

hilarionra's picture

Believing,believability,belief systems, are all egoic conditioned mind reactive unconscious deluded disidentification from the soul, living in identification with the conditioned unconscious reactive controlling superior,condescending ego mind. This activity of continually looking into these specific thought forms within , and words from others, as a support system to keep the conditioned ego mind’s control mechanism of needing conflict to stay in tact ,is the reason for all war. Not just war in the generalized sense of the word where two or more nations come together and use guns and bombs and spy drones to kill one another. I’m speaking of the war that takes place everywhere including the warzones that are found in the media’s talk about war. This kind of war I speak of, is the war in which the ego needs for it to stay in tact, yet what those who identify completely with the conditioned ego mind, is that they currently fail to realize that no matter how much they identify with the conditioned ego mind’s reactivity that keeps it in conflict with all life, including the soul within, is that this will not stop the being within everyone, from continually learning,growing and expanding from their experience of being.

prayer requests

Jazz's picture

If one of you has a list, I would be glad to link into it.


Anyways..here is mine.


1) There is another out this way. As glad as my time serving alongside him has been, I must depart ways with him and head back to the Federation and its ways and councils and worlds. He, however, may be joining some of you on many levels and places with the work yet to finish here. He is well known and although I dont specifically mention his name for obvious security reasons, many of you know about him. He is the reason I brought up the SEAL thing the other day.


(Please dont let me catch anyone disrecpecting them...I do not take lightly to this.Not one bit.)


He will be staying until the end. He is not doing well. Continued infection is setting in and he needs some help. The doctors here we are told to use as veterans are a joke.Last i heard he was heading for another clinic or hospital. This was some weeks ago.


I need to speak with him, I only had a brief moment a short time ago and he was half dazed due to oral surgery. I know how that can be. Ive been there many times. We need to go over a few topics, he has some of my hardware I can now use if some can finish finding me a place to stay.

Im still in waiting game.


2)  Im more in question as to why she is apart from me right now. Mayhaps a change in personal image is in order..you will see what i mean in a second.


This is deeply personal to me.This is one I care for deeply.


The second entity Ive deeply cared for (mascot, if some of you will), is not with me. She has some issues she needs help with and I am concerned about her. Heidi needs to come back to me.I was most happy in care of her and only wanted the best for her, I think she saw that.

The questioning nature of the self and the non questioning nature of the ego mind

hilarionra's picture

The questioning nature of the self goes against the ego, the mind, the conditioned state that the ego mind is. Those who identify with the conditioned ego mind, are all over planet earth = heart. They can be seen going through many varying experiences. Gay's,bisexuals, beings with sex changes, excessive eaters, sleeping too much, any activity that's experienced “too much”. This isn't saying that beings who fast, sleep a lot , or don't get any, or eat a lot (kriya yoga), or have sex or no sexual intercourse, are identifying with their ego mind. That's a common misunderstanding on this planet.

Beings who claim to be gay, bisexual, or have had or are planning to have a sex change, will claim that there is nothing wrong with being this way. Same with over-eaters, smokers, sleepers ,drug users,non drug users. Use your own individual ability to seek the truth and discover what it is I am pointing at here. These beings who claim to be in the right, are wrong. They will fight you over this, so look out. Same with beings who claim to know what love is. They get upset with you at the fact that you say that they do not know what true love is, same with the true meaning of what true intimacy is,ethical living, and family oriented living is.

This also goes for beings who go for being violent towards another being, no matter what kind of violent behavior it is, violence is still violence. I'm not saying to watch a violent program, by all means go ahead, but the key here is learning about all the variations that violence can come in. When you go over the line from being loving, to being vicious. This also goes for beings who claim to not care at all

about how it looks, the way they come across, their lifestyle choices. They say they do not care, yet all of their actions show otherwise about this statement. Every one of them has a chip on their shoulder.

Seen unseen seen unseen seen.....

hilarionra's picture

At home, you have a responsibility to yourself, to take care of all that takes care of your living space.

Clean/organize all dish(es), bathroom(s),shower,all floors,counter tops, sinks, cabinets, fridge(s),clothing,shelves,desks,trash,

All assesories, including all technological items,furniture, bed(under and around), cosmetics,closet(s),all area's outside the living space.This includes the lawn, the driveway, the backyard, the garage, the vehicle of transportation(s). To organize all of this, top to bottom, not

OCD style – that's insanity. Just keep it all in its proper place when it needs to be put back, keep it all organized and clean, not overly sterile like youre boy in a bubble, that again is insanity.

Cooking food = clean hands, clean dishes and silverware. The food itself whether its organic or fast food or a mixture of the two doesn't matter, so don't go all insane in your attempt to find the purest healthiest food on the planet and keep the pattern going, that would be insane.

Water = yes drink the best water you can get your hands on, but if you cannot, drink away. Drinking too much water = insane, same with food, and all over activities.

Working together as ONE

Ourpsychicart's picture




We are all currently undergoing our own personal evolution and it is so important to surround ourselves with people that can guide us.



NOW is a time when humans must unite and work together to finally bridge the gap of the separateness that has gone for so long from Gaia and from Source.



NOW is a time to surround yourself with your fellow light workers – Practise giving, receiving, expressing and guiding eachother. We all have the power within to continue working together as one to bring forward a more awakened consciousness for humanity.



The unity being formed is getting stronger by the day and it is crucial that it remains so.



We are ALL at different levels of consciousness, at different places on our spiritual paths; each of us has our own wonderful unique journey and achievements. All of our differences help to teach each other all that is possible.



2012-01-15 Earth Shift, Global Events & Ascension Update by Caroline Cory

Omni's picture

Join Caroline Cory as she provides unique insights on the significance and importance of the current global events.

In this webcast, Caroline Cory shares insight on the year 2012 and some tools to continue expanding our consciousness and creative ability into the future. This talk is followed by a global experiential meditation "Aligning your brain channels with the New Paradigm".

This webcast is the continuation of the series on 'Earth Shift, Global Events & Ascension' started in January 2011.  You can go back and listen to the previous webcasts to understand the bigger picture of the Divine plan that is currently at work.

Caroline's extraordinary master vision of the great transformational times that we are experiencing today helps each one to attune to the higher frequencies that are now available on Earth and to navigate safely through this period of changes and turbulences.

Caroline Cory is a Teacher of Consciousness Studies, Spirituality and Energy Medicine. She is an International Speaker, Author and the Founder of the OMnium Method of Learning and Healing.

Caroline conducts monthly Healing Circles, Healing Sessions and Webcasts on the Internet. To participate, consult our calendar by visiting: www.omniumuniverse.com.

Also check the blog 'DARE TO BE YOU!' at www.omnium-daretobeyou.blogspot.com


Omni's picture

Join Caroline Cory as she provides unique insights on the significance and importance of the current global events.


In this webcast, Caroline talks about the significance of November 3/4 and its impact on the physical body. She also shares insight on creating our new reality using the new implanted frequencies.


This webcast is the continuation of the series on 'Earth Shift, Global Events & Ascension' started in January 2011.  You can go back and listen to the previous webcasts to understand the bigger picture of the Divine plan that is currently at work.


Caroline's extraordinary master vision of the great transformational times that we are experiencing today helps each one to attune to the higher frequencies that are now available on Earth and to navigate safely through this period of changes and turbulences.


Caroline Cory is a Teacher of Consciousness Studies, Spirituality and Energy Medicine. She is an International Speaker, Author and the Founder of the OMnium Method of Learning and Healing.


Caroline conducts monthly Healing Circles, Healing Sessions and Webcasts on the Internet. To participate, consult our calendar by visiting: www.omniumuniverse.com.


Also check our blog 'DARE TO BE YOU!' at www.omnium-daretobeyou.blogspot.com


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