~The James Martinez Video Was Not a Hoax~ ~A New Global Economic Restructuring is Real~

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~The James Martinez Video Was Not a Hoax~

~A New Global Economic Restructuring is Real~



2012 January 3
Posted by Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Steve Beckow

David Wilcock recently called the James Martinez video (1) a hoax. In a recent article, David wrote:


“The moderators informed me we are getting inundated with comments from people linking to a story on Conscious Media Network about someone claiming to represent an alliance of 130 countries that will be launching a new financial system.

Transcript of an Hour With an Angel, Jan. 2, 2012 Tangible evidence~

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Transcript of an Hour With an Angel, Jan. 2, 2012 Tangible evidence~

2012 January 3
Posted by Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Steve Beckow

Quick as can be, Ellen has produced a transcript of last night’s Hour with an Angel, just in time for your morning coffee. Thank you, Ellen. 


Linda begins by discussing channeling with us.

Archangel Michael says he hears our wish for some tangible evidence of this remarkable time.  He recognizes that many lightworkers are at their wits end waiting for something to happen. He asserts that the James Martinez video is not a hoax.  He discusses the Filipino treasure. He praises Wanderer of the Skies.

An Hour with An Angel, Jan. 2, 2012


HEAVEN #4057 ~ Within Silence, Come Closer ~ January 3, 2012

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Heaven #4057 

By Love Reporter  Gloria Wendroff

Within Silence, Come Closer



Heavenletter #4057 

Published on: January 3, 2012



God said:

Let Us speak without words. Within silence, I speak to you. Within silence, We come closer. That is the whole purpose, isn't it? That We come closer? We come closer in the silence of Our love.

We come so close that We are One on every layer of existence. We become One indissoluble Self. Let the fun begin.

~THE SANDMAN PROJECT: I invoke the I AM God presence within me….~

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~THE SANDMAN PROJECT: I invoke the I AM God presence within me….~




I invoke the I AM God presence within me….


May all negative attempts to control me or the world be returned with love magnified a thousand times a thousand fold.

May all who seek to not control others be surrounded in Golden White Light Protection.


May all warring energy be transmuted by the Violet Flame and may the flame grow ever brighter  a thousand times a thousand fold, for every infringement against humanity or mother nature.


Message from the Galactic Federation 1~2~12 Ascension~

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Message from the Galactic Federation 1~2~12 Ascension~



Greg, I am so happy you are choosing to remain working in service as a channel of higher intelligences, as so much more is happening here in the physical. In time, your services as a channel will no longer be required as we, the Galactic Federation, will be free to communicate directly with the people of Earth. You are also needed at home to help out in the many tasks still needed to be accomplished rebuilding the house.


~ New Year Inspirations ~

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Original Posted By Debby of Many Nations~




Happy 2012 everyone! I can't believe it. 2012 is here... and so many of us have waited so long for this.  I wanted to send you some inspiration as we begin this new and highly anticipated year. This is a year of great potential in which we can and will change the world, and ourselves as well. So at this most auspicious moment ...  I wanted to offer you some words of wisdom from others that help me keep on keeping on.  I hope these words of wisdom will give us all inspired creativity, and unified collective courage to face head on to what is coming in 2012. We face this new year with fearlessness and an unshakable inner knowing that we are indeed divine beings and are more than enough to make our dreams manifest.

The Star Elders say that we are victorious! So I raise my hand in the form of the victory symbol to you ALL.  So.... Here is to US, being the unreasonable ones, the trouble makers,  the paradigm breakers, the ones that can and will stir the pot. Here is to US, the ones that listen to our hearts over our heads, no matter what the outer world says.  Here is to US, the ones that are not afraid to be who they are 100%, even it if is temporally misunderstood.  Here is to US, the ones that live by the Universal Truth that we are ONE,

Poofness 1-1-12…”Happy New Year”… “What is taking place at this moment in time will rock the world to it’s foundations”

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Poofness 1-1-12…”Happy New Year”… “What is taking place at this moment in time will rock the world to it’s foundations”

Welcome to a Happy New Year message from Poof.


This one points out a few key items, but for me the one that hits strongly is that it resonates very much with the last post. So all of this waiting and waiting for things to change is really waiting for, as Poof says, a), “rvs had to get posted in all the right spots” (rvs = currency revaluations (worldwide ones)), and b), to “do what was necessary to make sure the cockroaches wouldn’t touch this money”



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