~ Response to an Awakening Session~

Lia's picture

~ Response to an Awakening Session~




Hi Mother God! I just wanted to send you a quick note to say THANK YOU for such a wonderful reading[Awakening Session] this morning!! :) I posted on the galactic free press wall as well, but I want you to know that your wisdom/guidance really is so appreciated!!! You gave me the clarity I needed, helped me to understand things so much better...n grateful to know the truth about twinflames (n im going to read what’s posted on your website too)..


WHY WE GROW OLD ~ by ISHCOMAR ~ with Georgi Stankov Commentary

AnaShyNa's picture


From the booklet "I AM ISHCOMAR -

the voice from beyond our stars." (from 1967 - but the message is timeless - more critical than ever)

Part 3:






"I am Ishcomar.

"Information has been requested of us concerning the shortness of your life cycles. We reply to you as follows.

"You have mentioned, in one of your mythologies, of a utopian center of existence, fabled to be the place of perfection for a paradisic environment designed specifically for perfect balance of living forms, including man beings.

~ A Message From The Galactic Friends ~ Are You Ready ~ Here We Go! ~ 8 January 2012

Lia's picture

 Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Lucas

~ A Message From The Galactic Friends ~ Are You Ready ~ Here We Go! ~ 8 January 2012




Dear brothers and sisters,


As we speak the new is  to manifest upon your earth in a really short time. You can see  the first developments taking place in your media, news, internet,  writings and videos and films.


~The Ancient One. The Creation 1.8.2012~

Lia's picture

~Galactic Love Reporter Solene


~The Ancient One. The Creation 1.8.2012~




~Greetings Fellow Travelers.


Today we speak of creation.


This concept of creation is here as empowerment. This has been with you as long as you have been on this earth plane, as long as you have been a being; in other dimensions, in other places and in other times, you have been this creation.


This creationary aspect of your multi-dimensional self is there for your remembrance. Fore this remembrance of your creationary power is there to be activated within your energy field. The remembrance is held within your cells.


The timing of this remembrance is because of the increased light coming into our solar system, and the movements of our earth. For the movements of our earth create a movement within you. This movement within yourself is not created for you – but with you = by you, as you.



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