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~A spokesperson of the One Family of God and Planet Earth=Heart~


Dear Beloveds,


You will see a new paradigm in your life time. The veils will be lifted and you will walk the earth amongst those of love and compassion. This love will touch all especially in the western world. The lighted ones will take the lead of those in power and are now arising as the new people of integrity~ and they are stepping forward now.


The lighted ones being the master within in agreement with Gods force of love and light. Beloveds this change is the greatest contrast from dark to light you have ever known on earth. Not only will you see justice but you will see enlightenment. For the forces of light are now amongst and amidst you, standing right in front of you~


~The New Reality For Humanity~

Lia's picture

~The New Reality For Humanity~



  ~ Galactic LOVE REPORTER Elizabeth Cusova~



Dearest Beloved Ones,

A new reality is establishing itself on the Earth which is timeless by its nature and yet physically manifest within form. This new time is creating a radical shift in consciousness for many people, and for some the abrupt changes are creating fear and disorientation.


Power Path ~ January Forecast 2012: Destabilization

Lia's picture

The main theme for January is Destabilization. The secondary attributes are Interruption and Disruption.


This month you will experience a movement and destabilization that will feel initially like everything is out of balance. Think of how it would feel if you were standing on solid ground and suddenly the horizon tipped or the earth moved slightly. Those of you who have experienced an earthquake may be somewhat familiar with that feeling. What happens is that the instinctive center opens up, releasing all of your survival information all at once in order to give you access to what might be useful to navigate the situation.



Lia's picture



Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, copyright© 2012

My dear Ones, 
I AM St. Germain!

There are obviously several people who claim to channel my messages. This has also lead to the believe that some messages are not from me, because they differ in characteristic, color and emphasis.

However you all need to consider that each one of my channelers have themselves certain  characteristics, belief-systems and colors of feeling and understanding - a whole variety of individual expressions.

~ THE Collective Shadow~

Lia's picture

~Message 50~


~ THE Collective Shadow~





Great changes are occurring. Some are subtle, others occur as a loud struggle. You can observe these different aspects around the world.


There are tremendous challenges and frequencies of hatred, fear and chaos. A large section of humanity is numb, too sensitive to handle the intense frequency of devastation and deception. They feel helpless; unaware of their true power.

Now a wellspring of conscious beings is stepping into true power, aware that they can and do make a difference.


~A Love Message from The Arcturians~ Every Day the Love Vibrations are Transforming this Planet~

Lia's picture

~A Love Message from The Arcturians~ Every Day the Love Vibrations are Transforming this Planet~



Every day the joyful vibrations on your planet are increasing, your planetary ability to hold the joy vibration is increasing! We say to you that every action you take, no matter how tiny, every thought you think, every word you speak – everything contributes vitally to the energetic interplay emergent at this time. Consciousness itself is not raising, you are raising your own vibration and your planet’s to ascend to a higher understanding of what consciousness is. To experience another layer.


The more love you have the capacity to carry now, the more you can assist your planet and all its beings, so we encourage you to find the techniques that resonate best with you for stabilizing and working with the transformative energy you are feeling, and opening to even higher frequencies if you can.


1~2~11~ Space Weather Update~ FARSIDE ERUPTION

Lia's picture

EVENING CONJUNCTION: When the sun sets tonight, go outside and look east for Jupiter and the Moon. The two bright heavenly bodies are only 4o apart, a beautiful conjunction and a nice way to end the day. Images: #1, #2.


FARSIDE ERUPTION: Departing sunspot AR1384, currently located just behind the sun's western limb, erupted today around 14:45 UT. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory photographed the debris flying over the edge of the solar disk:



The eruption appears to be connected to magnetic filaments snaking over the horizon to the Earthside of the sun. Will this event affect our planet? Probably not. It is located too far from disk center. Stay tuned, however, to see what kind of CME the blast produced.


Japan Earthquake 2012 Was A Warning Not To Threaten US Dollar ~ UFOs 2012|UFO Sightings|Alien UFO Pictures|What Are UFOs|2012 Solar Flares|Mexico UFO

AnaShyNa's picture

My hope is that as our predictions in the alternative economic community are proven correct with every passing quarter, more Americans will take note, and prepare. I can say quite confidently that we have entered the first stages of the catastrophic phase of the economic implosion. All the fantastic and terrible consequences many once considered theory or science fiction, are about to become reality. SourceLast year in our down-below articles we had documented:HAARP caused Japan earthquake : Benjamin Fulford


HAARP Magnetometer Data Shows HAARP Caused Japan Earthquake

U.S. Economy May Benefit From Japan Earthquake Disaster : Fox News

HAARP Weapon System Causes Weather Modification : European Parliament Document

~Graham Dewyea Presents: An Hour with an Angel~

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Graham Dewyea Presents: An Hour with an Angel

 Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Steve Beckow

I have absolutely no agenda for tonight’s discussion. I had earlier invited Pam Barron to share the show with me tonight and discuss the Cities of Light or the Angelic Kingdom but so much is happening that I’ll need to speak to AAM alone and we’ll need to roam over a range of topics.

I can say beforehand that I am outraged at the suggestion that I need to fear for my life and perhaps it would not be misunderstood were I to say that Archangel Michael may be one of the few beings I can think of  I could discuss that outrage with and hope to be understood.



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