1~2~11~Tough Assignment and David’s Latest~Almost There~

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Tough Assignment and David’s Latest on RMN

2012 January 2
Posted by Steve Beckow

Commentary from Steve Beckow~ Before posting David’s item from Rumor Mill News taken from Kauila’s site, I have to say that I’m in a more difficult situation than I think I’ve ever been in but that the necessity as always is to steer through it with integrity, circumspection and responsibility.

David and I have a fundamental disagreement … well, several really.  David relies on insider information; I rely on the best of channeled messages. David thinks NESARA is a fraud; I don’t. Nonetheless David also believes that lives are at risk if I proceed on the course I was following.


~AAMichael and The Company of Heaven~ Humanity is Awakenking~

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~Galactic Love Reporter Fran Zepeda~


~AAMichael and The Company of Heaven~ Humanity is Awakenking~




Wipe the sleep out of your eyes, dear ones, for you are awakening. The world abounds with many new sights, sounds, and wonderful gifts for you to partake of. You couldn’t see or feel or experience them before because you have been asleep, but alas you are awakening! And now you can partake. You will never ever fall asleep like that again and you wouldn’t want to, dear friends. What treats you have in store for you! What love you will feel in your hearts! What openings are occurring! You are coming home, to Oneness, to acknowledgment of your true Divinity and purpose! We are here to lend you our hand as you negotiate your step into this New World of your making, of our making, of Creator’s making, once and for all, for We are One!


Ben Fulford Update, Jan 2 2012: The Year of the Fire Dragon has Started, Expect Big Changes

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Ben Fulford Update, Jan 2 2012: The Year of the Fire Dragon has Started, Expect Big Changes



The old world order criminals in Washington D.C. and the G5 terrorist states think they are winning the ongoing financial war for the future of this planet but they are very mistaken. The year 2012 is, in the Chinese Zodiac, the Year of the Dragon and not just any dragon but the year of the fire dragon. The Chinese New Year starts on January 23 this year, and you can be sure planned big changes have been prepared for this auspicious time. In a sign of change in Japan, for example, there have been major unreported gun battles at night in Tokyo resulting in a victory by dragon family groups over North Korean agents working under old order stooge Yasuhiro Nakasone. In one battle 31 North Koreans and 11 dragon warriors died, according to a CIA source. Former Finance Minister Heizo Takenaka was also detained for questioning last week where he sang like a canary ratting out Yasuhiro Nakasone, Junichiro Koizumi and others, according to Japanese security police sources.


1/1/2012 -- Past 48 hours in earthquakes -- Global overview -- prone areas BE PREPARED

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As this video was processing and uploading to youtube -- a 4.6M just struck east central Europe in Romania -- completing the "spreading 4-5.0M quakes" that I was showing in this video..

link to the blog post with screenshots and multiple earthquake monitoring links : http://sincedutch.wordpress.com/2012/01/02/112012-past-48-hours-in-earthquake...


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