~SaLuSa on the New Paradigm~

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~SaLuSa on the New Paradigm~

2011 September 20
by Steve Beckow

For those who are missing SaLuSa while Mike is on vacation, here is a generous serving to help tide you over and to further develop the theme of the new paradigm.

Originally posted to Galactic Roundtable discussion group (now Share11) on March 11, 2009.

This is the third time I’ve felt inspired by something SaLuSa wrote. This is not a campaign to promote SaLuSa. I just find his points thought-provoking.

In one lucid paragraph in his latest message, SaLuSa lays out the “New Paradigm.”

He prefaces his comments by saying that “it is written that you shall bring into manifestation the new paradigm, and it shall be vastly different from the old one.” What is the “new paradigm”?

Here is SaLuSa’s statement of it:


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The Arcturian Group ~ September 18, 2011




Greetings dear ones. We of the Arcturian group welcome you to a new age, to a new way of seeing, and new light of understanding that is blanketing the earth at this time. We see Light moving though many places that heretofore have been in darkness. Many who were stuck in tradition and old energy are beginning to open, even if just a little, to new ways of seeing and being. The Light is surrounding you dear ones, and this is acting to dissolve and break the bonds of those shadows that you have lived under for so long.

There is coming a time very shortly, when you will understand even more. You are creating an energy in which the new can be born in more powerful ways, a new energy in which those who will be here to help can enter and be listened to. Much is about to change on earth. Much that you have believed could never change is indeed changing, for all is energy and you have changed the energy needed in order for these old issues to function. We see you embracing the new ideas with love for you are beginning to see that there are indeed better and higher ways of doing things. Ways which include all, and not just a select group deemed worthy by the false standards of old energy beliefs. Those who still continue to hold to what is finished, will have a difficult time of it, for they are “beating a dead horse” as you say in your vernacular.


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   I distinctly remember as a boy of 5yrs old..A "North Easter" was Blowing a Gale, a furious Storm.....








   I was studying the bible by the Fire because the power went out.. and was completely FASCINATED with CHRIST as he stood in the Boat with his deciples, after trying to calm their fears and being awoken from a nap...and Peter was in Great Fear and woke up Jesus during a terrible storm....and irritated and disgusted with there lack of Faith,  said, "YE OF LITTLE FAITH". Stood in the bow of the little boat, and raised his arms  and Yelled to the Sky: "PEACE-----BE CALM"! And instantly the Storm obeyed! 


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~Humanity Is born into the Right Brain Connection to Creation. Belief systems, left brain misunderstandings, have to be placed upon the Being. They have to be drawn into the unconsciousness so that they forget their Original Connection to Oneness. Because We Are Here, We Are to lift the veil of the left brain which removes the shackles of unconsciousness forever, and Brings Humanity into Eternity~



Is Obama Visiting the Underground Bunker on the Next Comet ELENIN Alignment?~

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~Commentary from the Galactic Free Press~ We Posted this not to create fear of any kind but awareness~ WE Find it Fasinating these dates, as They Correspond with The Divine Plan and The Convergence where The Portals will Be Opened by US, Father God and I Are Comet Elenin and WE are Here with Gaia, and all Grand Events are just Moments Away~~ LOL~~ and they want to go hide from Us~~ Jokes On them Wink, Wink~ We Love You, Love Mother and Father God With Gaia and all Her Angels~



~Is Obama Visiting the Underground Bunker on the Next Comet ELENIN Alignment?

It's been reported recently that President Barack Obama is going to be visiting 3 West Coast cities soon. Ironically, on the next September 27th Comet Elenin alignment Obama will be conveniently where it's been reported a secret underground bunker exists. Coincidence?

Here's a little info on the Denver, Colorado underground base:


Esoteric symbolic painting in the Denver, Co airport


~Equinox Report~ Barbra Hand Clow~ Critical Leap Forward~

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fall equinox timing is friday,23rd of september 2011 at 5:05 AM EDT,view chart:




It is the Fall Equinox north of the equator, and the Spring Equinox south of the equator. In the north, it is time to balance the intentions you created during the Spring Equinox, while in the south it is time to create new intentions for what you want to create during the year. This site is written for readers north of the equator, so those down south will need to apply this reading to their spring intentions.

~Tree Spirit Activation by the Tree Spirits ~ 9~19~11~

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~Tree Spirit Activation by the Tree Spirits

~ 9~19~11~




Extending our energies wide and far we encapsulate the Earth in our loving heart. We are the
very essence and consciousness of the trees upon the Earth; we are the spirit of the trees. It is
extremely important that we come forward to speak with you today as there is a need for your
energy to be of service.

~Arcturian CORRIDOR Your Multidimensional Reality~

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~Arcturian CORRIDOR

Your Multidimensional Reality~


Inter-dimensional Communication

Blessings to our grounded ones,
We meet once again inside our Arcturian Corridor. As a result of our many inter-dimensional meetings, you have learned to incorporate our Corridor into your consciousness. Consequently, you no longer imagine our Corridor as being far away or high above. Instead, you KNOW that it is a component of your ever-expanding multidimensional consciousness. Because of this, we wish to instruct you regarding the many qualities of your Multidimensional Consciousness. First, we will tell you about your innate ability to communicate inter-dimensionally.


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~ Peggy Black and the 'team'[Hathors]

We are here. Once again we are here to remind you of who you are. We acknowledge you for your courage as you welcome more and more light awareness to unfold in your life. We are aware that you are being flooded with information, options, projections regarding upcoming events and timelines. Much of this information is generating fear, fear of the possible disasters that could occur, the end of times, the collapse of your reality as you know it.

We acknowledge the great changes occurring; however, we invite you to hold the intention, the vision and the focus of the events unfolding with incredible ease and grace. We remind you of who you are; remember you are beings of Light, consciousness in physical form, you are multidimensional beings of great understanding, courage and love.

You are here at this time of evolution, this time of wondrous transformation as a conscious vehicle anchoring a new reality for the coming ages. In this field of all possibilities, there are always multi-realities that are available to manifest.


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