~A Week of Wonder~ 11~7~11

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~A Week of Wonder~






Today I feel a renewed sense of invigoration, so I will share with you some insights that have come to my attention. You may or may not remember a blog I posted in june called Comet Elenin 11/11/11http://thefederationoflight.ning.com/profiles/blogs/comet-elenin-11... I mentioned in that blog an asteroid called YU55. 

'What is little known, is at the same time as elenin there is an asteroid coming pretty close to the earth aswell. It is called YU55. YU55 will pass closer to the earth than our moon! What is unusual about this asteroid is that is dosn't spin. To me this indicates that it is infact a ship. Elinen will pass to our front and YU55 to our back.'

In SaLuSa's message today he said the following;

~Once More with Feeling~

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~Once More with Feeling~
2011 November 6
Posted by Galactic Love Reporter Steve Beckow

Will you kindly excuse me while I have another rant on the subject of President Obama? I keep thinking I haven’t stated matters well enough, that this time I’ll be successful.  I hope I am. Because I think we’re being so manipulated on this subject that it’s depressing. It’s disappointing to see us walk into the same trap every time.

If I stop making these points, it’ll only be because I’m weary of repeating myself, not because I don’t support the President. And, yes, I know – he didn’t support the Disclosure Petition. I realize that. But matters are just not that simple that we should remove support if we don’t receive what we want on every issue.

11~11~11 Energy Wave and Activation by Archangel Metatron, Lord Merlin and Lady Portia~ Part 1

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11~11~11 Energy Wave and Activation by Archangel Metatron, Lord Merlin and Lady Portia~ Part 1





A wealth and abundance of energy flows into your being now as we the souls upon the inner planes gather to connect with you and support you through the 11-11-11 activation. We are the combined energies of Archangel Metatron, Lord Merlin and Lady Portia. Archangel Metatron, being the leading light at this time, Lord Merlin is a powerful soul accustomed to transitions, assisting in all viewing the magic within this special time, while Lady Portia is acting as a representative of the Goddess light of transformation and growth. There are numerous beings anchoring their light now, such as Master Jesus, Mother Mary, Saint Germain, Lord Melchizedek, Lady Nada, Master Kuthumi, Master Serapis Bey and so manymore. All wish to express their love to you and to support you in any way they can.

~The Ascension Ladder to 11:11 and the New Light Body ~

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I have always marveled at the Human form, both biologically as well as energetically, but how I am now starting to see us, to understand us...beyond extraordinary! Before I get into that, I do want take just a moment and talk about the ladder we are currently climbing called November. I never really noticed this pattern until Nov 4th.... but hey... I noticed!

We are being housed in the energy of 11:11 all month long. The first 11 rungs of this ladder.... everyone is climbing weather consciously or not. Each rung of ladder presenting it's energy as uniquely as the person climbing. Keep in mind, this is not your usual ladder. This is the biggest opportunity for all occupants of earth; to climb straight up into the highest Light on earth.

~Analysis of Matthew’s 11~11 Message~

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~Analysis of Matthew’s 11~11 Message~

2011 November 6
Posted by Love Reporter  Steve Beckow

I’d like to look at the issue-oriented parts of Matthew’s latest message, not his discussion of free-will, karma, and evolution, which I’ll leave to a later time.

Matthew begins by acknowledging the Occupy Together Movement and tells us that it’s growing as a result of the same energy or vibrational frequencies that influenced the Arab Spring.

We’re all of us waiting for “hard signs” that the 2012 scenario is real. We expect those hard signs to be the introduction of NESARA and Disclosure. But can we not see that the Occupy Together and Arab Spring movements are also hard signs? Matthew suggests that we should be able to.

~Understanding the 11~11 Gateway~

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Wednesday, 30 November, 2011  (posted 4 November, 2011) 



On 11~11 you and humanity are entering an energy gateway. It is one of a number of gateways you will experience in the coming times. What do these gateways really mean and how can you prepare?

People across the planet are waking up. As this awakening occurs, light shines on things that were previously in the dark. This is a natural process. You as a divine changemaker are an integral part of this process.

Your energy is crucial to what unfolds next - impacting your own spiritual evolution and the shifting of the Earth. Since your energy is such a pivotal factor, it is helpful to understand evolutionary cycles and gateways like 11/11.


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