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Daily Message ~ Tuesday November 10, 2020

Allowing your heart to flow you forward is the way to navigate the waters of the unknown. The heart always knows what is inclusive, what is supportive, what is expansive, what is your highest choice.

You can think and measure and weigh all you like with your mind, but ultimately it is the wisdom of the heart that leads you to your perfect matches and ideal outcomes.

So make friends with your heart. Trust it. Value its guidance. Consult with it time and again. It will never, ever steer your wrong. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Life Starts from Here

by Julian Rose

Let's do a reality check: many of us wake-up in the morning with our default memory sleepily reverted back to a pre-covid state of seeming 'normality'. But after splashing our face with cold water, taking the dog for a walk and having some breakfast, it dawns on us that we are being strung-along by the hands of a puppet master, whose tweaking of the strings of power is making us dance to a tune which is 100% alien to our natural evolutionary inclinations.

That puppet master is actually not one person, but a number of people; although calling them 'people' might already be an error, since they operate in the shadows of a life less than human and impose their will based on a narcissistic ambition to 'own' everything – and of course, to control it too.

GFP Newsletter - 11/9/2020

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Boredom simply means that the way you are living is wrong; hence it can become a great event, the understanding that "I am bored and something has to be done, some transformation is needed." So don't think that it is bad that you are feeling bored -- it is a good sign, a good beginning, a very auspicious beginning. But don't stop there.

Why does one feel bored? One feels bored because one has been living in dead patterns given to you by others. Renounce those patterns, come out of those patterns! Start living on your own.


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Listening To Understand

The Universe is in the process of realigning, reminding and refreshing your ability to communicate with those around you.  It is imperative that you take a moment to truly hear what is being said to you.  Rather than listening to respond, rekindle the lost art of listening to understand.  Finding common ground is one of the first steps to healing your world. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Monday November 9, 2020

Trying to surrender into the flow without letting go of fear and doubt is much like sitting in a boat expecting forward movement while you are still moored to the dock. You are ready to navigate the waters into the new through your mindfulness, your kindness, your gratitude, and your faith and trust.

Your soul is in the boat for a reason, Dear Ones. Isn’t it time to allow it to lead you to the highest outcomes you can only get to through the flow? You will be guided and supported through it all. If you have concerns about your safety, it might help to think of faith and trust as your own personal floatation devices. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 11/8/2020

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Do you see the stupidity of humanity? Five thousand years ago, Manu gave a discipline to the Hindus and they are still following it. Three thousand years ago Moses gave a discipline to the Jews and they are still following it. Five thousand years ago Adinatha gave his discipline to the Jainas and they are still following it. The whole world is being driven crazy by these disciplines! They are out of date, they should have been buried long long ago. You are carrying corpses and those corpses are stinking. And when you live surrounded by corpses, what kind of life can you have?

I teach you the moment and the freedom of the moment and the responsibility of the moment. One thing may be right this moment and may become wrong the next moment. Don't try to be consistent, otherwise you will be dead. Only dead people are consistent. Try to be alive, with all its inconsistencies, and live each moment without any reference to the past, without any reference to the future either. Live the moment in the context of the moment, and your response will be total. And that totality has beauty and that totality is creativity. Then whatsoever you do will have a beauty of its own.


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Take A Deep Breath…

It is time to ground and center yourself…another wave is headed your way.  And, just like your old television commercials used to say, “Lather, rinse, repeat” as often as you feel necessary.  More people will be waking up, taking control of/walking their paths and will have many questions.  If you choose, you can guide but, do not dictate.  Be gentle with them and yourself.  There is much work to be done.  Take a deep breath and begin! ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Sunday November 8, 2020

You are shifting profoundly right now and will continue to shift throughout the remainder of the year in preparation to step into the new energies of 2021. Allow your shifting to ebb and flow, trusting the rhythm of the universe to serve you.

Energies will leave, new energies will come in. There is divine intelligence to it all, so if you move with whatever the flow is supporting in any now moment you will navigate these waters with efficiency and far greater grace and ease than you might have thought possible.

You are moving through the energies of profound transformation, and the way to do that is with beautiful self care, presence, and unshakeable trust in both the process and your complete capability to love your way forward into the new. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

The replay is up! If you missed my appearance on Beyond The Ordinary on Thursday, no worries, you can catch it on replay. John and I had a wonderful conversation about miracles, the energies of 2020, and so much more. Plus Gabriel led a lovely channeled meditation. You can catch it here:  Hope you enjoy it as much as I did! xo

GFP Newsletter - 11/7/2020

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Thousands of shoulds and should-nots have been imposed on man, and when a man lives with thousands of shoulds and should-nots he cannot be creative. He is a prisoner; everywhere he will come across a wall. The creative person has to dissolve all shoulds and should-nots. He needs freedom and space, vast space, he needs the whole sky and all the stars, only then can his innermost spontaneity start growing.

So remember, my meaning of discipline is not that of any Ten Commandments; I am not giving you any discipline; I am simply giving you an insight how to remain learning and never become knowledgeable. Your discipline has to come from your very heart, it has to be YOURS -- and there is a great difference. When somebody else gives you the discipline it can never fit you; it will be like wearing somebody else's clothes. Either they will be too loose or too tight, and you will always feel a little bit silly in them.


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Let Go!

Take a breath, dear one.  Now take another.  Use this moment to think of what is truly yours and what is not.  You have taken on, and have been carrying, quite a few things that are not yours…it is time to let them go.  Let go of everything you have internalized and accepted as a part of who you are.  You define who you are, you choose what you will become, you decide what your existence will be.  Move forward knowing that you are lovingly supported by The Universe. ~ Creator


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