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Hawaii’s big Kilauea and Mauna Loa volcanoes may share underground magma chamber

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Source: The Extinction Protocol - 10/25/12

October 25, 2012 – HAWAII – The past decade of eruptions of Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano may have acted as a pressure-relief valve for neighboring Mauna Loa, according to a new model suggesting two of the planet’s biggest volcanoes connect deep underground. Scientists know each of the two Hawaiian volcanoes has its own plumbing —separate, shallow magma chambers.


Such chambers are the source of Kilauea’s rising lava lake, which is threatening to spill over. But 50 miles (80 kilometers) down, in a part of the Earth’s mantle layer called the asthenosphere, Mauna Loa and Kilauea are dynamically coupled, said Helge Gonnermann, a professor at Rice University in Houston, who is the lead author of a new study showing the link. “It’s like groundwater in an aquifer or oil in an oil reservoir,” Gonnermann told OurAmazingPlanet. “We know that there is melt that extends beneath both volcanoes.


Debate Fact Check: How Obama, Romney Statements Hold Up In Final Showdown

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GFP Note: To read a transcript of the debate and watch the entire debate or clips, visit Politico.com.


Huff Post - Calvin Woodward, 10/22/12

Debate Fact Check

WASHINGTON — Voters didn't always get the straight goods when President Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney made their case for foreign policy and national security leadership Monday night before their last super-sized audience of the campaign. A few of their detours into domestic issues were problematic too.

Romney flubbed Middle East geography. Obama got Romney's record as Massachusetts governor wrong.

To read the rest of this story, visit HuffingtonPost.com.

Northernmost Lake Resurrected Due to Warming

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National Geographic - Kate Andries, 10/17/12

Algae in Greenland lake bouncing back after deep freeze, study finds.

The lake Kaffeklubben Sø in Greenland.

Algae were once abundant in the lake Kaffeklubben Sø, seen in a recent picture. Photograph courtesy David Mazzucchi

The world's northernmost lake, situated near the coast of Greenland (map), is coming back to life.

Populations of microscopic algae, called diatoms, have been absent from the lake Kaffeklubben Sø for over 2,000 years. But a new study has found that the diatoms are returning, thanks to global warming.

Kim Jong-il's Cronies Fade from Power

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The Chosen Ilbo - 10/18/12

Pak Myong-chol
Pak Myong-chol

Several high-ranking North Korean officials favored by late leader Kim Jong-il have lost their positions in recent days. The most recent casualty was Pak Myong-chol (71), the sports minister and a sworn blood brother of the late leader.

The North's state-run radio on Wednesday introduced Ri Jong-mu, chairman of the national football association, as the new sports minister.

To read the rest of this story, visit English.Chosun.com.

Panic as quakes rattle the UAE

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7DaysinDubai - 10/23/12

Residents in Fujairah have described how they fled from their homes when they felt mild tremors during an earthquake on Sunday night.

  1. Panic as quakes rattle the UAE

    Panic as quakes rattle the UAE

  2. The National Centre of Meteorology and Seismology (NCMS) said yesterday that three mild earthquakes shook northern parts of the UAE and the Oman Sea.

    The weathermen said in a statement that the first quake struck at 8.13pm in the sea about 33km north of Fujairah city and measured 3.8 in magnitude on the Richter scale.

To read the rest of this story, visit 7daysindubai.com.


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