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Daily Message ~ Saturday November 7, 2020

Gratitude is the tool that allows you to shift into a reciprocal love relationship with the universe. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

The replay is up! If you missed my appearance on Beyond The Ordinary on Thursday, no worries, you can catch it on replay. John and I had a wonderful conversation about miracles, the energies of 2020, and so much more. Plus Gabriel led a lovely channeled meditation. You can catch it here:  Hope you enjoy it as much as I did! xo

GFP Newsletter - 11/6/2020

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It is easy to read a book because the book is in your hands. I am not in your hands! You can interpret the book according to your ideas, you cannot interpret me according to your ideas -- I will make so much trouble for you!


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Expectation Vs. Reality

One of the most critical things you will learn in your lifetime is how to balance reality with expectation.  The Universe would like to make perfectly clear that expectation is vastly different from manifestation.

Manifestation engages your active participation in creating a world in which you want to live.

Expectation is assuming you will be treated a certain way simply because you believe it should happen.

Today, you are being invited to look at your expectations and see how many are valid.  If you find they are not, it is time make some changes; release and begin manifesting a different reality for yourself. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 11/5/2020

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"Discipline" is a beautiful word, but it has been misused as all other beautiful words have been misused in the past. The word "discipline" comes from the same root as the word "disciple"; the root meaning of the word is "a process of learning." One who is ready to learn is a disciple, and the process of being ready to learn is discipline.

The knowledgeable person is never ready to learn, because he already thinks he knows; he is very centered in his so-called knowledge. His knowledge is nothing but a nourishment for his ego. He cannot be a disciple, he cannot be in true discipline.

Socrates says: "I know only one thing, that I know nothing." That is the beginning of discipline. When you don't know anything, of course, a great longing to inquire, explore, investigate arises. And the moment you start learning, another factor follows inevitably: whatsoever you have learned has to be dropped continuously, otherwise it will become knowledge and knowledge will prevent further learning.


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Finding Your Inner Balance

This latest wave of energy may have you feeling like you are floating off into space, arms and legs flailing, searching for something…anything solid that will give a sense of safety and security.  You are being reminded that this only temporary. 

With each new wave of change that washes over your Earth, there will be an adjustment period, a moment to shed that which does not serve before finding your inner balance again.  Know The Universe is guiding, supporting and assisting you as you move through this process.  All will be well. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Thursday November 5, 2020

A great many enlightening human beings find their way to their spiritual path through the dark night of the soul. The most chaotic, dark places always become too uncomfortable to stay in for a sustained period of time, and when it becomes clear that it is too painful to stay the same, the door opens for great and empowered change.

The dark night of the soul can occur not just for humans but for countries and collectives, as well. While very challenging, such times serve the purpose of being a springboard for profound change and accelerated forward movement. It creates the opportunity for course correction and the discovery of the new. It is at the point when it becomes clear things cannot stay the same, the path of real change will be embraced.

So honour your feelings and centre deep into what you know to be divinely true and right, Dear Ones. Allow your heart and your inner wisdom to beckon you forward by being the change, being the love, being the pioneers, being the anchors of peace you are on the planet to be. It is the collective efforts of those who redirect time and again into who they really are that will create the wave you seek into the new. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 11/4/2020

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My effort is to destroy the collective mind and to make each individual free to be himself or herself. Then there is no problem; then you can live as you want to live. In fact, humanity will really only be born the day the individual is respected in his rebellion. Humanity has still not been born; it is still in the womb. What you see as humanity is only a very hocus-pocus phenomenon. Unless we give individual freedom to each person, absolute freedom to each person to be himself, to exist in his own way... And, of course, he has not to interfere with anybody -- that is part of freedom. Nobody should interfere with anybody.

But in the past everybody has been poking his nose into everybody else's affairs -- even into things which are absolutely private, which have nothing to do with the society. For example, you fall in love with a woman -- what has that got to do with the society? It is purely a personal phenomenon, it is not of the marketplace. If two persons are agreeing to commune in love, the society should not come into it, but the society comes into it with all its paraphernalia, in direct ways, in indirect ways.


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A gentle reminder…  

Those around you are going to think what they think, do what they do and will keep their dearest and/or most devastating thoughts to themselves until they feel safe enough to express. The most obvious and the most missed key to all of it; there is nothing you, as an individual, can do to change it for them. It is part of supporting those you care for most while they walk their own path in their own way. That, dearest child, is Unconditional Love. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday November 4, 2020

Dear Ones, much is playing out in your collective. This is a time for gentleness. Gentleness for yourselves, gentleness for others. We wrap you up in our love and support and encourage you forward. In times of uncertainty all you must do is make your highest choice one now moment at a time. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


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