Courageous 2012 ANNOUNCEMENT by Princess Kaoru Nakamaru Japan ユーフォー OVNI 飞碟 НЛО

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Courageous 2012 ANNOUNCEMENT by Princess Kaoru Nakamaru Japan ユーフォー OVNI 飞碟 НЛО


This is a stunning announcement. Princess Kaoru Nakamaru reveals her contact with Light Beings and those of Inner Earth. She also talks about the 3 days and nights of darkness, which, if I am not mistaken, has come and gone. Use your own discernment. Her major point is to return to the love that you are and full consciousness.

SALUSA ~ 04.01.11 ~ By Mike Quinsey

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By Love Reporter Mike Quinsey

SaLuSa  4 January 2012



Ever since you set out upon your path to Ascension, you have been given every help and encouragement to take up the challenge to decide your own destiny. The fact is you have achieved far more than was initially expected, and you are to be congratulated upon setting up victory over the dark Ones. We have of course walked the path with you, and because you requested our help we have been able to respond to it. Thus far you were expected to take the major responsibility for achieving success but now we are becoming more involved, as we have our part to play to ensure all is completed as decreed.


GNOSTIC'S VISDOM: Where that name HEAVEN came from?... By Georgi Stankov

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By Love Reporter Georgy Stankov

excerpts from Astral News

January 3, 2012

Hey George,

I was wondering where that name "heaven" came from? Was it from the people on earth that they used it from their perspective or is it from your higher self or astral beings from higher dimension?

Second question: "How is it that the 4th dimension has the same problems as us? Is it money related or some kind of domination over magic like resource or something like that?

Henry Tu 

Walking Into Your Dreams with Nothing But Trust in Your Heart - Welcome to 2012 ~ Lisa Gawlas

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by Lisa Gawlas

Three full days into the fields of 2012 and I so feel like I woke up into a living dream.  Magical even.  But before I get into the details of why, I want to do a review of some really really important things I have come to learn about how we should walk within this new energy field.


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Message from the Pleiadians 1/4/12



The Ashtar Command reclamation project is a joint cooperation between the forces of the Ashtar Command and the Galactic Federation. The goal of this project is to bring back light and freedom of thought and expression to the people of this planet. This project has long been in the planning stages and has also been fully underway for many ages. Today, you stand at the threshold of this elaborate project’s success and you are the forerunners of what can be expected of many more of your brothers and sisters in the days ahead.

Love is becoming fashionable

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Love is becoming fashionable

by John Smallman



When you come together in groups to pray or meditate and you hold the intent that humanity awaken, your individual intents are very much strengthened and intensified.  As the moment of awakening draws ever closer, more and more of you are doing this, and as a result the momentum carrying you towards that point in time is far too powerful for anything to divert it or slow it down.  It is becoming an intense and exciting ride to a most glorious destination, and your sense of exhilaration when you arrive there will be mind blowing!

COMPTE DE SAINT GERMAIN ~ Mastering the Use of Decrees ~ by Aruna

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Galactic Free Press commentary:

This message I found is one of most important and so profoundly direct ones... I feel this is Saint Germain's gift to US all for 2012, for US who can truly understand our never broken link with Father~Mother God... When Service become our way of existence, all miracles are simple truth... When others benefit become priority, we see God in All... When love is all present, than Love become creator of ALL... With Only Love, Predrag




Wednesday, January 4, 2012



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