3D News

Bringing the Extinct Back from the Dead

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The Weather Channel Published: Mar 15, 2013, 10:01 AM EDT

Stewart Brand, one of the founders behind de-extinction, poses for a portrait during the 2013 Sundance Film Festival.

What if you found out that using the DNA in museum specimens and fossils 200,000 years old could bring species back?"  

That was the question Stewart Brand, a founder of the idea of de-extinction, posed at a TED talk in February 2013.

To read the rest of this story visit The Weather Channel

Ongoing increase to toxic algae risk in Ruamahanga River

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Voxy.co.nz - 3/15/13


Toxic algae coverage and it associated risks continue to increase in the Ruamahanga River as the hot, dry weather continues.

Toxic algae coverage is HIGH at the popular recreation areas the Cliffs and Kokotau Bridge in Carterton District and MODERATE at Te Ore Ore in Masterton District.

To read the rest of this story, visit Voxy.co.nz.


Sinkhole opens up in Washington and jaded humor emerges

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Reuters.com - 3/12/13, Deborah Zabarenko


(Reuters) - Washington is used to being the brunt of jokes, particularly those centered around the action, or lack of it, on Capitol Hill.

But on Tuesday, the focus moved to the Adams Morgan neighborhood, where some saw a symbol of Washington - a gaping sinkhole in the middle of a bustling sidewalk.

To read the rest of this story, visit Reuters.com.

Scaffolding Rises on Washington Monument

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Weather.com - Brett Zonkger, 3/15/13Washington D.C.

Workers erect scaffolding around the Washington Monument in Washington, DC, on March 13, 2013. The scaffolding is being put in place so that repairs can be made to the monument after it was damaged in an earthquake in 2011. (Karen Bleier/AFP/Getty Images)

WASHINGTON -- Workers have started building scaffolding around the 555-foot-tall Washington Monument to make repairs to stonework damaged in a 2011 earthquake.

The scaffolding being built by workers was slowly rising from the base of the monument Thursday.

To read the rest of this story, visit Weather.com.

Volcanic Activity Worldwide: March 13 - 16

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GFP Note: Due to recurring issues with the VolcanoDiscovery.com website, we have not been able to report on several updates until now. Please click on the links below for the latest information.



Etna Volcano. Lava fountains during lst night's paroxysm.

Etna volcano current activity: new paroxysms from New SE crater


Volcanoes Today, 16 Mar 2013: Colima, Dukono, Reventador, Tungurahua, Ambrym, Galeras, Nevado del Ruiz, Sacabaya


Get Down, Baby! 7 Dancing Babies (Videos)

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Your Tango.com by Amanda Green Posted on March 13, 2013

dancing baby

These babies have smooth moves!

Babies are small, flexible, and anything but shy. No wonder they're so good at dancing! Whether they're moving like Jagger or Elvis, these seven babies were born to boogie ... and you'll love watching them!


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