Regina Meredith: More Thoughts on Global Economic Restructuring

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Regina Meredith: More Thoughts on Global Economic Restructuring

2012 January 3

More follow-up on “A New Global Economy”  and Regina’s interview with James Martinez and the statement read by him.

Regina writes:


“Being an admitted optimist, I personally feel a sense of change in the air. I feel as though some invisible doors have been opened to the human race for new opportunity. If the message on Global Economic Restructuring is truthful, we may just be pleasantly surprised at what life on this planet might look like in the near future.”


Regina Meredith: More Thoughts on Global Economic Restructuring

Conscious Media Network, 01-03-2012


Norway story: TENS OF THOUSANDS of dead fish wash ashore

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Between Beebe Arkansas (thousands of dead birds) and this Norway story --- its like a repeat of last year only accelerated ..

Here is the link to today's Norway story: TENS OF THOUSANDS of dead fish wash ashore:

Earthquake links:

~2012 Predictions ~

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Sunday, 1 January, 2012  (posted 3 January, 2012) 



As I have done for the past several years, I have released the predictions for 2012.  Although I don't like to make predictions, I know that by giving you insights into what I see as upcoming changes, challenges and opportunities, you can be prepared for them. Some of the challenges of the past few years have made us wonder, at times, whether the destination was worth the journey. As humans, we like to see an end point, to know why we're doing something, to know that there is a reward for our efforts. There is a reward but it isn't the kind we're used to.  We're living in new times, there are new rules and we're playing a new game.



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~Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact~Galactic Free Press Staff  Member Predrag~





There is only one way to Ascension.... There is only your way.... There is the way that only you can find... No Masters, no Teachers can give you this answer....


They can give you an example, simple example, if not tainted with centuries of deceptions.... Like Jesus, like Buda, like many others not so widely know at this time....


If we use this analogy of tree and any animal, that they will Ascend with Gaia automatically and without question.... Not because they read every post on Internet, or they meditate daily....


But because, they, plants and animals are fully connected with Gaia, as they meditate every moment of Now, as they do not carry worries in back of their minds.... They live in moment of Now....  They just ARE....

~Cancer Full Moon 9 January 2012~I Create Miracles~

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~Cancer Full Moon 9 January 2012~I Create Miracles~



We have a Cancer Full Moon on January 8-9 engaging our conscious awareness to the profound shifts we have made internally deep within Self. Revealed through the external changes we have done through moving, changing jobs, ending relationships and beliefs that no longer serve our life path destiny. Whatever is leaving our lives now and falling by the wayside. We need to let it go. The new that is showing are like tiny rose buds just beginning to bloom and grow. We want to be fearless and embrace 2012 with an open heart, mind and spirit. Allow our new starts to take hold and become strong.

“You can change a great many things. Or you can change.” –Mike Dooley


~Galactic Love Reporter Lee Harris ~ The Year of Power ~ 2th January 2012

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~Galactic Love Reporter Lee Harris ~ The Year of Power ~ 2th January 2012



Power will be THE word for the coming year.


2012 has long been focused on . Ancient cultures and civilizations prophesized about this time. What the year itself would bring, and the gateway that the year represents. This is a turning point for us as a people; however, despite the speed of our time, despite the speed of this coming year, it is a turning point rather than an end point or a clear beginning. We have been in the eye of this storm of evolving consciousness for many years now. And we as simple humans are doing our best to move with the times, move with the challenges that we are offered and given by this planet, by our own people, by ourselves.


1~3~11~ Space Weather Update~ CME Hurling towards Mercury~

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MERCURY-DIRECTED CME: A coronal mass ejection (CME) that blasted away from the farside of the sun yesterday is heading for Mercury. According to analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab, it should hit the innermost planet on Jan. 3rd around 16:30 UT. [forecast track]


QUADRANTID METEOR SHOWER: Earth is about to pass through a stream of debris from 2003 EH1, a comet fragment that produces the annual Quadrantid meteor shower. Forecasters expect the shower to peak around 07:20 UT (02:20 am EST) on Wednesday morning, January 4th. At maximum, as many as 100 meteors/hour could emerge from a radiant near Polaris, the north star.

Brian Emfinger of Ozark, Arkansas, photographed this one on Jan. 2nd:



Wow! What a really nice fireball," says Emfinger. "It emerged very very close to the Quadrantid radiant, but I'm not 100% sure it is indeed an early Quadrantid."

One thing's for sure: It's a good reason to wake up early on Wednesday morning. Stay tuned for Quads! [more]


Melchizedek ~ 3 January 2012 Waves of Incoming Energies~

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 Galactic Love Reporter Marlene Swetlishoff ~


Melchizedek ~ 3 January 2012


Beloved Ones,

Life on Earth will take on a more intense experience within the hearts of All. Each Human Spiritual Being is at a crossroads at this time. There is a choice to be made by each Soul. To stay in status quo or to bravely choose the unknown and move forward. We know that all Lightworkers and Starseeds everywhere upon this Planet have chosen to move forward. This does not mean leaving all your Loved Ones behind you and moving forward alone, Dear Ones. Your Loved Ones are those Souls who have chosen to move forward with you, even though it may appear otherwise at this present moment. Trust that all is unfolding in your lives in Divine order and that all is well.



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