SaLuSa to me ~ 5 Jan 2012 ~ Discernment~ Increase in cabal activities~Commentary from the Press~

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Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ We are Aware of what Laura is sharing with you~Love and Truth are who you are, and You will Feel Truth as Truth Brings you Joy. The Body Hologram Lights up Like a christmas Tree with Joy~ Those that are in full consciousness on the Planet, they cannot get to those in any way.

Forgiveness And Other Deep~Rooted Issues That 2012 Is Bringing Us ~ 5 January 2012

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~Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Wes Annac ~



Forgiveness And Other Deep~Rooted Issues That 2012 Is Bringing Us ~ 5 January 2012


Can we forgive those who have hurt us? Most if not all who read this, will at the surface think that since forgiveness is a Supreme tool for the establishment of Unconditional Love, that forgiving those who have hurt us would not only be the right way to go, but  would also be the most desirable way to go. While I agree with that, forgiving, being a grand tool for Unconditional Love, can be much less easier than it seems to be. Think back upon your Life, to those souls who have hurt you most, who have hurt you in ways so painful that you wish to keep yourself and your energy away from them at all times. (Not tryin’ to be a bummer here guys!) 


Message from Archangel Michael ~ Light Your Own Way to the Truth ~ 5 January, 2012

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Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Fran Zepeda ~



Message from Archangel Michael ~ Light Your Own Way to the Truth ~ 5 January, 2012



Greetings, I AM Michael. I come before you today with great news. The light that has been penetrating your world has reached a level of saturation which up to this point in your lifetimes has been unequaled. Not for many eons have you experienced this amount of light. It has indeed been steadily lifting you up to new levels of consciousness in divine preparation for glorious ascension.


~Our Star Family is Bringing us Wonderful News~ Stay in the Light and Stay Strong~

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~Galactic Love Reporter Zack~


~Our Star Family is Bringing us Wonderful News~ Stay in the Light and Stay Strong~



I’ve been recently awakened to the happenings of the Galactic Federation and our families among the stars and the good they bring; I’ve never been happier or felt more connected to God. I read many good things, the gifts and path of Light that is being offered and Hope for a brighter future in which we are the way we should be. Free of government corruption, greed and a broken financial system to enslave us. But as with the good, so comes the bad. As stated before duality is ever present.


I see fears in some of the upheaval of our ways tantamount to just another system of control. The propagation of the New World Order is much to blame. While many alternative media have been helpful and vigilant to make us aware of the corrupt dealings of our world governments, it has also, unfortunately been a well orchestrated propaganda tool to discredit the Galactic Federations benevolent plans to help us in our time of great need.


~The play of deception and illusion of the 3D game~

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~The play of deception and illusion of the 3D game~


~Galactic Love Reporter Joe Weaver~



Hello all,


I’ve been watching very closely what the next card our friends of deception will be playing. There are a lot of things currently playing out. From a trillion dollar lawsuit that is being waged by a group of Countries, to the pending invasions of more Countries, to the continued actions to try and collapse the World economies. There is a lot of stuff going on in the 3D game. It’s like a hollywood movie or grand play with an orchestrated series of events. Planned out to happen over a period of time. All meant to keep the minds of the people looking outwards for dependance and focused on fear. Instead of allowing them to look within for independence, love, empowerment and solidarity. The only determining factor of how this movie/grand play, plays out is what reactions that the orchestrated events get out of the people.


~1~5~11~ Space Weather Update~ Beautiful Explosion~

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BEAUTIFUL EXPLOSION: A magnetic filament in the sun's northern hemisphere erupted today, Jan. 5th, at approximately 1300 UT. The beautiful explosion hurled a CME in the general direction of Earth, but the cloud might sail north of our planet with little to no impact. Stay tuned for updates.


DOOMED MARS PROBE PHOTOGRAPHED: Russia's Mars probe, Phobos-Grunt, has been stranded in Earth orbit since a main engine failure in early November. The spacecraft is now sinking back into Earth's atmosphere, with re-entry expected in mid-January. "On New Year's Day, I traveled to the French Riviera (850km from home) to record Phobos-Grunt's last passage over France," says astrophotographer Thierry Legault. This is the picture he took through a 14-inch telescope:


No Buts About It

will's picture

There's a pattern that's been heavily ingrained into the mind, one that has continually made things difficult for people. It's their "buts", which almost always indicate a contradiction. I hear it often, people begin by expressing some beautiful thought, then there's an very brief pause, then comes the "but" followed by an expression of something not so beautiful. Usually it's an excuse or some other self-defeating thought that they believe is a good reason for not living that Truth they began to express. Your thoughts are powerful things, and when you continue to believe in your limitations, they will seem very real to you.

Message From the Galactic Free Press~and WE are Back......~ You cannot stop the Light~

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Dear Light Family, We have had some interesting Events in the last couple of days. One being that we were disconnected to the internet, due to a mistake on our internet provider, and has taken us over 2 days to get back up. We honor Our staff for Keeping the Press going and the Love and Truth Flowing. We Have a Press release of events that are in process of manifesting, as all of this was unfolding for us for Humanity.


We Deeply Honor each of you for Being Here with us, We Love You SO. Now, We will carry on, after some delays, from the powers that were. We will release the unfolding Events Soon~ You cannot stop the Light~~ All our Love Mother and Father God and The entire Galactic Free Press Staff





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