~You Are the Universe ~ Not a Child of the Universe~

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Welcome to Brenda's Blog

~GALACTIC LOVE REPORTER Brenda Hoffman for www.LifeTapestryCreations.com



Special Event: Brenda will be the featured guest on Mike Quinsey’s “Connecting the Light” radio show at www.BBSRadio.com Friday, December 2nd at 2 pm Pacific Standard Time / 5 pm Eastern Standard Time

Summary of this week’s free, 15-minute, “Creation Energies Channeled by Brenda Hoffman,” www.BlogTalkRadio.com show: You have broken out of your shell with the help of the October 28th energy shift and you are traveling to new inner worlds. Unlike the Old Age explorers, you will not discover new physical lands, but new inner worlds.

Title of the November 1, free, channeled, “Brenda’s Blog” at www.LifeTapestryCreations.com: ”October 28th Opened Your Portal of Manifestation”


You Are the Universe ~ Not a Child of the Universe


Dear Ones,

~A Massive Infusion of Light and Reflection of Light~

Lia's picture


I see the most wonderful landscapes unfolding. The light of the land, the light of the humans, the potentials we are bringing forth together. Each day leaves me more breathless than the day before. More excited for a world I yearned for as a child.

I get to see all of this for one reason... because of You! Because you shared with me the landscape of your own Light. Thru you I get to see the most amazing potentials now starting to create themselves in what we would call our future. I truly get to see what is really happening in any given day. People marvel at how I can see. I cannot even tell you how much I marvel at what I see, because what I see is YOU! Your Soul. Your story of Light. I am simply reading glasses (smile). Alright, maybe reading glasses with the built in ability to enhance frequency settings (smile)... we all have our thing!

~The Doorways of Infinite Time ~ 11:11:11~

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Message from the Council of Light*

Telepathic transmission 7 November 2011

The Doorways of Infinite Time Approach.

You have been seeded, coded to grow toward remembering, and to awaken to vibrational alignment with these openings to Infinite Time.


Benjamin Fulford 11~8~11…~ ”Paradigm lost as the Western Oligarch’s lies unravel”… “The criminal cabal is caput”~

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Benjamin Fulford 11~8~11…~


”Paradigm lost as the Western Oligarch’s lies unravel”… “The criminal cabal is caput”~


~Commentary from Steve Beckow~This timely information from Ben tells us that the cabal is finished, and any dark news we may see out there is like “reading Axis news reports of imminent victory late during World War 2″. It’s an attempt to hide the truth of what’s really happening.

Perhaps the most exciting part of this is the last sentence, where he says, “The official go-ahead has now been given for a new International Economic Planning Agency. It’s motto will be “we turn dreams into reality.”” Sounds like a good deal to me.

Of course, apply Higher Discernment to Ben’s articles. Also, David Wilcock just commented that he will be coming out shortly with a transcript of Ben’s New Zealand interview. It’s enlightening to read David’s comments about what Ben has stated in his interviews.


11~11~2011 and 12~21~2012 ~Dates to Focus on Spreading Love and Transformation~

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~Love Reporter Fred Burks: 11~11~2011 and 12~21~2012

~Dates to Focus on Spreading Love and Transformation~

Fred Burks, WantToKnow


~“It’s not about rebellion, it’s about awakening to the infinite potentials within ourselves and all around us for ever deeper love and more meaningful connection!”~



Dear friends,


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