GFP Newsletter - 10/31/2020

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Don't take life as a problem, it is a tremendously beautiful mystery. Drink of it -- it is pure wine! Be a drunkard with it!


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Dear one, please remember each decision makes a difference.  Even though you may not fully understand, know that your free will and ability to choose can have a positive effect on the world around you.  Staying peaceful during this time of change moves you closer to the life you have been manifesting.  Hope comes in many forms.  If you are not able to see it yet, look a bit closer. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Saturday October 31, 2020

When you do not accept who you really are in your beingness, you are continuing to aggravate any unhealed aspects you have that came from not being accepted. Settling into your beingness and knowing it is more than enough heals the hurts you experienced when others tried to make you wrong for being who you really are. This is the healing piece that is currently looking to be addressed in order to set you up for the next exciting phase of your incarnation, because it is the luminosity of your beingness that lights your way into the new. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


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AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey

Happy Halloween!!!  This Full Blue Taurus Moon is a powerful one.  It’s the first time since 1944 that a Full Moon has fallen on Halloween…and the energy can be Life-Changing! What an exciting Halloween this can be……   Halloween is also a time of year when the veils are very thin…allowing us to connect with higher dimensions. It can also help us connect with love ones that have passed over.  Try communicating with loved ones that have passed over and listen….you just may be able to hear their responses.   This Halloween/Blue Full Moon is sitting with Uranus, the planet of constant change, surprises and revolution.  Because of these uncertain energies you may feel more anxiety and impatience. These energies are also making people feel impulsive, unpredictable and a bit unstable. These energies can effect the upcoming Presidential election on November 3rd also….along with the fact that retrograde Mercury is Stationary direct on November 3rd….increasing the risk of delays with the elections.  Mercury is also squaring Saturn (Saturn rules Capricorn which rules the Government) that could bring in some frustrations that could lead to unrest and rebellion.  The energies are chaotic and powerful….so between now and then, be prepared for unexpected and disruptive events…and use some of this powerful energy to Manifest a peaceful election.   

GFP Newsletter - 10/30/2020

will's picture

It is better not to label life, it is better not to give it a structure, it is better to leave it open-ended, it is better not to categorize it, not to label it. You will have a more beautiful experience of things; you will have a more cosmic experience of things, because things are not really divided. Existence is one orgasmic whole; it is one organic unity. The smallest blade of grass, the smallest leaf in a poor tree is as significant as the biggest star. The smallest thing is also the biggest, because it is all oneness; it is one spectrum. The moment you start dividing you start creating arbitrary lines, definitions, and that's the way one goes on missing life and the mystery of it.


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Daily Message ~ Friday October 30, 2020

Some of you who are well on your enlightenment journey may feel isolated or misunderstood. This is perfectly normal but we wish for you to understand that the greatest transformations require you to go through them alone.

You do not see a caterpillar enter the cocoon with its friends, but you certainly see butterflies fly around joyfully with each other once they emerge. It will be the same with you, Dear Ones. Your energetic peers will come. All you must do is be true to your own personal evolutionary process. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 10/29/2020

will's picture

It is dangerous to have any attitude towards life. Why not allow life to have its dance, its song, without any expectations? Why can't we live without expectations? Why can't we see that which is in its purity? Why should we impose ourselves upon it? And nobody is going to be the loser. If you impose upon life you are the only loser.


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A Reminder…

You create the world around you and move through it in a comfortable and familiar way.  The Universe is reminding you that there is much more to life than comfortable and familiar.  There are things to learn, places to see and people to meet.  Do not become so insulated from an outside world that you forget new experiences and expansion are part of learning. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Thursday October 29, 2020

There are many different phases of spiritual development happening on your planet. For those who have been on their spiritual journey for a long period of time, the main focus is shifting from doing to being. This group is learning how to allow their beingness to lead the way and how to get comfortable with the idea that their beingness is more than enough.

For those who have more recently awakened, prioritizing and exploring the doing phase of spirituality is key. These are the people who are exploring all different areas of healing and their connection with a greater whole.

And there are others still who haven’t yet awakened but are beginning to get very uncomfortable and are starting to open to the possibility of something more.

Some people will move through the various stages and phases with remarkable speed, while others will take a slower road. Each individual journey moves at the perfect pace to honour that person’s soul agenda.

All of these phases are equally important and sacred. One is not better than another, it simply is where the person is on their journey.  You will all ultimately find your own perfect path that supports the discovery and acceptance of your own divine essence and experience the joy of coming Home to yourself. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


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