. When I say these words, I do not mean to say, you don't have a connection, you do. But the closeness we once had, when Societies on Earth were more spiritual, became in the Dark Ages more distant. If you want to talk about THE FALL, it would be a Fall in Dimensions, bringing you to 3D and some Individuals even lower than that.

Martin Luther King’s Speech: ‘I Have a Dream’ ~ The Full Text

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Martin Luther King’s Speech: ‘I Have a Dream’ ~ The Full Text

2012 January 16
Commentary by Pat Donworth

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech on  Aug. 28, 1963 at the Lincoln Memorial. Speaking before 200,000 civil rights supporters, he called for racial equality and an end to discrimination.


Dr. King’s speech was one of the great ‘tipping point’ moments in American history, and a defining moment in the American civil rights movement.


At the end of the speech, King departed from his prepared text for a partly improvised peroration on the theme of “I have a dream”, possibly prompted by Mahalia Jackson’s cry, “Tell them about the dream, Martin!”


Martin Luther King’s Speech: ‘I Have a Dream’ – The Full Text


Wes Annac ~ Conversations with Mikos ~ 16 Jan 2012

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Wes Annac ~ Conversations with Mikos ~ 16 Jan 2012


~Through Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member  Wes Annac~



My chats with Mikos are generally more friendly discussions rather than informative talks, but there is some information in this message that both Mikos and I hope you all find useful. The following communication is a product of two separate mornings of discussion between myself and Mikos. 


Wes: Hello Mikos, my dear friend! My, it has been so long since we have chatted!

Mikos: Indeed!


Wes: When was our last communication friend, back in August?


~ The Heaven Letters ~ A God Of Lighting Up The World ~ 16 January 2012

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Gloria Wendroff ~ The Heaven Letters ~ A God Of LIghting Up The World ~ 16 January 2012



God said:

What need would I have of such a thing as vengeance? Mighty power means mighty love. Love is the power. Love is vast. Smallness is, well, small. It is smallness to think of revenge or of avenging or putting anyone down. I am a God of Lighting Up the World, not dimming it. Certainly, I practice what I preach. In fact, I don’t preach. I don’t make sermons.


Heavenletters are not sermons. They are little tweaks to remind you of love. How could I remind you to love unless I am pouring out love? I am to teach love, and so are you. We are meant to make love possible. We are meant to make it easy for everyone to love. We intend to help everyone rise, not to keep them rooted in anger and retaliation. It is not exactly creative to hit back, physically or verbally. It is not creative to give tit for tat.


Yes, there is ignorance on Earth. One who is ignorant is unaware. One who is aware is not ignorant. What am I to do but to tweak your consciousness toward awareness? What are you to do but to tweak others toward awareness by example? There is no better teacher than love.


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