HEAVEN #4062 ~ DREAM AND CLAIM ~ January 8, 2012

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Heaven #4062 

By Love Reporter  Gloria Wendroff


Dream and Claim

Heavenletter #4062 Published on: January 8, 2012

God said:



On God, you can depend. You may not think so, for you have had the experience of being let down. Life may not have given you all that you desire. It may, on more than one occasion, have given you the opposite of what you desire. Yet, I have to tell you, that is upon Me that you can depend.

~The way I feel…NEW~True Freedom~

Lia's picture


~The way I feel…NEW~True Freedom~



~Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Andrea~


A series of weird thing happened in my life in the last week... I^ll resume some of it because I think it'll help you better understand what will follow.

- my cat passed away 2 weeks ago
- I lost my job (kept saying the truth about the institution and someone did not liked it I suppose)

- had to receive social assistance but the woman in charge of it lost my papers so I spent Christmas without a cent

- someone helped me with my rent... you may not believe it but I lost the money (somewhere from my home to the postal office! Could not believe they where simply gone and I still do not understand how!)

~Expression Of Personal Experience (ego) Jointly With Messages From Higher Self ~ 8 January 2012

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Galactic Love Reporter Bill Ballard ~

~Expression Of Personal Experience (ego) Jointly With Messages From Higher Self ~ 8 January 2012


Commentary from the Galactic Free Press~ He mentions in here that Humanity has had experiences as both male and female. This is impossible, what you do remember is your twin flames past lives. If you are a female, you have always been a female, while your twin which is always a male if you are female. You will for example remember his lives. Love Mother and Father God and The Entire Galactic Free Press Staff


The Heart Chakra activation is by far the greatest of all the Earth initiations. This is the spiritual transition from the 3-4D world into the 5th Dimension. It is the beginning step into ascended mastery, which, when taken and anchored, makes the individual a beginner ascended master. It marks the transition from the exterior world of ego ~ fear ~ (head) into the interior world of love ~ trust ~ (heart), which is a never-ending and eternal journey into who you truly are.


I have channeled other messages from my Higher Self (which in truth I now embody). But to explain the journey of my transition and transfiguration I must return to a personal experience I had. I am in “both worlds” as I tell this experience, as it does require me to return to a time when I was in my state of change.


Lia's picture
Cooperation~ an act of Cooperating, an association of persons for mutual benefit. Example~ In The New Earth Energy of Balanced Harmonics all of Humanity will Exist in True Equality and Cooperation~
Golden Age~ The First Age of the Real, called Planet Earth, and not the "world", the world is all illusion.2 an untroubled and Prosperous era during which man lives in an Ideal Happiness, 3- a period when a nation or some widefield endeavor reaches its height! Example~ The Golden Age for Humanity Has begun, We Also call this The Greatest Show On Earth Has Begun~
Respond~ To make a Reply or Answer 2~ To act in return or in answer, To Respond Positively or Cooperatively.Example~ Love Always Responds with Love~
~Real Feelings occur in the Present Moment of Now~
  The Present moment of now is about Feeling, Feelings are the only experience in the Present Moment of NOW! Feelings are Based On Truth and Real Feelings are always of Love and Joy! True Reality occurs in the Present Moment of NOW is Unlimited, and All Possibilities.

~Choice, the Open Door~

Lia's picture

~Choice, the Open Door~


~Galactic Love Reporter Vicky Anderson~



Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ She refers to Light and dark. We would like to say that dark is simply unconsciousness, its not evil. Humanity came here to gather their Light and become Fully Conscious Again~ Love Mother and Father God and The Galactic Free Press Staff
2012, the year we have long anticipated.  It has taken lifetimes of opening up to our Divine selves to arrive at this place where we now stand.

For thousands of years humanity has been moving toward this juncture. We now stand in a doorway of potential that leads to a drastically different world.

The key that opens this door is consciousness.  But it’s a joint effort. You cannot do this alone because you cannot separate yourself from the whole, which is Love.



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