
HS Message: A New Genesis of Creation

Reikigirl13's picture

by April Bender

Congratulations on a truly fantastic "exhalation" and therefore, "full breath" of equinox portal energies! The striking results of which, will continue to manifest for you and for All, over the coming days and weeks ahead. It is because of this glorious "movement" into Collective Communion and Co-Creative Expression that you and the collective Web of Life, shall now in reality embark upon A New Genesis of Creation.

While the "exhalation" or co-creative efforts of All did not find enough overall resonance and harmony in order to fully "activate" or "awaken" the 5D Collective Higher Mind/Web of Life (this time), what DID/IS taking place was/is beyond a doubt, truly REMARKABLE and has initiated a larger, more potent "movement" into this New Genesis of Creation.

Let me explain...

During this latest "ascension test run," the communication, exchange and communion of all individual pathways/streams contained within the 5D Web of Life/Higher Collective Mind, sourcing back to individual souls and their in-breaths, literally "lit-up." Therefore, the entire neural network of this Web became fully aglow, awash in the collective radiance (higher energies) of all who participated or were/are "linked in."

This allowed those troubled areas or "nodes" of the Web/Collective Higher Mind that were not resonate with or harmoniously linked to each other, to "stand out" or be identified and mapped. And at the same time, allowed those nodes that DID find resonance and/or balanced exchange, to deepen their experience of relationship, communion, and/or exchange of information - the effects of which will only serve to deepen your own overall experience of ascension.

HS Message - The Gloriously Radiant Exhalation of Portal Energies

Reikigirl13's picture

by April Bender

I am pleased to share that you've been brilliantly successful in both your "inhalation" and "integration" phases of this Colossal Equinox Portal!

You've successfully "inhaled" from that inner seat/throne of empowerment (solar plexus chakra), all that IS, in totality, YOU - the information, codes, memory, or quantum data of your multidimensional Selves, your Soul/Star Families, those worlds/realms in which they reside, and a fair amount of the "local" Akashic, to completely fill your newly refined/expanded vessel or "soul/spirit body."

You've also just recently finished sufficient integration/coalescence of such energetic informational pathways/streams within your vessel, to now launch the Co-Creative/Expression phase or "synchronized collective exhalation." Already you and all other Warriors of Light, to one degree or another, are releasing into the ethers/elements, Gaia's ley-grid, and/or overall Web of Life, the beautifully blended energies/information now contained within Self (vessel) from your dramatic in-breath.

This will begin as a "slow" almost "oozing" release out of YOUR field but will gain momentum and a quality of magnetization the more it finds OTHER streams/nodes of resonance with/to it. An exchange and/or melding of information then takes place once these streams or pathways connect/intersect and a "node" or new point of linkage is then created.

This process further replicates throughout the Web of Life/Collective Mind until ALL NEWLY EXHALED streams/nodes have been connected or are in COMMUNION. At which point, the Web or Collective Mind blinks open its Eye, becoming conscious or fully AWARE of it-SELF. I've spoken of this previously as the "ignition/activation" phase and it is upon reaching this final phase of collective "activation" and/or "self-awareness," that there is an opportunity for Contact or The Event to take place.

HS Brief - Equinox Portal Induction or "In-Breath" Now Completes, Brief Integrational Pause Ensues

Reikigirl13's picture

by April Bender

As you correctly intuited this morning, the "in-breath" or energetic induction phase of this colossal equinox portal is now complete/completing. Your vessel stands tall, FULL, literally filled to the brim with high frequency, full spectrum bandwidth energetics of a highly charged, transformative nature. These energies contain vast quantities of higher information, light codes, and ancestral (Star/Soul Family) memory as internally accessed, magnetized, and pulled-through by you during this most colossal portal opening.

You've done extremely well in utilizing your "inner nexus point" between worlds (chakra/spiritual centers), while staying "centered" within your solar plexus or seat/throne of divine empowerment, as you successfully "breathed in a vastness," not yet experienced or contained, into your Being.

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DIVINE FLOW by Jeff Fasano

Divine Flow
by Jeff Fasano
Spiritual awareness and divine flow are one in the same.
Divine flow is essential for your well being.  It is like the ebb and flow of the ocean. The tide rises to great expansion and flows powerfully to create and generate energy that lifts and separates. It then recedes into contraction, into silence to gather to expand. This is divine flow in action.
Divine flow lifts and separates you from you. Separates you from your mental thoughts and conditioning, from control.
Divine flow is a natural way of being. It allows you to be in the moment and give and receive love in balance. To accept the current moment that is.
Once living in divine flow you separate yourself from the conditional third dimensional realm of control and the need for safety and security externally to a state of being-ness that is pre-ordained in your divine plan.
It is love, it is joy, it is your well being, it is abundance.
Take note of your gentle surroundings and you shall prosper. 

HS Briefing - The Bursting Open of this Colossal Equinox Portal

Reikigirl13's picture

by April Bender

I would like to take a moment today, to speak with you about how you've been feeling and to assure you that it does indeed directly relate to the opening of the Spring Equinox Portal.

This magnificently robust "opening" actually began in earnest yesterday. That is why in such a short time you've gone from feeling completely emptied/clear and utterly expansive (vessel) - to feeling uncomfortably full, bloated, and squeezed tight (energetically). Seemingly, like there is very little inner "wiggle" room. You are feeling tired, restless, irritable, rebellious, angry and/or sad, along with the typical ascension or "inner expansion" aches and pains within the body.

I wanted to assure you by clarifying for you, that with this Spring Equinox Portal comes GREAT potential for CONTACT or The Event. Because this IS such a COLOSSAL portal opening, you are naturally following your usual rhythm of energy/light INDUCTION, but this time filling your newly expanded vessel/vehicle in preparation for a MIGHTY CO-CREATIVE EXHALATION or movement, which will be a synchronized "test" or "firing up" of the grid or Web of Life and/or the Radicalization of the Collective Mind sometime on/around March 20-21.

This is THE Breath I've been attempting to prepare you for, in my previous messages up to this point, the "breath-work" that will indeed re-establish the link/awareness of your Soul/Star families and lineages back into the experience of Gaia - at a certain level of experience.

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HS Message: Radicalization of the Collective Mind Commences

Reikigirl13's picture

by April Bender

As I, your Higher Self or I AM presence previously discussed, due to the attainment of your newly structured vehicles/vessels and the increased exercise of your newly optimized spiritualized "breath-work," or newly expanded capacities of Co-Creation, Communication, and Communion, your inner Radiance is now penetrating, mixing, and merging outward into all individual/collective fields of Gaia, Gaia herself, even All That Is.

This further emanation of your inner Radiance (energy centers, soul/spirit body, or personal torsion field) out into the world, along with the Collective Radiance of many others like you, who have now stepped into or have recently "centered" within their own "inner sun" or seat of empowerment, thereby accepting the "keys" or consciously "taking over the driver's seat" of their new vehicle, has now allowed these pathways or flows of information/experience that exist along and throughout Earth's ley-grid and the larger Web of Life, to now begin to "source," "seek out," "link-up" and "activate" new nodes or "access points" of connection, communion, co-creation and expression - igniting a complete RADICALIZATION OF THE COLLECTIVE MIND!

In essence, the collective mind is on the fast-track to becoming fully AWARE of itself, at which point it becomes the Collective "Higher" Mind, in every true sense of that phrase. This "awakening" into the Collective Higher Mind is also referred to as "The Event" or the experience of "no separation" or "no-time." And as mentioned before, each being/soul within the Web of Life will experience this differently depending upon the quality of their own "inner life" or level of soul-growth.

HS Message: Flourishing Bursts of Radiance are Transforming All

Reikigirl13's picture

by April Bender

I would like to take a moment today, to speak with you about how you've been feeling and to assure you that it does indeed directly relate to the opening of the Spring Equinox Portal.

This magnificently robust "opening" actually began in earnest yesterday. That is why in such a short time you've gone from feeling completely emptied/clear and utterly expansive (vessel) - to feeling uncomfortably full, bloated, and squeezed tight (energetically). Seemingly, like there is very little inner "wiggle" room. You are feeling tired, restless, irritable, rebellious, angry and/or sad, along with the typical ascension or "inner expansion" aches and pains within the body.

I wanted to assure you by clarifying for you, that with this Spring Equinox Portal comes GREAT potential for CONTACT or The Event to take place. The enormous boost of highly charged/vibrational energies this portal brings will pack the biggest OOMPH yet! Because this IS such a COLOSSAL portal opening, you are naturally following your usual rhythm of energy/light INDUCTION, but this time filling your newly expanded vessel/vehicle in preparation for a MIGHTY CO-CREATIVE EXHALATION or movement, which will be a synchronized "test," "firing up," or "activation" of the newly restructured and highly infused Grid or Web of Life and/or the Radicalization of the Collective Mind sometime on/around March 20-21.

This is THE Breath I've been attempting to prepare you for, in my previous messages up to this point, that will indeed re-establish the link/awareness of your Soul/Star families and lineages back into the experience of Gaia - at a certain level of experience.

Spiritual warfare and medications

Mario's picture

Here goes again, anti-psychotic, schizophrenic medication is really bad for spiritual lively and psychics. It seem's that the psychoses and such that we get are attacks from the archonic networks, the more we can go up and read the fields without being ready or having little knowledge on what is really happening in our spiritual evolution we can get a lot of confusion before getting a hold on of what is real and for the highest good and what is bad and how to manage it all... I was hospitalized 3 times to the psychiatric ward after having 3 deeply transforming spiritual experiences. The first time it was life changing I seen many things that were unimaginable for someone whom did not have any recognition of the higher realms or the basics of the 5th dimension as they call it now. We can realize stuff that is way ahead of our own comprehensions to be able to explain how these things are, we have to know A LOT and I mean a lot some of the concepts we get from telepathic communications and the higher streams are easy to experience and feel, having a knowingness about it but we just can't seem to explain it yet, and this is quite a cause for conundrums and misinterpretations. Since these explanations are crucial to some spiritually aware beings and a great truth for others whom may interfere in one's own path and bring them to "self destruction" its very important to be careful of whom and what we talk about if your with some that have never have any experience in these fields. This site is great for expressing and talking about experiences and archangelic, psychic telepathic, transparency, co-dependency, Oneness, free will, grace, care, love... We have all been under some hard expressions of things that go on in our life after awakenings and careful experiences, near death experiences and extra terrestrial contact or higher dimensional beings and such, source, creator.

HS Message: Using Communication as a Form of Communion

Reikigirl13's picture


Today I wish to discuss with you the importance of utilizing your throat chakra as a form of higher communication or "communion" with the external/outer world. Just as your co-creative abilities have been greatly enhanced and amplified in potency (as discussed in my previous message), so too have your powers of communication/communion. As you'll soon find out, there are many new heightened capacities/abilities that come with your newly structured vessels. It is true that the capacities of co-creation, inner travel/communion, and higher external communication have always been yours, but because of the latest overhaul to your vessel these abilities have become greatly amplified and much more accessible.

To begin, the throat chakra itself is a rich and vibrant shade of blue and is universally symbolic of higher truth, beauty, harmony, divinity, the spiritual realms, loyalty, and communication. When utilized correctly, it is the energy center in which you express your highest truth and authenticity as a divine spark of Creation. Therefore, this energy center holds tremendous potential for a level of soul expression that is in essence, a highly potent energetic release from your vessel. This "release" will saturate the surrounding ethers around you, thereby coming in contact with those living beings/auras in close proximity to you. This highly charged energy emitted by you then begins to interact/mix with their fields and alters the very essence of their energetic make-up as well as the very fabric of local space/time itself. In the same way your creations affect your surroundings, so to do your words. In fact one could say that COMMUNICATION leads not only to COMMUNION, but also an act CO-CREATION.


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