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Daily Message ~ Friday November 13, 2020

We understand that the times you are in can feel challenging. In order to continue to move forward making decisions that are in line with who you truly are and what you truly desire, it can be helpful to simply ask yourself, “Am I in my fear or in my wisdom?” This simple question can help you quickly identify whether the line of thinking you are currently engaging in can lead you where you really wish to go. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 11/12/2020

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Get out of the imprisonment in which you have lived up to now! It only needs a little courage, just a little courage of the gambler. And there is nothing to lose, remember. You can only lose your chains -- you can lose your boredom, you can lose this constant feeling inside you that something is missing. What else is there to lose? Get out of the rut and accept your own being.


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Daily Message ~ Thursday November 12, 2020

Dear Ones, we would like to invite you to change how you look at being in a space of not knowing or no movement. We would call such a space a pregnant pause.

A pregnant pause is a time when things are in the process of energetically coming together to take on form. It is a period of profound manifestation that is occurring behind the scenes in preparation of being born into your tangible reality.

It is a time that cannot be rushed. It is also a time that does not take one second longer than it has to. It is a process that is divinely timed to assure the success of what is trying to make its way to you.

So what do you do when you are in the pregnant pause? All the things you would do during a pregnancy. Practice good self care. Dream. Learn. Rest. Prepare for the accelerated movement that is sure to follow. Trust the process is one that creates miracles and hold the space with delicious anticipation, wonder, and gratitude for the magic that is working its way to you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 11/11/2020

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The moment you accept yourself without any conditions, suddenly an outburst of joy happens. Your juices start flowing, life really becomes ecstatic.


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Walk Your Path

In light of the recent energetic changes your Earth plane is experiencing, some may be going through a narrowing of their perceptions while others are choosing to expand.  Regardless of the state in which you are existing, The Universe is suggesting that you refrain from judging others.  You have your own thoughts, dreams and moral code.  Insisting others bend to your path creates an imbalance that, existing long enough, creates a dissonance that may detract from your own peace.  You are walking your path, let others walk theirs.  The Universe will take care of the rest. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday November 11, 2020

We encourage you to take a moment and really examine any ways you feel you are powerless or that you limit yourself. When you think about your fondest dreams, do old belief systems that make you think they are not possible come up?

Feel into those thoughts. Are they really true or are the old energy and conditioning you have received from your family or society? What if they weren’t true? What energy would open up for you? What new potentials become possible by your willingness to explore energetic expansion?

Dear Ones, you are the great creators. You have far more power than you realize! Expand. Explore. Get curious. Break through into the truth of who you are today. Allow your soul to beckon you forward.

Release any old constraints and be willing to pioneer into the new because you are in unprecedented energies and with each and every shift brand new potentials and possibilities become available to you. Your entire journey has been preparing you for the times you are in right now. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 11/10/2020

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Only the authentic person is not bored, the pseudo person is bound to be bored. The Christian will be bored, the Jaina will be bored, the Parsi will be bored, the communist will be bored, because they are dividing their life in two parts. Their real life remains repressed and they start pretending an unreal life. It is unreal life that creates boredom. If you are doing the thing you are meant to do you will never be bored.


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Have Faith In Yourself

The greatest gift you have received from The Universe is your free will.  During this time of shifting and changing, it is good to remember that you choose!  You can choose to feel happy or sad, angry or peaceful, slighted or admired, joy or pain.  If you are unable to make the switch from negative to a positive, ask The Universe for assistance.  It may take a moment but, it can be done.  Have faith in yourself, dear one, and put your free will to work. ~ Creator


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