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Increase in seismicity around Salton Sea region linked to rifting of California

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Source: The Extinction Protocol - 10/27/12

Earthquake swarms and a region-wide rotten egg smell recently reminded Southern California residents they live next to an active volcano field, tiny though it may be. At the time, scientists said the phenomena did not reflect changes in the magma chamber below the Salton Sea. But now, researchers may need to revise estimates of the potential hazard posed by the Salton Buttes — five volcanoes at the lake’s southern tip.


The buttes last erupted between 940 and 0 B.C., not 30,000 years ago, as previously thought, a new study detailed online Oct. 15 in the journal Geology reports. The new age — which makes these some of California’s youngest volcanoes — pushes the volcanic quintuplets into active status. The California Volcano Observatory, launched in February by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), already lists the area as a high threat for future blasts.


Massive changes to seafloor seen from July eruption of underwater volcano near Kermadec

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Source: The Extinction Protocol, 10/27/12

New Zealand scientists investigating an active undersea volcano that erupted three months ago have discovered significant changes to the seafloor. Niwa research ship Tangaroa has mapped the Kermadec volcano that erupted 800km northeast of Tauranga on July 19, producing a pumice raft the size of Canterbury. The eruption was strong enough to breach the ocean surface from a depth of 1100 meters.


It was captured by a Nasa satellite, and a Royal New Zealand Air Force Orion patrol spotted the pumice on their way back home from Samoa. Niwa’s volcanologist Dr Richard Wysoczanski, who is leading the 23-day expedition, said there had been volcanic activity every year for the past decade, but this was the largest by far. “It is a substantial eruption. Had it occurred on land in New Zealand, it would have been a bit of a disaster.”


9 More Banks Subpoenaed Over Libor

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The Wall Street Journal - 10/26/12

Nine more banks have received subpoenas in connection with a probe into alleged widespread interest-rate manipulation by banks, a person familiar with the investigation said.

The probe, a joint effort by the offices of New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman and Connecticut Attorney General George Jepsen, could lead to civil enforcement action related to breaches of antitrust and fraud laws.

To read the rest of this story, visit wsj.com.

Study Shows Power of Cute Improves Concentration

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The Wall Street Journal - 9/29/12

Getty Images

Puppies. Kittens. Fat babies. These are the cute things in life we love to coo about, but who knew that the mere sight of them could heighten our mental skills? A new study by Japanese researchers now shows there are more benefits to looking at pictures of these universal delights than just getting a case of the warm and fuzzies. Afterwards, we concentrate better.

Such is the “Power of Kawaii”, as a paper documenting the research is appropriately titled. The Japanese word “kawaii” means cute. The paper was published in the online edition of the U.S. journal Plos One on Thursday. Through three separate experiments a team of scientists from Hiroshima University showed that people showed higher levels of concentration after looking at pictures of puppies or kittens.

To read the rest of this story, visit blogs.wsj.com.

Arrest of Brazil Financier Puts Focus on Small Banks

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The New York Times - Simon Romero, 10/24/12

RIO DE JANEIRO — Brazilian authorities have arrested the chief executive of a bank engulfed in an accounting scandal and detained him in prison, a rare step that has focused attention on the weaknesses emerging among an increasing number of small banks there.

Large banks hold exceptional sway in Brazil and are still viewed as solid institutions, even as their profits have declined recently.

To read the rest of this story, visit nytimes.com.

Silvio Berlusconi sentenced for tax fraud

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BBC - 10/26/12

Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has been handed a jail sentence and barred from office after being found guilty of tax fraud.

The Milan court sentenced him to four years but later cut it to one year because of an amnesty law.

To watch the video and read the rest of this story, visit BBC.co.UK. 

Budget cuts push Spain jobless to 25 percent

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Reuters - Nigel Davies, 10/26/12

People wait to enter a government-run employment office in Madrid September 4, 2012. REUTERS/Susana Vera

People wait to enter a government-run employment office in Madrid September 4, 2012. Credit: Reuters/Susana Vera

(Reuters) - Spain's unemployment rate hit a record high in the third quarter, with one in four out of work and more expected to lose their jobs in 2013 as the next phase of government cutbacks kicks in.

At exactly 25 percent, Friday's official number was the highest since the Franco dictatorship ended in the mid-1970s, and gives fresh impetus to calls by labor unions for a general strike next month.

To read the rest of this story, visit reuters.com.

NASA: Rare, enormous gas storm detected on Saturn

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CNN - Todd Sperry, 10/25/12

  • The storm, first detected in 2010, let out something of a cosmic burp
  • If on Earth, it would cover North America top to bottom and wrap the globe many times
  • The storm also led to a drastic change in the ringed planet

These red, orange and green clouds on Saturn represent the tail end of a 2010/11 massive storm.

These red, orange and green clouds on Saturn represent the tail end of a 2010/11 massive storm

(CNN) -- NASA says the Cassini spacecraft recorded the aftermath of a massive storm on Saturn that let out an "unprecedented belch of energy."


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