Many events are set to unfold ~ January 1, 2012 ~ by John Smallman

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Many events are set to unfold

2012 will be a year of changes and surprises, some unsettling, but many uplifting and inspiring.  As the year progresses, many events are set to unfold which will demonstrate very clearly that a large number of people are successfully and effectively releasing themselves from the bondage of fear and from the unloving attitudes fear encourages.  Humanity cannot and will not now slip back into the old ways that led to repression, conflict, and war.  You are on a magnificent evolutionary path, motivated by love and compassion for all beings, and you will not be turned back or diverted from it.

Love works – Love encourages – Love inspires 01/01/2012 by John Smallman

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In truth all are one, and in the coming year this will become increasingly apparent as you continue purposefully onwards towards the moment of your awakening. It will be a moment of enormous significance, culminating in wondrous celebrations. You have, of course, heard this many times before but it needs to be repeated because, for many, daily life continues to be experienced as an exhausting and seemingly endless struggle for survival, which can easily distract you from focusing your attention on your purpose for being here – to carry the divine Light on high and show others the way.

BOLE: 2012 New Earth

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This is a truth I know in my heart to be true about myself and many others also now awake. It is who I am and believe what will become in the very near future. WHAT IS UPON US MAY HAVE NEVER BEFORE HAPPENED IN ALL THE MULTIVERSES. Here's the link to take you to the video's:

you find there Videos from Delores Cannon

You may also feel, the time is now to join us at
which you will find at:

"Live and let live with the utmost respect for all life" is my true motto that I live by now. My channel name SiNeh~ was, I believe, revealed to me during my "waking up" by the ones that surround each and everyone of us. I was told I have that name since I first time incarnated on a planet in a physical "form" thousands of years ago. I consider it a gift and treat it as such. And that is what gave birth to this channel.

This channel is a dedication to all of us. Both terrestrial and non-terrestrial alike. We are ALL creatures of The Divine Source, good or bad. It up to us to choose how to live by them.


YOU Are an Abundance of Love Energy Message from Melchizedek

Lia's picture


YOU Are an Abundance of Love Energy
Message from Melchizedek


January 01, 2012


Blessings dear sweet children of God on this new born day of the New Year - 2012. And what a year it will be. As all things beginning with ‘New’, there is much to look forward to and so much to anticipate. All around you holds many wonderful possibilities for change that is for the greatest of good that will serve not only you, but mankind as a whole. Taking the first step towards the change, filled with love from the highest order that is forever linked with God and your Heart Center is where you begin.


~Choice, the Open Door~ 2012

Lia's picture

2012, the year we have long anticipated.  It has taken lifetimes of opening up to our Divine selves to arrive at this place where we now stand.


For thousands of years humanity has been moving toward this juncture. We now stand in a doorway of potential that leads to a drastically different world.


The key that opens this door is consciousness.  But it’s a joint effort. You cannot do this alone because you cannot separate yourself from the whole, which is Love.


Whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the Universe is unfolding as it should.  Max Ehrmann


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