Rejoice! A Solstice Message from the Angelic Emissaries of the Galactic Councils As directly received December 21, 2011

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~ Galactic Love Reporter 

From the Daily Drawings, 12/12/2011


A Solstice Message from the Angelic Emissaries of the Galactic Councils
As directly received December 21, 2011



12~21~11 I googled "NESARA" this morning and was delighted to see so many of the dark ones exposing themselves

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I googled "NESARA" this morning and was delighted to see so many of the dark ones exposing themselves through fear-generating sights on the topic of NESARA. Here are some of the quick quotes from the search:


* "NESARA is a fraud. NESARA is the political and economic program of the False Prophet and Antichrist"

My THIRD Dream about full UFO contact! ~Preparing for Contact~

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My THIRD Dream about full UFO contact! ~Preparing for Contact~


So tonight I had my Third dream abaut full UFO contact.


I really want to share these dream with you guys because I believe these dreams are a sign.


Always in these dreams I am at my Mom's apartment, it's night and I look out of the windows and I see the sky FULL of HUNDREDS of Spaceships! :D


It's AMAZING! All the Dreams start the same way.


In the first dream I had telepatic contact, and they told me they where always there if/when I needed them.

~ 12 ~21~11 The Fall of the Ego and Out~Breath of Spirit

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The Fall of the Ego and Out~Breath of Spirit 12~21~11



~Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Lisa Gawlas~


December has been the most diverse month I have ever seen within the human energy body in all the years I have been looking at and working with the energy system. But what I had seen yesterday just leaves me even more excited for the days and months to come.

I know I have written about expansion and contraction, inhaling and exhaling our new lives, our new way if living life, but until yesterday, it was a concept without images. For me personally, I understand in greater detail when I can "see" what is happening.

The Trillion-Dollar Lawsuit That Could End Financial Tyranny, Part II: History Lesson

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Written by Galactic Love Reporter  David Wilcock Sunday, 18 December 2011 07:33

David's life has been threatened to tell you this story... so we are rushing it out to insure his safety.

This is the big one... over two million tons of gold secretly confiscated by the Federal Reserve to create "bubble money", and the lawsuit that could bring the whole global conspiracy crashing down.




~: Ashtar Channeling: “Tons & Tons of Gold, N.E.S.A.R.A. and our ‘Cosmic Sting’ Operation”~

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~: Ashtar Channeling: “Tons & Tons of Gold, N.E.S.A.R.A. and our ‘Cosmic Sting’ Operation”~



“Greetings in the Light of our Radiant One, this is Lord Ashtar, of the Ashtar Command, Federation of Light. It is a time of great joy and excitement, that we are all feeling, those of you of Earth and we who are members of your “Extended Cosmic Family” that so many important and vital Truths are now being Officially revealed and Documented, into the “public domain”, for the masses of humanity, the “99%”, that have for so long been either “rumored”, theorized or only briefly referred to up until now.


I refer specifically to these very recent Revelations concerning the information that two of your fellow Volunteers in Earth embodiment, he known as David Wilcock and Benjamin Fulford, have officially released to the world, so that everyone else will now know for sure of the fact of—well, at least just SOME, or rather more accurately, ONLY A REALLY SMALL AMOUNT of the ACTUAL AMOUNT OF TONAGE of the vast majority of EXACTLY HOW MUCH gold and other precious metals, and treasures that actually DOES exist; have always existed for many years and centuries, scattered all around the planet.


~One More Year to Go till Dec. 21, 2012!~

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~One More Year to Go till Dec. 21, 2012!~

2011 December 21
Posted by Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Steve Beckow~

We are now one year away from Dec. 21, 2012, the date that has become associated with Ascension.

Let’s review some of the discussion of that date. SaLuSa has said recently:


“Bear in mind that the 21.12.12 is a major upliftment, yet only the beginning of another cycle of experience. However, it is for your civilization the opportunity to leave duality, and not continue re-incarnating in the lower dimension.” (1)


A Allendale to Aninadzija ~ Why we Don’t Come to You?

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A Allendale to Aninadzija ~ Why we Don’t Come to You?


[Hello Allendale] Hello there. How are you today? [I am just fine, thank you, I understand you have a communication for us?]

Yes, I have. Things are on the move, the changes are putting things into perspective for the cabal. The cabal believes it can run away, off planet and take over their precious gold and goods with them. Along with technology borrowed or stolen, of course. Now, my lads, we can assure you. They are going nowhere! For that you have my very own word! They will have to respond for their crimes.



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