Message From The Galactic Federation 1~1~12 Changes~

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 Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Greg Giles ~

Message From The Galactic Federation 1~1~12


Dear ones, we come to you today with a message of joy and hope, of love and light, and the promise of a new year for you and your people. Today marks the first day of your new year, a year that will see many changes for your civilization. We would like to say that these changes will be smooth, transitionally  speaking, but we must be honest with you at all times and tell you these changes may be abrupt and very tumultuous to many of your world. If you look at it from the viewpoint of the yet un-awakened, you may see these changes from a new perspective. One day these souls believe they exist within a world where their governments protect them from all harm, look after all of their medical needs, safeguard their economy for them, even tell them how to behave and how to think.



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For much of my life, expectation has bred disappointment; yet if I look more deeply I find that things have had a way of working out beyond my expectations. It's all about timing, or so it seems. There is a high probability, as I see it, that the disappoinments of 2011 will give birth to all kinds of phenomena in 2012. Sometimes phenomenon will apprear magical, other times, miraculous. This is the year after the awakening took root as never before, the year when fruition will be ever more obvious and much harder to deny.

A Brief Review of the State of the NOW, A Clarion Call, and “An Offer You Can’t Refuse!” 1/1/12 From Judith and the celestial team

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A Brief Review of the State of the NOW, A Clarion Call, and “An Offer You Can’t Refuse!”

1/1/12 From Love Reporter Judith and the celestial team


I, Judith, started this message, prompted by the celestial team but requested to write on my own, several days ago. It was not until this moment that I finished it. Probably, a factor in the delay was my hesitancy in taking responsibility for delivering it in my own voice, rather than “in the name of the celestial team.” This was a big lesson for me in claiming my OWN sovereignty, which is a BIG DEAL right now, according to the celestial team, as well as innumerable other high frequency guides and messengers in contact with us now! Anyway, I started out very courageously, and I am happy to say that you will read my own strong voice in the first half or so of the message.


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My dear ones. Consider my messages clear. No one is asking you to fight Monsanto. No one is calling on you to demand anything. Give only light as masters do. Be quiet. As an Awakened being, not giving your attention to Monsanto does more than going against them. Your days are not for going against anything. Celebrate the love that flows through you. Make decrees about nature being abundant with nutritious, clear of GMO, foods. Give all of your attention to giving. Help create your decrees with heart directed action. Being against anything, as I’ve always said, calls that thing into action. Being for anything calls that into action.


As for the money. I didn’t say the yuan would get accepted as the new reserve currency, only that what the Chinese decide could demolish all currencies. Buying gold or silver will not create dominance in a dead economy. It will not get you the things you need. Making friends with your neighbors, to come together to create more abundance for all, is needed more.


~It’s Time to Wake Up: We Are All One~

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~It’s Time to Wake Up: We Are All One~ Pat Donworth




“At the deepest, subnuclear level of our reality, we are all one.”


Science is now beginning to confirm what spirituality, philosophy, sages, ancient teachings and psychedelics have been saying for millennia: The entire Universe is One and that what we think of as ‘reality’ is just an illusion. And the only real thing in the Universe is Consciousness.

Or, as David Icke puts it:


‘Infinite Love is the only truth – everything else is illusion’.


~Many events are set to unfold~

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~Many events are set to unfold~

January 1, 2012



2012 will be a year of changes and surprises, some unsettling, but many uplifting and inspiring. As the year progresses, many events are set to unfold which will demonstrate very clearly that a large number of people are successfully and effectively releasing themselves from the bondage of fear and from the unloving attitudes fear encourages. Humanity cannot and will not now slip back into the old ways that led to repression, conflict, and war. You are on a magnificent evolutionary path, motivated by love and compassion for all beings, and you will not be turned back or diverted from it.


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