~Sananda on the Ascension Process ~Part 8

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~Sananda on the Ascension Process ~Part 8

2011 September 6
byLove Reporter Steve Beckow

I continue with some passages of material attributed to Sananda from Eric Klein’s The Crystal Stair (1990) to give us yet another historical view of how Ascension has been discussed for quite some time.

I’ve said earlier that Imperator, Beinsa Douno, Silver Birch and others were discussing it back in the late Nineteenth and early Twentieth Centuries. I’m sure there are many more who were as well. A 1990 discussion is almost current, but still twenty years back. But most of what Sananda says is almost identical to what’s being said now; a few things are not. Let’s listen in on more of the things he says.

(Continued from Part 7.)

I will speak about the requirements for [Ascension]. Yes, we have requirements. I use the word ratyher facetiously, for compared to the requirements for those who have already ascended before this time, they are really rather easy requirements.

~Acts of Creation

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How much do you create these days Earthlings? How does it compare to last year at this time... or even last month? As electric~dense~ spiralling energies intensify, acts of creation of all kinds will prove most beneficial for quite a number of you.

Cooking. Dancing. Singing. Painting. Poetry. Writing/journaling. Playing music. Photography. Gardening. Pottery...

Acts of creation often lead to release, healing, catharsis, epiphanies... In fact, creating will bring you whatever you need at the particular moment of creative activity. And if the work is to be completed over a period of time, it evolves as you do. Changes as your needs change.

9~6~11~~Lucia René: A Splitting of the Worlds~

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~Lucia René: A Splitting of the Worlds~

with Commentary from Katalyst~

Lucia René and Inelia Benz cohost a riveting telecall discussing the splitting of worlds between 3d and the higher dimensions. I found myself hanging on to every word as they explored the intense transformation occurring in our realities.

They talk about the “euphoria of getting down to work” with other light beings as energies align with like and our authentic selves rise with the light.

Old paradigms such as people “losing their minds” and the “intellectual fixation” upon the mind as ruler throughout the patriarchy are examined in depth as well as the abilities that become available as we “shed [old] structures, little by little” and step into formless reality.

Participants on the call added to the overall message of transformation as they openly shared personal experiences, reminding us that we’re not alone on our sometimes difficult journeys.

~ The Love Diet~

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~Galactic Love Reporter Predrag [ by AnaShyNa]

~Love Diet~

Dear Friends of Light,

LOVE DIET [works for every soul, heavy or light, removes all your fears: guaranteed loos of fear: refunds available after 30 cosmic days, if results not satisfactory]

Yet another fruitless attempt to put some fears in our European brothers and sisters. They are attempting to divert our attention from what is really happening:
Love is Coming on the Mother Earth, and they want us to look on the
other side.

They want US to move our eyes away from ourselves, and start feeding again this "fear-beast" which is becoming chronically hungry, cranky and quite desperate as
it does not like this diet. Called Love Diet, as you only consume
LOVE. This fear-beast becoming tinnier and loosing all this fat, that
it accumulated for last couple of hundred of years.

~Kryon: The Humanization of God~

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~Kryon Channelings~

This live channelling was Given in Totowa, New Jersey

July 16, 2011



To help the reader, this channelling has been revisited [by Lee and Kryon] to provide even clearer understanding. Often what happens live has implied energy within it, which carries a kind of communication that the printed page does not. So enjoy this enhanced message given in New Jersey, July 16, 2011.

~The Galactic Federation through Wanderer of the Skies~ 9~5~11

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~The Galactic Federation through Wanderer of the Skies~




Greetings from the Federation:

We are back to discuss another aspect of the emerging Disclosure process with you. You are immersed in the changes going on right now around your planet. There is a great shift underway in the economic and business fields that have created unstoppable change which moves us closer to Disclosure and our ability to teach you what we know about your Ascension process in the little time left before that too arrives.

SaLuSa to me: Open Up Your Heart 9~5~11

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SaLuSa to me: Open Up Your Heart 9~5~11




Laura: Good afternoon SaLuSa. Here is our first question: “A question that worries me a lot is, do I have to physically die on Earth to ask for illumination and preparation for Ascension, or can I do this in this terrestrial life with discipline? Invoking my guardian angels and the Light Beings? But how can I achieve this if I can’t even achieve for a minute a second of peace and I have not been able to silence it not even for a moment?  Could you help me please with this, could you gift me instructions on what I have to do to improve my mental, spiritual and physical state?  How can I help my loved ones and those around me?.”


9~5~11~Greetings from the Arcturians

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Greetings from the Arcturians, we see that many of you, our grounded expressions of SELF, are now awakening, and are fully awakened, to your multidimensional consciousness. Consequently, we come to you to assist you in better understanding your expanded abilities. Just as you may need to adapt to the expanded abilities of a new computer, you are now in the process of adapting to the expanded abilities of your multidimensional consciousness. In our last meeting: (http://www.multidimensions.com/TheVision/newsletter_081111.html) we assisted you with your expanding ability of inter-dimensional communication. We meet with you now to assist you to better understand your ability of inter-dimensional travel. It is these multidimensional abilities that will assist you in being a vanguard of Personal and Planetary Ascension.


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