9~7~11~ The Galactic Federation through Wanderer of the Skies~

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~The Galactic Federation through Wanderer of the Skies~

September 7, 2011

Greetings from the Federation:

As matters are now progressing more rapidly than even we had hoped for, we felt it necessary for you to have this next update now. Two important matters have come to a head in your societies. The first is that the banking concerns have made the necessary exchanges to shift the monetary system into the new order. A group of countries have taken on the Illuminati in this respect and forced a concession sooner than we had anticipated. Second, the military rogue factions of several of your countries seem to be in compliance with the most recent agreements, thereby paving the way for a safer attempt at Disclosure than we have seen in the recent past.

~SaLuSa 9~7~11

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  SaLuSa  9~7~11

We see so many of you creating an atmosphere of calm around you, and that is greatly needed in a time of confusion. You have the advantage of knowing that whatever happens or threatens your peace, a satisfactory outcome as promised will manifest. As you approach the final period of chaos, know that it can only go so far before our influence and authority will take over. We are far more active than any previous time, as we direct our allies into their final positions from which they will launch their take-over from the dark Ones. You may not see us in the early encounters, but be assured we will be there with them.


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HIGHEST RECOMMENDED READING: EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE PHOTON BELT, AND  ”THREE DAYS OF DARKNESS” mentioned in the bible, native prophecy and modern channeled messages – Indian in the machine

 All of you who call yourselves “religious” in any manner whatsoever, should be in knowing of the expected three days of darkness—or, is it possible your “preachers” happened to miss a thing or two? - Hatonn

Dear world,

This whole photon belt “three days of darkness” thing keeps coming up…IT’S PROBABLY A BIG DEAL SINCE THESE TIMES OF THE CLOSING OF THIS CYCLE HAS BEEN MENTIONED FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS!… we’re in these times… whew….let’s put calmly put the pieces together so that everything can make sense and we can have a sense of what is taking place and what we are likely to experience in the near future. I’m sure as you read about this period, you may be triggered to be more committed to detox and preparing your body for higher frequencies… some of us are doing it.

~The Key to Being Ageless~

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~Love Reporter Sapphire Stone~



~The Key to Being Ageless~


The Appearance of Your Physical Body Is Determined By The Amount of Light Used In The Four Lower Bodies: The Mental, Emotional, Etheric And Physical Body!


The Emanation of Natural Light Through The Four Lower Bodies Is A Wall of Protection Against Aging!


Our Body Is Made of Atoms! When Electrons Move More Slowly In Their Respective Cells And Organs, They Attract Less Light From The Higher Planes, And Thus The Natural
Resistance of The Current of Life Diminishes!



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By Love Reporter Elina [FB]



What does it mean to be centered, in balance? How is it possible to remain in a harmonious state of mind and spirit even when surrounded by
situations of duality and chaos?

In the core of each and every one of us lies the potential to see things exactly as they are, in a
clear perspective that will literally dissolve all fears,
indoctrinated beliefs, doubts, negative thoughts and questions that
bring confusion and blockages into our lives. Self-empowering sayings
like "The Answer is Within You" are often perceived as obscure
wisdom, dangerous wisdom by religious institutions ;) and isn't yet
fully grasped by Humanity. Even those of us who claim to live by this
simple and natural principle can be tricked back into believing that
well-being and knowledge are separate from us and is something to
strive for, to be obtained by something or someone else instead being
accountable for ourselves and having trust in our own intuition.



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~Galactic Love Reporter Ponder Cory~


It is time to start feeling completely safe within yourself and within Mother Earth. Know that you are protected and guided by the light.
Start thinking and acting out of pure, unconditional love, not out of
fear and worry to avoid tragedy. We are in the final phases of the
dark age as we are breaking through into the light and LOVE is what
is going to push us through...EMBRACE IT, FEEL
IT and BE IT...♥

Do not fear bad things happening to you anymore. Do not worry about money and material issues. They only take you away from pure love. They
take you away from your true connection with yourself, others and
most importantly GOD~SOURCE.....LOVE connects all as ONE and binds
everything together. It breaks down the walls of separation between
ALL....so be it..♥


At the same time we surrender ourselves to our ego/persona and realize that we are nothing in this system created by man, we need to step into our true light bodies and
realize that WE are everything in this world created by us, GOD and
Creation. We truly embody our true GOD/GODDESS form as creators and
ONE with Spirit/GOD and reclaim our true power and divine birthright
as we continue in our Creation...so be it...♥

~The 9/11 Victims Speak Through Matthew Ward~

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~The 9/11 Victims Speak Through Matthew Ward~

2011 September 6
by Steve Beckow

Five days after 9/11, Matthew Ward channeled a message reporting on the reception of the victims on the etheric plane and passing on a collective message from them.  I don’t think any action could better illustrate the value of crossborder communication than this one did.

Many more people than 3,000 died on 9/11.

The message was later reproduced as part of Matthew’s Message of Dec. 17, 2009.


~Wave of Rumors Designed to Raise Fear in Us: Please Ignore Them~

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~Wave of Rumors Designed to Raise Fear in Us: Please Ignore Them~

by  Galactic Love Reporter Steve Beckow

I seem to be deluged in emails all of which report a wave of rumors sweeping the Internet.

There are rumors about Elenin, early Ascension, a rapture, the splitting of worlds, alien invasion, vacating Planet Earth, terrible storms creating havoc in the month of September, etc. The thread running through all of them is the same: catastrophe for Earth and the need to be afraid.

Here is one example:


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