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Tjörnes Fracture Zone volcano (North of Iceland): seismic swarm continues with no end in sight

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Source: The Extinction Protocol - 10/30/12

October 30, 2012 – ICELAND – The earthquake swarm in the Tjörnes Fracture Zone north off Iceland continues into its 10th day. After a decline in intensity during 25-28 Oct, the frequency of quakes has again picked up. There are often more than 100 quakes a day including some above magnitude 3. The Icelandic Met Office maintains a warning for a possible larger quake in the area. –Volcano Discovery

Poás Volcano erupts in Costa Rica

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Source: The Extinction Protocol - 10/29/12

October 29, 2012 – COSTA RICA - The Poas Volcano early Sunday awoke residents of the province of Alajuela with a strong rumble. At about 1 a.m., the volcano’s crater ejected mud and ash more than 500 meters into the air. Ashes traveled hundreds of meters around the national park, rangers reported.


Although the volcano is frequently active, this kind of strong explosion has not been recorded since 2006. Experts said the activity was normal, but they will continue monitoring the volcano. Poás Volcano National Park will remain open to tourists while experts determine if there is any risk to visitors. –On October 24, Costa Rica was struck by a 6.5 magnitude earthquake. -Tico Times

Tremors shake up 5 districts

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Times of India - TNN, 10/30/12

VIJAYAWADA: Panic spread across several villages in five districts in the state due to mild tremors on Monday. People ran out of their houses when the earth shook for a few seconds. Though no casualties were reported from any of the districts, there was panic in many places in Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nalgonda, and Khammam.

There were reports of tremors even at Hayathnagar in Rangareddy district around the same time. The earth quake monitoring centre at Vijayawada termed the incident as 'very minor' and said there was nothing to worry about. "It's common to experience such tremors when the rocky layers of earth make adjustments within themselves," said RDO S Venkata Rao.

To read the rest of this story, visit TimesofIndia.com.

Lake Geneva 'may face tsunami risk'

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The Telegraph - 10/28/12

A million people living on the shores of Lake Geneva could be at risk from devastating tsunamis, scientists have warned.

Win a short break by Lake Geneva

In the sixth century a tsunami triggered by a rockfall on the lake sent a 26ft wave crashing over Geneva's city walls. 
Photo: 4Corners Images


In the sixth century a tsunami triggered by a rockfall on the lake destroyed several villages, sent a 26ft wave crashing over Geneva's city walls, and caused many casualties.

Experts investigating the event said a similar disaster could easily happen again, and Geneva with its 200,000 inhabitants was especially vulnerable.

B.C. shaken by aftershock following powerful earthquake

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The Star - 10/28/12

 Visitors and Oahu residents watch the ocean water surge in and out of the Ala Wai Harbor carrying various debris during a tsunami Saturday in Honolulu, Hawaii. Eugene Tanner/AP

VANCOUVER—The second largest earthquake in Canadian history was still rattling nerves Sunday, with aftershocks off the northern coast of British Columbia.

On Saturday night, a massive 7.7 magnitude earthquake hit about 30 kilometres north of Sandspit, B.C., in the Haida Gwaii islands shortly after 8 p.m. local time, sending tremors north through the island chain and south as far as Metro Vancouver.

Baby Elephant Rescued In Kenya With Rope And A Land Rover (VIDEO)

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Huff Post - AP/, 10/18/12

NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — How do you pull a baby elephant out of a deep, muddy hole? A rope and a Land Rover. Then the payoff: A frantic baby elephant sprint to mom.

A heartwarming video of the rescue of a baby elephant in a Kenyan national park that lies in the shadow of Mount Kilimanjaro gained a mass of viewers on Thursday. The video shows the rescuers' potentially dangerous faceoff with the mother elephant and their struggle to get her calf out of a 5-foot (1.5-meter) hole.

To read the rest of this story, visit HuffingtonPost.com.

Europe’s Top Health Official Quits, and the Bloc Has a Mystery on Its Hands

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The New York Times - James Kanter, 10/24/12

Thierry Charlier/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
John Dalli, at a news conference on Wednesday, said he had been forced to resign.

BRUSSELS — The top health official for the European Union suddenly resigns. His plans to place marketing curbs on tobacco companies are put aside. The offices of antitobacco groups are burglarized. There is talk of cash payments of tens of millions of dollars by Big Tobacco.

The swirl of rumors here around events inevitably called “Tobaccogate” has a noirish tone that is unfamiliar in Brussels, the European Union capital better known for turgid debates about fish quotas. And much still remains mysterious and tangled in unproven accusations.

Bolivia: Life at the Extreme Edge of Climate Change Sustainability

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Source: UK Progressive - | Robert Hunziker | October 23, 2012


Bolivia's Glacier 1996 and Today


The Earth is really truly changing right before our eyes, weather patterns are more erratic than ever before, storms more severe, droughts more parched, and glaciers disappearing faster than ever. This is climate change, and it is different… different from what anybody remembers as a child while growing up. But, nobody on planet earth is more sensitive to these changes than the people who live in the high Andes where aerial photos that were taken in 1983, when compared to today, show one-half of the 20,000-year-old glaciers have vanished within the past couple of decades, much faster than climatologists predicted.

Glacial time is no longer a cushion!


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