~Co-Creating a New Golden Age ~

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~Co-Creating a New Golden Age ~


Part I 


Souls are now awakening to their true purpose in tremendous numbers during these extraordinary times of change. And instead of getting caught up in fear of the personal and planetary changes and predictions, more and more of you are simply moving right through them with your spiritual eye focused on how things could be done differently now and in the days ahead. We applaud each and every one of you for being the pioneers of your new Golden Age.




Masters St. Germain and Lady Portia:


~Equinox September 2011: A Moment of Balance~

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Monday, 19 September, 2011  


~Equinox September 2011: A Moment of Balance~



As we approach the Equinox, not only do the days and nights become closer to being in balance, one the same as the other, but as a global human collective there is also a striving for balance as well. You will see this in your personal experience as you attempt to create connection between your inner world and the external one, or as you attempt to reconcile any two seemingly disparate elements of your life. You will see this in community, as groups strive to create harmony (and often at the expense of actual forward movement). It is much the same in nature. The earthquake activity around the globe – Fiji, Japan, Aleutian Islands – is but Gaia's attempt at releasing energies needed in order to achieve a certain element of balance.

But why become balanced at all? What is the impetus? And when achieved, can balance be maintained. Should it be maintained? How?

~You sit right now in the middle of change~

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Friday, 16 September, 2011  

You sit right now in the middle of change. It's all around you and it's within you too. You can't escape it.  

Some changes you welcome but many you resist or simply don't like. As you approach the equinox next week, take a few moments to investigate your current feelings about change. Note the things that are causing you difficulty.

Here are a few things that you may find difficult about today's changes:

~UPDATE~The Galactic Federation through Wanderer of the Skies~

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~The Galactic Federation through Wanderer of the Skies~


Greetings from the Federation:


We now deliver to you our preamble to the greatest event in human history. You are about to undergo those changes which have been discussed for so long and for which we have been preparing on our side for a very long time indeed. These preparations will be lost to some in the moments after Disclosure as a whirlwind of activity and events unfolds on your planet. To others, the preparation will have been well served. Whatever level of preparedness at which you find yourselves in the days and weeks following Disclosure, remember always to help each other to the best of your abilities.


Lia's picture



Posted on September 16, 2011

Greetings to our brothers and sister of Earth from those if us aboard the starship Athabantian. It is in our love for and our Oneness with you that we take this opportunity to share more of our observations with you. We are most pleased when you make time to read our communications. Today we return with more responses to your questions. Some of these may seem repetitive with our earlier messages, but these questions continue to be asked, so we are responding, also events are coming to a tipping point so we may be communicating more frequently.

In your prior posting you spoke of the pole shift. How severe will the earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic action be as a result of these shifts?

~The Arcturian Group~

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~Marilyn Raffaele~




~The Arcturian Group~

Greetings dear ones. We of the Arcturian group welcome you to a new age, to a new way of seeing, and new light of understanding that is blanketing the earth at this time. We see Light moving though many places that heretofore have been in darkness. Many who were stuck in tradition and old energy are beginning to open, even if just a little, to new ways of seeing and being. The Light is surrounding you dear ones, and this is acting to dissolve and break the bonds of those shadows that you have lived under for so long.

~Jesus: Hate and Anger are Incompatible with Love~

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~Jesus: Hate and Anger are Incompatible with Love~




Waiting can seem interminable if what you are waiting for is intensely desired, and yet time itself is but a further illusory concept within the illusion that you experience as reality. And, due to this concept, waiting does seem interminable, even though you have been confined within the illusion only momentarily. This is a very good reason to be happy! For the illusion is but a momentary excursion into an unreal state of existence from which you will withdraw, instantly, and forever.


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