~The EURO-POUND Zone In Palliative Care ~ STOP Resisting The New ~

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 ~ Galactic Love Reporter Lucas ~

~The EURO-POUND Zone In Palliative Care ~ STOP Resisting The New ~ 20 December 2011


The general condition on the Euro zone and EU is getting even more critical as we speak. The mainstream media try to keep the scope of the problem out of the news. The Euro zone en EU failed to find the promised 200 billion to its rescue fund. Only 150 Billion was deposited or spoken for. They screamed out on the news to get help from other than EU states . They have no money. And it is not backed. It is fictional, non-existent money. Let them show us the 150 Billion in gold bars backed money. They can not, because a long long time ago this was banished to get a fiat currency system. Yes, a just I owe you note system. Which strengthened by immoral interest on lending fictitious money and debt as means of control has been instated to rob and enslave us.  Please do Not go to your bank and ask if they can get you some gold for your money. They can not. They even can not give any money to us all if we went to the bank all at the same time, a so-called bank run. This is now in many countries as in my country without people knowing a crime.  Do you know now why there was so much effort put in to get us on internet transactions and credit card or bankcard payments without actual physical  money in your hand as banknotes or coins.

Gold Mountain|The [Occupy] 2012 Scenario

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Gold Mountain|The [Occupy] 2012 Scenario


~Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Steve Beckow~

I’ve been reading David’s latest article on background to the trillion-dollar lawsuit (1) and find that it’s filling in many of the blanks for me.

You may recall on occasion that I’ve said that it isn’t clear who was doing such things as bringing down the B52 that landed at Barksdale in 2007 or Dick Cheney’s airplane that was forced to land in Singapore with equipment malfunction around that time.

I didn’t know who was able to penetrate Cheyanne Mountain and cause stand-alone computer equipment to go haywire. Was it the Chinese or the galactics?


And now we hear David saying that:

~Archangel Michael on the Defence Authorization Bill~

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~Archangel Michael on the Defence Authorization Bill~

2011 December 21
~ Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Steve Beckow~

One of the subjects I discussed with Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon today was President Obama’s signing off on the bill that allowed for detention without charge or  trial of American citizens. Here are Archangel Michael’s comments.


Steve: President Obama signed a bill into law that allows for the indefinite detention of Americans without trial. Would you comment on that please?


Archangel Michael: It is very, very distressing. And he is being pressured, we would say, into this by the powers that be, the paramilitary and the military, which are all the same really, that believe that there are subversives or people who wish to create harm living in the United States.

~ UFO Appears on the Official White House Xmas Card ~

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~UFO Appears on the Official White House Xmas Card ~



By Michael Cohen m.cohen@allnewsweb.com



A resident of Pine Ridge in South Dakota, Ms Dawn Brown-Eyes, is claiming to have received an official White House Xmas card from First Lady Michelle Obama that shows a UFO or possibly two UFOs on the cover image (see video below).


The UFO/UFOs appear on a shot of the exterior of the White House and can be seen overhead in the clear blue sky. Ms Brown-Eyes has created and uploaded onto the Internet at least two videos showing the card and the mysterious craft captured in it.


12~21~11~ ~ The illusion is as insubstantial as a soap bubble ~

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~ The illusion is as insubstantial as a soap bubble ~





~Galactic Love Reporter John Smallman with Saul~


Humanity is going to awaken, and you Light bearers know this.  Focus on this knowing, on this certainty, because you are making it happen.  It is God’s Will and yours that you awaken; consequently, that is the only possible and only available outcome.  When you focus your attention on reaching your divine destination, the Light you are carrying on high burns brightly, helping to show others the way. Living with love and acceptance in your hearts intensifies the strength of the divine energy field embracing you all and further undermines the crumbling foundations of the illusion.


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