Fran Zepeda ~ Archangel Michael and the Company of Heaven ~ Be the Vision ~ October 21, 2012

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Archangel Michael and the Company of Heaven:



Greetings, Beloveds, Light of the Divine, Light of the Universes, Light of Creator of All-That-Is, that you all are.

We come before you today to speak of the Shift in Consciousness that you are all a part of, that you all play such an important part in.

Behold the changes in your bodies, physical and light bodies alike. You are indeed integrating the two and you are indeed benefiting from the raise in consciousness, ever-present and on-going. You have raised your frequencies and continue to do so. And you are in turn, affecting all around you in doing so.

We stand with you forever and always, and especially during this important time of mass awakening and fulfillment of the Divine Decree. You hold the reins and are the navigators of this most sacred, beautiful movement and nothing can stand in the way of it if you keep to your task.

Your task, of course, is to allow always the beat of the heart of Humanity, of Mother Earth, and of the Multi-verses, and of All Beings to entwine into the one heartbeat of Love and Oneness and Unity.

Conscious Evolution - Preparing for Ascension 2012: "The Voice"

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Round 2 of Conscious Evolution - Preparing for Ascension 2012

In today's chapter we feature the Introduction from "The Voice" who delivers these materials to me.  I've been doing this for 19 years and have a ton of material to show for it.  This book is but one item in a growing inventory of music, fables, stories, poems and just plain ole good info.  I've included the Table of Contents at the end here so you can see what this book is about and what's coming next. I've been writing it for over 10 years and only recently got the last bits. This past week, I was told it's "Go Time".  So here we are!  Badda Bing, Badda Boom!



(Every chapter or section starts with a "reflection" like this one below. Then off we go!)


Feeling Welcome 


So how do we know when to stop with our pain and suffering?  Is it when we are warmly greeted by a group of like-minded peers?  I think so.  That’s when we know we are no longer alone.  Others have suffered just as we are, and made their way to another shore, a place of safety and understanding.


I Love You This Much – Part 2

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I Love You This Much


I Love You to remind you to Love yourself when you decide to embody fear so to dominate me and everyone else you decide you want to deeply hurt.


I Love You so much that I choose to be a pacifist for the sole purpose to bring you the image you so desperately seek of the you that hides behind all these aggressive tendencies.


I Love You when I open my heart for the first time to only be shunned and mocked in return.


I Love You when I divulge my inner most feelings to you in hopes that you will finally understand who I am but instead you refuse to hear me out and then call me strange.


I Love You to encourage you to remember where your heart is when you tell me I am a waste of space and that I should drop dead.


I Love You and respect your decision to not Love me back.

I Love your ability to be who you believe you are even when that may be detrimental to me and others.

I Love You This Much

JoshuaZack's picture


What if I loved you This Much




What if I loved you until tears cracked your resolve that says No

What if I loved you until you ascended on Heart’s High Note

What if I loved you and didn’t even know you

What if I didn’t need to ever know you to love your potential for Tenderness

What if I loved you because I believe in you that much

What if I loved you to show you who reflects when you smile

What if I loved you because when I see you I feel my insides burst from recognizing themselves in you and choosing to celebrate

What if I loved you because that’s all I know how to do and all drugs combined could not compare to the high the love I feel for you

What if I loved you inside and spoke to you in your own voice

What if I loved you and walked with you and whispered to you every time you were in need of acceptance

What if I loved you and didn’t stop even when you hated me back and told me to go the other way

What if I decided I would not leave you and gave you the feeling of warmth every time you desired the decoding of Pain

Poem of the Leavening Heart

JoshuaZack's picture


Endeavor to fill leavening tides of proclaimed somethingness

Calling out to Be-ing of great lasting endorphins

Incredulous sands prolapsing before starting

Courage step toward me dearest chord

Arising doubts streamlining past attempts

Will the abandonment follow me into open fields?

Is happiness possible in such grim circumstances?

Where has Love gone, where has empathy strayed?

Finding trust again through forgotten friendship

How have I gone so long without you and not noticed it was you all this time I needed most


astreia's picture

I sense I may know who you are. I suspect you have given me hints.

But I am not certain, by far, as my feelings are always intense.

I constantly reach out to help -but sometimes my perceptions are wrong.

Like now, I am writing a poem - when what we need is a song.

I tried with my pen and ink to draw a picture of us,

But - I do not think my drawing was worth all the fuss.

We were quite deeply engaged, but not quite fully entwined.

The part that I couldn’t connect had to do with the mind.

Re-membering Our Limbs

JoshuaZack's picture


Ascension resulted when Re-membered were the limbs. Re-membered as they once were in the wholeness of presence.


Our spiritual limbs became disconnected as disorganization fell onto the floor so to speak of our once great Body. For long now we have gone without, desperately seeking what will bring us back to the ecstatic state. Thus we moved to the surface world to one day find our lost inner voice to re-engage our magic. The Surf if ripe and the board no longer needed as we have Re-membered our way back to ripeness in order to mutate into the Surf of brilliance.


We all have recalled at some point what wholeness feels like, even those who are not Star seeded can honestly admit they have a yearning for what brings them higher in emotionality.


We are in essence bringing in the Re-membering of limbs to our surface world so that at some point We as a collective can have complete clearance to the inner sanctum we came from. This is initiated by each of us and then brought together from within to without. But it shows up within first.


Bringing in the Light requires only Re-membering that you are the Light. Bring in your central force by opening your arms, speaking your peace, adjusting your microphone so that all can hear what it is that you’re perfect heart muscle has to say.


The disconnection of emotion coming together is the result of growing awareness that brings the unseen into focus showing up as presence. A sort of smoothness enters the room from which confusion then charms into elevated acceptance of what is here and now.


New Up Grades to Gaia and Humanity! Get Ready to let the Love in.

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September / 30 /2012

Prep work done on Gaia for Planetary work to be done in October By Sayuri Lapoint and LynMarie , Rick 3:30 pm

Activations done on planet today:

Opened portal of Love,  Peace, appreciation, gratitude.

Brought in Love, Peace, appreciation, gratitude for all of humanity who were open to receive and Gaia.  This was also integrated with earth, galactic, sun, and source.

The Dark energy’s were commanded off planet today and will this be enforced!

The Dark ones are creating confusion as they struggle to hold on to you and Gaia. You need to stay focused and on your path or you will miss opportunity into new world.

The crystals have been active and awakened below the earth.

The Crystal chambers are now connected to core of Gaia, Core of galactic, cord of sun, core of source.

The Feminine energy has been awakened on Gaia

The Crystal Grids for Gaia, galactic core, sun, source are activated and intergraded.

Blessing for all to receive Now.


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