Earth & Space Weather

‘No meteoritic or alien connection with Red rain’ falling in Sri Lanka

Rain's picture

Source: The Extinction Protocol - 11/17/12

November 17, 2012 – SRI LANKA – Rare showers of red rain fell for over 15 minutes in Sewanagala, Monaragala and Manampitiya, Polonnaruwa yesterday morning hours of yesterday and day before yesterday. According to Meteorology Department sources red rain fell heavily in these areas and the reason has not been found yet. Red rain in Sewanagala and Manampitiya left red frost on the ground.


This is the first time red rain was witnessed in Sri Lanka. The Health Ministry Secretary informed Medical Research Institute (MRI) Director Dr Anil Samaranayake to conduct a study to ascertain the reasons for red rain by taking water samples from Monaragala and Polonnaruwa.


Snow Tornado Witnessed for the First Time; Buryatia, Russia 11/17/12

Rain's picture

Source:, 11/17/12

As reported by TV company "Arig Us" from Republic of Buryatia, Russia- in the cold Republic of Buryatia, which is located in the east of Russia, for first time observed the snow tornado- huge tornado, which suddenly appeared out of the snow on the uninhabited forests of Buryatia. Vladimir Daganeev, a resident of Buryatia, was able to shoot the video of snow tornado in the mountains of the Oka region of Buryatia, at an altitude of about 3000 meters above sea level.

Rain, Snow and Wind to Pound Northwest

Rain's picture - 11/17/12, Chris Dolce

Snow Forecast

A parade of storm systems will plow into the West Coast for the next week, delivering multiple bouts of rain, mountain snow and wind through the busy travel week ahead.

Storm Track: Focused on the Northwest

While some rain will make it as far south as southern California at times, the main storm track will focus from Northern California to Washington and Oregon. This will include cities such as Seattle, Portland and San Francisco.

To watch the video and read the rest of this story, visit

~ Earth Continues to release Negative Energy or unconsciousness~ 6.8 Kuril Islands

Lia's picture

Friday November 16 2012, 18:21:22 UTC29 minutes agoPoland2.910.0CSEM-EMSC FeedDetailFriday November 16 2012, 18:12:44 UTC38 minutes agoKuril Islands6.066.0CSEM-EMSC FeedDetailFriday November 16 2012, 18:12:42 UTC38 minutes agoKuril Islands6.860.0USGS FeedDetailFriday November 16 2012, 18:12:37 UTC38 minutes agoKuril Islands

~Space Weather Update~ CHANCE OF FLARES, Rare RED AURORAS

Lia's picture

CHANCE OF FLARES: NOAA forecasters estimate a 40% chance of M-class solar flares and a 5% chance of X-flares today. The most likely sources would be sunspots AR1610 and AR1614, which have unstable 'beta-gamma' magnetic fields. Eruptions from AR1614 would likely be Earth-directed. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.


RED AURORAS: Auroras are usually green, and sometimes purple, but seldom do sky watchers see much red. The geomagnetic storm of Nov. 13/14 was different. It produced auroras with a distinctly rosy hue. David E. Cartier, Sr. photographed the phenomenon near Marsh Lake, about 40 km east of Whitehorse in Canada's Yukon Territory:


"I was amazed by the deep scarlet color, which was immediately recognizable to the unaided eye," says Cartier. Similar splashes of candy-cane red were spotted over Wisconsin and Michigan.

~Space Weather Update~ CHANCE OF FLARES

Lia's picture

CHANCE OF FLARES: NOAA forecasters estimate a 40% chance of M-class solar flares and a 5% chance of X-flares today. The most likely source would be sunspot AR1613, which has an unstable magnetic field. Because AR1613 is directly facing Earth, any eruptions from the active region will almost certainly be geoeffective. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.

SOLAR ECLIPSE FOR BREAKFAST: What do you do when the Moon covers the sun just after sunrise? Have a solar eclipse for breakfast! Janne Pyykkö sends these pictures of people "eating" this week's sunrise total eclipse over Queensland, Australia:

Credits: from top-left to bottom-right are Saul Lehtonen (model Johanna Hoffrén), Johanna Hoffrén (model Saul Lehtonen), Ville Nikula (model Mikael Holappa), Anna Snellman (model Otto Snellman).

Chicago Snow Ends Long Snowless Streak

Rain's picture - Nick Wiltgen, 11/14/12

Chicago Snow

A trace of snow in Chicago usually doesn't warrant a news story. But this time, it's different. The trace of snow that fell at O'Hare International Airport late Monday evening ended the second-longest snowless streak in Chicago weather history.

The March heat wave that brought unprecedented 85-degree weather to the Great Lakes region in the final days of winter also cut off the 2011-12 snow season early. Chicago's final snowflakes for the season fell on March 4; in an average year, the city's last measurable snowfall (0.1 inch or greater) comes April 1.

To read the rest of this story, visit

Floods hit Rome as Italy cleans up water damage

Rain's picture

The Star Online - 11/14/12

ROME: Flooding struck the northern outskirts of Rome on Wednesday after heavy rains in central Italy swelled the Tiber River, as the historic city of Venice and popular tourist regions of Tuscany and Umbria counted the costs of extensive flood damage.

The river that snakes through the Italian capital broke its banks in some areas, tearing boats from their moorings and sweeping debris in the current. The Aniene, a tributary of the Tiber in northern Rome, also flooded.

To read the rest of this story, visit The Star Online.

A rainy month in Haiti causes widespread death, loss of homes and crop damage

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The Washington Post - AP, 11/13/12

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti — The rain has tapered off and floodwaters no longer claw at houses, but the situation across much of Haiti remained grim on Tuesday following an autumn of punishing rains that have killed scores of people and that threaten to cause even more hunger across the impoverished nation.

In places such as Croix-des-Missions, on the northeastern edge of the Haitian capital, the walls of dozens of homes along a pale brown river have been broken or ripped away, exposing clothes, bedding and everything else to the repeated downpours.

To read the rest of this story, visit

Rain and flooding hammer Italy; streets become canals

Rain's picture

USA Today - 11/13/12, Eric J. Lyman

Venice, already known as a city of canals, is reporting its sixth-highest flood level since record-keeping began in 1872.


People sit at the table of a bar in flooded St. Mark's Square on Nov. 11.  Luigi Costantini, AP

6:10PM EST November 13. 2012 - ROME – Three days of heavy rains and winds have left large parts of northern and central Italy under water Tuesday, turning streets into canals and causing the collapse of a bridge as utility workers drove across.

The three employees of the utility company Enel were en route to reconnect power near Grosetto, in Tuscany, when the bridge they were driving over in Umbria collapsed into the fast-moving water below. Their car plunged into the water, and they were confirmed dead.


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