~THE COUNCIL OF 12 ~9~16~11

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The Council of Twelve via Ann, Sept. 16, 2011:

[Ann to the Council of Twelve: Are you on the line?]

Yes, dear. We are always on the line. You need only pick up the receiver to hear us. We are whispering in your ear throughout the day, helping you to make positive choices in the world of duality. Positive choices will eventually eliminate the world of duality, which is the irony and paradox of duality. We refer to one end of dualistic poles: negative and positive. How can focusing on one aspect of duality erase it? There really is only one pole - love. Everything that has the vibration of love is reality. Everything that has the vibration of its opposite—fear—is duality, which is another word for falsehood. Fear is the nightmare, or perhaps daymare is a better word.

If it feels good, do it! That was a slogan from the 1960s, and while it led to some unfortunate excesses, the principle is basically sound. If it feels good—meaning if your heart feels warm and expanded—do it. If it feels bad, meaning your heart feels tight and defended, you've made a fear-based choice.


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Waveform, the next frontier. Divine in origin, eternal in nature, perfectly synchronized. Patterns and ratios, equally proportioned, sequentially unified, living love light. "Jesus, still standing, then said to the twelve, 'You could not entertain this belief as a result of mere human knowledge. This is a revelation of the spirit of my Father to your inmost souls. I am led to declare that upon this foundation will I build the brotherhood of the kingdom of heaven. Upon this rock of spiritual reality will I build the eternal realities of my Father's kingdom'." ~ The Urantia Book

~Sep 8, 2011 Grandfather of the Maya Don Alejandro and Drunvalo Melchizedek~

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~Sep 8, 2011
Grandfather of the Maya Don Alejandro and Drunvalo Melchizedek~



Time to be... the world is changing now .. be part of the change 11:11 the love .. let go the fear ..... let go your attachment to the old world and embrace the new ... MUSIC is the answer is the Key ^_^ ♪ ♫


egypt ancient consciousness energy earth spirit truth light world history universe healing ufo physics ascension knowledge sacred quantum meditation reality prophecy human calendar awakening mind pyramid wisdom time secret alien mckenna life theory divine planet atlantis goddess nature dimension space astral cosmic future peace terence freedom enlightenment power awareness soul order age geometry alchemy metaphysics matrix galactic moors dream technology dimensions psychic native humanity body new psychology mystery babylon matter projection civilization shaman self cosmos aztec psychedelic hidden aliens transformation field shamanism vision isis cairo higher vortex

~Very Strange Space Today~

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~Very Strange Space Today~


I’m in a very strange space today and, talking with a colleague, discovered that he was in the same space.

Very peaceful.

Lots to do. I’m in danger of forgetting what there is to do. But still, overall, peaceful. If I do it, fine. If I don’t do it, fine.

Archangel Michael made a very interesting comment in the last reading:

“But you know, dear heart, what I will tell you is this. Just as I have worked with many of my allies, your sweet self included, and those of NATO, I now intend to bring peace into the hearts of those who are ruling the economic systems behind the scenes.”

~Portals as Pathways into other Dimensions and Realities~

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~Portals as Pathways into other Dimensions and Realities~


Because portals are pathways into other dimensions and realities, they exist in consciousness as energetic fields. These energetic fields can help us heal, create works of art, shift our consciousness to a new timeline or identity, connect with others in consciousness, perceive other locations in time and space and much more.

There are many different ways to view, access and experience portals. By raising our vibration to access spiritual vision, we can begin to perceive the many portals that exist in consciousness. Though we may be able to perceive many portals, our energy, thoughts, vibrations, beliefs and attitudes determine the portals we're able to access within a given moment.

~Allowing ~ Gaia's Daughter of Truth~

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Things are opening up for all beings on Earth, no matter where they are in life. By that We mean both those embarked on a spiritual path, aware of the emerging energies, and those who are blind or oblivious to all happenings in the invisible and happily living in that man-made reality of yours.

Yet, no matter where you are located in that spectrum, two distinct reactions or patterns are appearing: One one side complete acceptance or allowing of what is and what is becoming, on the other, complete refusal or resistance of that same situation/experience.

As time passes Earthlings, there is a lot less gray in your world, so to speak.

And for those who willingly allow all experiences or who have learned to do so, peace and knowingness is settling in.

9~16~11~~From James Gililland email: Mary Magdalene on Earth Changes~

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~From James Gililland email: Mary Magdalene on Earth Changes~




In a transpersonal release session Mary Magdalene came in as the main teacher and guide. After the clearing session she had a lot more to say about the upcoming Earth Changes. We asked if Nibiru was for real she said yes. She also said between Sept and November to expect major changes on every level building up to a great crescendo. November 2011 could be the passing of the Red Kachina the great purifier and people need to come back into alignment with Spirit and Nature. She also said there would be protection for those who listen and act but to be aware of spiritual ego and attachment. Some areas will not be safe no matter how connected one thinks they are and if they really were connected they would be moving from these areas. Beware of the feel good messages and those that avoid personal responsibility maintaining the be lie f that the status quo will continue. She said the Pleiadians, Sirians, Orion Council of Light, Andromedans and several other races 12 to be exact all have played a major part in our evolution.


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