I am a light worker ~ Part 2

SophiaLove's picture

I have thought deeply about what it is to work for the light. I ran across this meditation:


I really like it; it is not too different than what I already practice.  Yet this light work goes beyond meditation.  We are physical beings, here to transform a planet.


We have a world to illuminate.  There is only one place to begin.  It is your own heart.  Sometimes when I see what I imagine is a good sale, I buy cheap batteries.  What happens is that they work great – for a minute or two.  When they inevitably run down, I end up buying batteries again, only this time I get the ones that last.


The time we are entering is the time of stocking up.  We’ve been told of food and dry goods shortages – yet what about the rest?  We will not go where we intend with cheap batteries.  We need to shore up our supply of agape.


Agape is the source of your light.  Source loved you into being and chose to experience that love through your life. You have come in this time now to share your light in what has been a very dark place.  It will take strength, tenacity and vigilance.  You will need to be absolute in your convictions.


Help Wanted:Refocusing the blueprints of the 8ridge"

angelfish's picture
     If Jesus was alive today in body and present space and time, the Son of the Creator, Loved, Lived and harnessed the power within the Light as the very same way we have been taught to understand... do you think he would be treated the same?
    Building the bridge supported by all religions is a touchy subject for believers and blasphemers of the like.  Best delivered in 'snacks', so we always have something to chew on. Initiating a delicacy revered to be so personal and intimate to the individual, the only way to start is at the bottom, as well as finding common ground for all in order to build the proper trust needed within the leadership structure of the old churches and spiritual leaders.  Then again, if our leaders are who they claim to be, trust is an automatic and we wouldn't have "my religion is better than yours" discussions. Have you ever noticed that it is those that reside on the bottom that are most accepting, open minded and knowledgeable? At one point they may have found themselves forced to the bottom, but in my research and observation I have found the vast majority of "bottom dwellers" choose to remain there.  With ample opportunity to re-surface, yet kindly and Gratefully declining. Why?  
I must say, since I was a little kid, I have noticed a spike in tolerance for one another across the board.  On the surface it is just more people "caring" more about a stranger, an others well-being, and our home on Earth.

Fran Zepeda ~ Sananda ~ Stay Centered in Your Heart and Your Divinity ~ June 25, 2012

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Sananda ~ Stay Centered in Your Heart and Your Divinity ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ June 25, 2012


Sananda 6.25.12:


Greetings, fellow Lightworkers! A new era has begun, a new beginning for you; it is only for you to embrace it. Many things behind the scenes are transpiring. You will be able to feel it if you go into your heart. You do not necessarily need to know all the details, but if you can accept it in your heart, you are well on your way to a new life, a new beginning.


Dear friends, there is so much you still are not aware of and the coming days will reveal more and more to you. Take it in stride and remember to stay centered and in your heart. Whatever is puzzling to you, just run through your heart like it was a decoder device. Allow it to sift through and come to awareness there.


My dear beloved Lightworkers, you don’t even realize as yet the enormity of what you have accomplished. Time will tell, as they say, and it will sink in more. For now, keep leading with your heart and your love for all Beings, including the cabal, for they need it now.


I would like to address some more points to help you in your ascension process. You know by now that you are changing in form quite a bit. The crystalline structure of your bodies is becoming quite settled and prominent. It is causing you to want to eat lighter and purer, and you will notice that fresh, raw fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, and legumes will give you the high-vibrational energy you need.


I am a light worker ~ Part 1

SophiaLove's picture

It has taken weeks and today I finally figured out what has been gnawing at my heart.  Like many of you I’ve been caught up in watching news and messages from on and off world, predictions and promises laced with accusations and assurances.  None of us know the precise timing or events because all of us are creating them with our thoughts and beliefs.  Somehow we’ve morphed into light waiters rather than light workers.


We are not here to wait for the light.  We are here to work for the light.  If there is some commonality in each message we devour it is this “We will not do this for you.  We stand ready to assist.”


So what are we waiting for?  Maybe it was the most recent influx of light and energy, but I am fairly bursting to share my thoughts this morning. I am beginning a series this week; “I am a light worker”.  There is much to say.


We have been waiting for someone to save us.  They know this and have been saying, “Yes!  We’ll help you as you save yourselves.” So, what does it mean to work for the light?


Our planet has been owned and run by the dark.  We now know this and learn each day about how deep the corruption and control goes.  First, we must act as if this planet is ours.  It is.


The Cabal introduced the concept of ownership.  Consequently, we’ve hoarded money, stuff, land and love.  We’ve lived in fear and fed them with our labor and our loyalty.  In truth, what we need do is take ownership of the one thing that matters in this critical time.  We need to take responsibility for this world, this planet as if we run it.



SophiaLove's picture

We are midway through our year of 2012; about to determine our tensile strength.  This will tell us how much we can bear without pulling apart.


For as much as love is about you, it is about me; and as much as love is about me, it is about every other being and organism sharing this life with you. Love is what you are, and you are here now, practicing love in physical time.  In order to understand what love is capable of, you must experience resistance.


For the next half of this year, tension will be applied abundantly.  You will be surrounded with mirrors; facing yourself repeatedly.  Over and over they will ask – “Do you love me now?”, “Am I worth your time?”, “Have you heard me?”, “Do you love me now?”, “Are you listening?”, “Do I matter?”, “Can you hear me?”, “Do you love me now?”


Understand that this is a circle, it always returns to the beginning; it starts and ends with you.  There are no exceptions to this.  Life, creation, love – all work this way.


We are moving from polarity to unity.  Sometimes it will be seamless and painless and wonderful.  Other times it won’t.  In those times remember – everyone is right and everyone is love.  Each soul’s version is worthy of expression.


By divine decree we are here to express life.  All of us put forth a unique version of love and that love is then experienced by Source.  You are perfect and so is everyone else.  If we are going to collaborate and create a new earth, each of us must be heard. The test of our tensile strength begins now.


One Moment in Time

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This time is one of tumult (uproar, confusion, noisy commotion).  In order to perform a change of such magnitude, things have to break off.  This will feel like a jolt in many instances.  This will be necessary because so many here now have to be shown in no uncertain terms that they have a choice.  They cannot ignore it any longer.  You are deep within this time of the Shift.  It is happening whether you see it or not.


Choices made now direct your days towards whatever future you are choosing.  What is it that you are hoping to achieve?


Are you looking for miraculous?  Miracles are possible now and they will take place not within ancient texts but before your eyes.


You came to participate.  Know that what you are doing is just precisely what you’ve planned all along.  Trust.


Our families, our bodies, our jobs, our locations, our friends and our lovers – were all chosen for this moment now.  In order to get the most from each challenge and situation, all players are in place with their parts memorized.


The Winds of Change

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If there is one thing I will remember about this time we are in, it is the wind.  From the bare branches of winter to the full bloom of almost summer, the trees are in constant motion.  This time is ushered in on a steady breeze; the winds of change.


There are no such things any longer as seasonal temperatures.  In the Midwest U.S. we’ve had 100 degrees in February and 35 degrees in June.  Our vegetation is gloriously abundant, as if it were mid to late summer.


People smile everywhere, regardless of the situation.  Those that aren’t smiling sort of stick out “like sore thumbs”.  I’ve been traveling, and an hour long delay was easily done as folks chatted, children played and people helped each other.  I’ve been there before, this was not usual behavior.


My family hosted a huge celebration at our home.  During the party a miracle took place as several members who had been separated for 18 years were reunited.  It was seamless, beautiful and a complete surprise.


These constant winds are gradually, continuously raising our vibration.  In this very dense third dimensional world, we have created this natural physical expression of the shift.  The descriptions we’ve heard about life after the change are happening all around – just pay attention.  The Shift is here.  Love, beauty, joy and peace; I’ve gone nowhere but my backyard, front yard and the airport and I see them demonstrated. The winds are blowing them in.


As we witness this change we will see many players and hear or read a variety of facts, predictions and “truths”.  Pay attention to what rings true for you.  Pay close attention to what doesn’t.  We each define the reality and Shift we experience.  What you focus on, think about, worry about and talk about becomes your life.



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