Humanity is on an evolutionary path of spiritual growth that is approaching a point at which it will experience a great expansion of awareness, enabling vast new realms of knowledge to become available which will be of enormous benefit to you all. This is no random event, but one which has been carefully planned and toward which you have been making slow but steady progress for eons. The moment when all the work that lyou have done over those eons to reach this point in your evolution and to move to a whole new level of consciousness is at hand, and it will bring you great joy.
Many of you are now becoming aware of the call to awaken – a call that has been serenading you for some considerable time – and are enthusiastically responding to it by starting to release attitudes and behaviors that can only be described at best as offensive, and at worst as quite unconscionable. Your world history is filled with instances that have caused untold conflict, wars, and suffering. That you are finally coming to understand the absolute futility of such ways of interacting is indeed a great step forward on your path to awakening, and brings joy to those in the spiritual realms who have been watching over you with deep love and compassion over the eons.