~Transference: the reBirth~ ~Galactic Love Reporter Laura C Gorgo~

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~Transference: the reBirth~

**Important to note: this transmission is encoded with specific frequencies that the Pleiadian High Council have asked me to distribute to those in resonance. This means that the energy contained within this article will activate, accelerate and/or align you to the Source Code frequencies, those codes that are contained within our God-DNA. As a disclaimer, these frequencies have the potential to greatly accelerate your awakening process and the activation of your divine blueprint.

~The Nine on the Language of Light ~ DNA Activation~

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~The Nine on the Language of Light ~ DNA Activation~



2011 November 8
Posted by and Commentary from Steve Beckow

Here comes some of the best news I’ve heard in a long time. Sorcha has informed me that a group of translators has been translating the  videos of the White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine (I’ll just say the Nine in future) through Magenta Pixie for some time and has directed me to that website.

For me that yields a rich trove of research material and I plan to mine it and post some of the best on informative topics on a regular basis. These should answer some questions that we may have.  So I may be posting some of Pixie’s transcripts perhaps twice a week. I also see one or two of Adamu’s transmissions there too. I am a wealthy man today.  This first transcript is on the role of the language in triggering DNA and in Ascension. Thanks to Sorcha.


~World~wide list of 11.11.11 Celebrations!

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World~wide list of 11.11.11 Celebrations!
Friday 11 November 2011


To add your event to this list please contact Tatanka Nehweh on tatankanehweh@gmail.com

Events listed below in black are not confirmed - please contact the organisers to see if there is an 11.11.11 celebration at their venue.  

For help in how to lead ceremonies see here          

Children of the Sun have made an 11.11.11 YouTube Portal, in which a special broadcast colaboration between Anrita Melchizedek, Solara An-Ra & Tiara will be broadcast on the 11.11.11
Subscribe to this channel here to receive news of this broadast on the day!                          

~Jelaila's Messages November 7, 2011 Changes in play~Nibiru, Elenin and YU55~

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~Jelaila's Messages November 7, 2011 Changes in play~Nibiru, Elenin and YU55~



What do you think of  this ?





Hi ,  




Was talking to Jonathan, my partner in this work, yesterday.  He told me that he felt really excited...as is something wonderful was about to happen.  I concurred.  There does seem to be a mounting excitement about the future...as if everything is building towards this great crescendo.  I guess we could liken it to the moments before birth, when the baby crowns--one last big push and a new life begins. 



Lia's picture

~GALACTIC LOVE REPORTER ~Soldann~Stan Greenberg, PhD






As I'm writing this, the 11:11:11 Star Gate Openings and Ceremonies are mere days away. Whenever you are reading this, please know that this is a linear focusing and noting of a multidimensional realignment that has been refining over many millenia in Earth Time. We who are embodied in this linear moment have been subject to sometimes excruciating, as well as exquisitely beautiful and liberating transformational waves which continue to intensify as we proceed. So much wonder and joy and loving validation of Our essential worth, value and potential continue to be revealed and strengthened. Each day is like a new birth, with new visions and new opportunities to rest and relax into/as the loving arms and wings of Our Beloved Mother-Father God, Goddess, All That is. We are more and more recognizing our core essence as love and fun and oneness and stillness. We are awakening as if from sleeping and dreaming, and being invited into Our Multidimensional Expansiveness and Loving Destiny.


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