~GALACTIC LOVE REPORTER AND FIRST CONTACT GROUND CREW TEAM MEMBER PREDRAG~![](http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/297499_2448251605387_1224858484_2962757_7804603_n.jpg)
What is left when 'fear' is gone from ones being?.... Can you sense this beautiful emptiness, almost cleanliness crystal clear, that need nothing to be part of your being...
What is left in you when all the 'judgments' and 'arguments' are washed away, with pure God's Love?.... Can you feel it, this forgiveness that bathing you, can you feel this gratitude of His presence in your heart...
How you feel without 'guilt' mode, that all of us were trained so well for centuries and millennia... Can you feel the breeze of God's winds within your heart and soul?...
Yes, it is true that Gaia is expecting two big, very big planetary bodies arriving at our doorsteps....
Yes, it is true this will be never seen before changes on this Planet, concealed with negativity and fears, and as well with our faith and love....