3D News

Covenant House Nationwide Sleep Out Rallies Business Leaders, Sports Stars and Celebrities in Support of Homeless Youth

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Covenant House Monday, November 12, 2012 at 9:30 am

NEW YORK, NY -- On the night of November 15, 2012, over 500 leaders in business, government, media and sports will sleep out on the streets of 12 cities in North America in solidarity with homeless kids. This nationwide Sleep Out will raise awareness for the plight of kids on the street and raise $2.5 million to support homeless and runaway youth helped by Covenant House.

“These leaders will sleep on concrete outside Covenant House shelters across America, in Canada, and Latin America,”said Kevin Ryan, President of Covenant House.  “Together we will become a unified voice for the thousands of homeless kids and trafficking kids with no voice of their own, kids being abused and beaten and forgotten.  With the money and awareness raised, this Sleep Out will save lives.”


Manta Ray Story Magical Moment with a Manta Ray

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By Jennifer Anderson, Want to Know.info

manta ray facts

It was like many Maui mornings, the sun rising over Haleakala as we greeted our divers for the day's charter. As my captain and I explained the dive procedures, I noticed the wind line moving into Molokini, a small, crescent-shaped island that harbors a large reef. I slid through the briefing, then prompted my divers to gear up, careful to do everything right so the divers would feel confident with me, the dive leader.

The dive went pretty close to how I had described it: The garden eels performed their underwater ballet, the parrot fish grazed on the coral, and the ever-elusive male flame wrasse flared their colors to defend their territory. Near the last level of the dive, two couples in my group signaled they were going to ascend. As luck would have it, the remaining divers were two European brothers, who were obviously troubled by the idea of a "woman" dive master and had ignored me for the entire dive.


Small businesses put ex-cons to work

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Mon Nov 5, 2012 12:01pm EST

Safer Foundation Vice President of Community Corrections Jerry Butler talks with Dunkin' Donuts employee and former Safer Foundation client Norman Jessup in Chicago, Illinois, this undated handout photo. REUTERS/Jon Kaplan/Courtesy of the Safer Foundation/Handout

(Reuters)- Ten years ago, Debbie Jakacki, owner of Jakacki Bag & Barrel in Chicago, a family business that's been around since 1942, found herself continually frustrated by her employees. "We didn't have a lot of people who had a great work ethic," says Jakacki. "They thought if they were coming to work one or two days a week, they were doing really well."

A Bandage That Doesn’t Hurt To Remove, Inspired By Spiderwebs

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Fast Co-Exist


A Bandage That Doesn’t Hurt To Remove, Inspired By Spiderwebs

These new easy-to-rip-off bandages aren’t just to make your life slightly more convenient. They’re going to play an important role for sick kids in hospitals.

Even the most pain-tolerant people have probably cringed once or twice while ripping an adhesive bandage off a particularly sensitive area. It seems like the kind of thing that intrepid scientists should be able to prevent. Researchers from MIT and Brigham and Women’s Hospital think they can with a new kind of medical tape modeled on the design of spiderwebs.

Why HR should stand for 'happiness resources'

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Gordon Duff on “Tesla’s Death Ray A Reality”: “This may well be one of the biggest secrets of all.”

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Source: Exopermaculture - 11/16/12

This Gordon Duff article, unfortunately, connects way too many dots of which I have been aware for years — via my friend Carol Rosin and others — and yet didn’t see the fabric into which these points are all threaded. In fact, I have a hard time not believing this story. And though I prefer to expand beyond any of my “beliefs,” I’m afraid that this one, an aspect of the old 3D matrix, needs to be seen clearly before we can see through it.

Ventura Busts Tesla Ray “Death Ray – Death Squad” Secret


Number Nine: 6.1 magnitude earthquake strikes Tonga region of south Pacific

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Source: The Extinction Protocol - 11/17/12

November 17, 2012 – TONGA - A powerful 6.1 magnitude earthquake struck along the Pacific plate boundary, near the Tonga trench. The earthquake struck at a depth of 9.8 km (6.1 miles). The epicenter of the earthquake was 174 km (108 miles) ENE of Neiafu, Tonga. No tsunami warnings were issued for the region.


Today’s 6.1 earthquake is the ninth major earthquake to strike the planet in the last 9 days. The current string of seismic activity began on November 8, with successive earthquakes striking Vancouver Islands, Myanmar, Guatemala, the Gulf of Alaska, Aisen and Coquimbo Chile, Mexico, the Kuril Islands and lastly, the Tonga Region. –The Extinction Protocol



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