Evolutionary Astrology


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AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey

This is a very active Full Moon in Aquarius!  It is also referred to as a Blue Moon!   A Blue Moon is when we have 2 consecutive Full Moons in the same sign!  Last month we had a Full Moon at 1 degree Aquarius and this full Moon is at 29 degrees Aquarius. It is rather uncommon to have 2 consecutive Full Moons in the same sign.  The last time we had two Full Moons in Aquarius was in 2002.  Hence the expression “Once in a Blue Moon.”    You might  try and think back to the Aquarius Full Blue Moon in 2002.  Some of the areas that were activated back then….could be brought up for you to look at again…at this Aquarius Full Blue Moon.


This Full Aquarius Moon is also sitting with Jupiter (Master teachers, published authors, philosophy, joy, optimism, beneficial etc.).  Having a Full Moon conjunct Jupiter is a not only a beautiful sight (look up in the sky tonight and for the next several days and see Jupiter shinning bright right next to the Moon) it also brings us some positive energies…sprinkled with a little bit of joy…..enjoy the Magic!


The planet Uranus (which is the modern day rule of Aquarius) is in Taurus and Taurus energy squares (friction and stress) Aquarius energy…adding some stressful energy and a bit of friction to this Full Moon. Uranus also squares Saturn (the traditional ruler of Aquarius) adding even a bit more friction to this Full Moon. 



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AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey

The Leo New Moon is one that we look forward to every year!  Anything Leo in the summer time! Leo is about fun, play, romance and honoring the child within.  This year however…that fun part is a little less easy to find.  This Leo New Moon is a bit dramatic and quit active and the energies leading up to this New Moon have been chaotic, intense and in some instances almost volatile. We have had many…very transformative aspects…happening in all the Full and New Moons over the last months.  We can see the many powerful transformations, with a bit of chaos added in, and the changes happening all around us.…in our own lives and also the lives of all humanity around the World.  The energies have been quit intense and are not easy for the body or the Earth to handle. 

We still have the Corona Virus and the New Variants spreading quickly…. And it feels like the rug has been pulled out from under our feet again.  Remember that we have to stay out of the fear.  We are supposed to be creating a NEW World…a new way of being and we can’t do it on an old foundation. Manifest peaceful and loving energies surrounding us and the Earth.

It is really important that we avoid negative emotions!!  There are really only 2 energies out there….Love and Fear!  Which do you want to send out to the World?


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AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey
This is a very active Full Moon in Aquarius…and the planet Uranus (which rules Aquarius) is in Taurus and Taurus energy squares Aquarius energy…adding some stressful energy and a bit of friction to this Full Moon. These last couple of weeks/months we have had several powerful events happening…in the United States and also throughout the World. With an increase in the Corona Virus, some businesses struggling and some States/towns bringing the mask mandate back. We are at times still in a survival mode…then a comfortable mode…even though things have been opened up. The Earth is also struggling with Fires and Floods etc.….it feels like the rug is being pulled out from under our feet again and again. No matter how chaotic, intense and transformative the last several weeks/months have been, and still are..…..we now know that the Universe is getting very serious!


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AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey


This is a very powerful Flower Super Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse! It is the most intense and spectacular Full Moon this year and it will appear bigger and brighter than normal Full Moons. It also can magnify emotions, truths and your belief systems. There are many major aspects happening at this Full Moon Eclipse to move us on our evolutionary Journey with the help of some very positive aspects.  At the same time…there are a few aspects that involve choices we might be faced with…rather to head to the high side or the grayer side.  One of those aspects is Mars in the orb of the opposition to Pluto.  Forming a Cardinal T-Square with Eris, Pluto and itself!  This energy can become a bit volatile if not guided in a more peaceful energy. Be careful and cautious for the next several days….   This Full Moon Eclipse is also ushering in the Eclipse season….and the next one is a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini on June 10th


But remember…the Universe never gives us more then we can handle.  Leading up to this Sagittarius Full Super Moon Lunar Eclipse we have witnessed the opening up of business and festivals and gatherings after being shut down for over a year and even that is confusing.  It feels so good to be able to move around and share in person and travel (Sagittarius)…but it also feels so funny to do that after being locked down for so long.  Is it really safe we ask??  We have also been witnessing many massive shootings and demonstrations and protest and some becoming violent and then realizing that we are in the process of Radical Transformation and Exhilarated Evolution and suddenly….we are in a new norm…as we are co-creating the “New”.…. Let’s create a Peaceful and Loving one!



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AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey

What a Magical day it is today… it is a New Moon in Taurus and Taurus loves the beauty or the Earth and the energies she gives to us. This New Taurus Moon is trying to bring into our consciousness…that now is the time period to bring the Earth, her beauty and energies into your life on a daily basis for next several days and months!!  But take time today, this evening and the following days to sit and "be" with the Earth in quiet. Feel Her vibration, Her energy.....listen to what you hear and what you might "see" and "feel.”  She has wisdom beyond belief. Honor her today and the days that follow while enjoying her beauty......She is Magical!

This is a very active Taurus New Moon!  Taurus New Moons are usually very soft and relaxing with loving earthy energies….and all though this Taurus New Moon has those energies…things are very active (and I will explain more below) and a little unstable and chaotic.  We have several aspects going on at this New Moon that are trying to over ride the peaceful, soft, relaxing energies of this Taurus New Moon ruled by Venus the planet of Love.  However we have ways to try and handle this more active energy. It is time to relax and recharge as this Taurus New Moon is also kicking off the Eclipse season…starting with a Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse on May 26th and a New Moon/Solar Eclipse on June 10th


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   AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey

This Scorpio Super Full Pink Moon is happening at 10:32 PM CDT which is perfect for being able to see it in the sky at its peak! It’s energies will be active till we are close to the next New Moon on May 11th.   This is a powerful and emotionally charged Full Moon…as it is opposite the planet Uranus…among other aspects…making things feel a bit uncomfortable at times!  Because of its opposition to Uranus….be aware of unexpected events, sudden and unusual things happening, changes, impulsiveness and rebelliousness along with ingenious ideas.  Being in Scorpio brings about a tremendous potential for transformation!  It is a time for deep releases from your Soul…time to acknowledge what has been kept out of sight and bring that challenge to the surface so it can be released…so it can be healed. This Scorpio Full Moon is also the closest and brightest Super Moon of the 3  Super Moons this season!  It is also known as the Pink Moon… because it happens when many areas of the Earth are full of wild flowering ground phlox which is widespread in the spring and ranges in colors of pink to lavender etc.   This Full Scorpio Moon is also known as the Wesak Moon…or the Moon of the Buddha…a day of great Spiritual opportunity.


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AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey


This is a very fiery New Aires Moon…with 5 other planets in Aries and the first New Moon of the Astrological New Year!  Coming in on the heels of the Spring Equinox which brings in the Astrological New Year!  It is a time for intentions and to visualize what you would like this Astrological New Year to look like. Right now the World, our Country, and our lives are in a bit of Chaos.  We are in a place where it is hard to even imagine what this “Astrological New Year” will look like or what it will bring us. Between the Virus continuing to affect us in many different ways…world and local events getting a bit edgy, Volcanoes erupting etc….it feels like the rug has been pulled out from under our feet again.   We really are in more of a survival mode…then a comfortable mode. The World as we know it….may not look the same as this year continues to play out.  That is ok…remember that we have to stay out of the fear.  The Universe is really serious about changes…that we as a human race….need to be making for humanity, the World and ourselves.  The Universe will also help us along…if we Ask!  Time to Meditate and to Manifest a better and peaceful World.  The Universe is very very Serious…but will help us through.  You just have to ask!!!


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AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey



This Full Libra Super Moon is a powerful one!   It is very energized…intense at times and presents us with some Radical Transformations!  We are still in uncertain times…with the Virus still here even though we can now see the light at the end of the tunnel, and the World in a bit of chaos....but this Libra Full Moons energy is about love, relationships of all kinds and balance!  This Full Moon is happening along the axis of Aries/Libra which can bring some tensions between self and the other.  We have 2 squares happening at this Full Moon…one in Cardinal energy and one in Fixed energy….adding to some transformations and changes. But we also have a Super Full Moon that is ruled by Venus….besides Love and balance…it brings the energies of creativity, people pleasing/the peace maker, and diplomacy.   


We have had a lot of newer energies surrounding us and being downloaded to us over these last few months.  In December we had the shift into a 200 year cycle of Air energy with Jupiter and Saturn moving into Aquarius. Then through the portal of the Spring Equinox….as we observed and felt the activations being presented to us a it opened.  Along with the connection to the Earth energies that surrounded us at that time, bringing us into the Astrological New Year.  Wow!  This is a lot of energies and downloads to process in a short period of time.  The energies have become chaotic and urgent. I couldn’t help but take notice of how these energies are playing out in “real life”…with the year anniversary of the Virus and how it has affected…our own life…the political “life” and World “life”.  



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 Cathy Lindsey - AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology


This is a very mystical, intuitive and loving New Piscean Moon.   It is very very watery and dreamy…with visions, Angels and the psychic realms all available during the days of this New Piscean Moon.  Neptune that rules Pisces is sitting with this Piscean New moon along with Venus emphasizing the energies even more.  Neptune is known for unconditional love for all and Venus is known for romance and love!  This is a lot of Love energy on all realms!  Even though there are a few challenging aspects at this New Moon…with all of this Piscean energy…we tend to be drawn more to the energies of Love, creativity and fairy tale dreams.  Embrace this energy ….. take time to get in touch with it and feel it!  Pisces/Neptune are also extremely intuitive and Spiritual…so it is a time to go inward and Meditate, Manifest and think of ways in which the peacefulness and unconditional Love part of Pisces can be brought out into the World.  This is one of the strongest New Moons to Manifest on….to create the reality you want to live in.  Meditate, dream and listen….Manifest Love, and Peace!


The World is still in chaos, fear, transformation, division and at times it can be a little volatile. Things are still being put in our faces…so we can’t miss them….so we know what it is that needs to be changed and transformed. This is happening all over the World, and recently in England along with  our own country…. within our own lives and all humanity.  Remember…Transformation isn’t easy…if it is easy, than your not doing the work!!



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AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey

This is a very active New Moon in Aquarius as the planet Uranus (which rules Aquarius) closely squares (friction and stress energy) Saturn/Jupiter/Venus and widely Mercury Retrograde all in Aquarius.  Then Mars (warrior energy, action, initiation) is also squaring Pallas Athena and this New Aquarius Moon.  Actually there are 7 planets sitting together in Aquarius at this New Moon…including the New Moon itself!  That is a lot of Aquarius!   We haven’t have this many planets in Aquarius since the early 60’s!  We were in what I refer to as the 60’s part 1 then and now we are in what I call the 60’s part 2.  The mid 60’s is where we planted seeds of how we wanted the world to be.  For those that remember…there was a revolution going on in the areas of social movements etc..…but also big energy focus on peaceful protest, Peace, Love, the community, natural gardens, taken care of the Earth and Love fests etc.   Now in the 60’s part 2…we are again in a revolution, a focus on “we the people”, Global warming, peaceful protest, organic foods, natural medicines and our communities etc.,etc.


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