Earth & Space Weather

U.S. Drought Worsening, Wheat Crop Suffering

Rain's picture

Clean Technica - By Nathan, 11/09/12

As the East Coast is still reeling from Hurricane Sandy, hot and dry conditions throughout middle America have been deepening, worsening the ongoing drought there, according to a new climatology report released Thursday.


Image Credits: Fields hit by drough via Wikimedia Commons

Usually, October is the third-wettest month of the year for Texas, but this year there has barely been any rain at all. Last month was the ninth-driest October there since 1895.

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Brutus: Blizzard Now, Severe Storms Later

Rain's picture - Nick, Wiltgen, 11/09/12


Above: Blizzard warnings in orange, winter storm warnings in white, winter weather advisories in purple, and winter storm watches in blue indicate areas where Brutus will bring significant snow and/or ice.

Even before Winter Storm Athena can finish pulling away from the Northeast, we have another significant winter storm system to deal with in the western half of the country: Winter Storm Brutus.

This time, not only is there a wind-snow combo on the cold side of the system, but there will be severe thunderstorm potential on the warm side of the storm - eventually.

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Brutus Brings Snow to West, Severe Threat to Midwest

Rain's picture - Nick Wiltgen, 11/09/12

Winter Weather Alerts

Even before Winter Storm Athena can finish pulling away from the Northeast, we have another significant winter storm system to deal with in the western half of the country: Winter Storm Brutus.

This time, not only is there a wind-snow combo on the cold side of the system, but there will be severe thunderstorm potential on the warm side of the storm - eventually.

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Winter Storm Athena Winding Down

Rain's picture - Jon Erdman, 11/09/12

Total Snowfall Forecast

Nine days after Superstorm Sandy took 112 lives in the U.S., destroyed countless homes and left 8.6 million customers without power in the Northeast, Winter Storm Athena swooped in to pile on the misery with a combination of wind and a gloppy and locally heavy wet snowfall.

As of Thursday afternoon, some 600,000 people were still in the dark across the region -- a combination of lingering outages from Sandy and additional outages caused by Athena.

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October Ends 16-Month Warm Spell for Lower 48

Rain's picture - Nick Wiltgen, 11/09/12

October State Temperature Ranks

State temperature rankings for October 2012. Blue shades indicate cooler-than-average temperatures while beige and orange shades indicate warmer-than-average temperatures. The numbers rank each state's temperature among all years since 1895. A number of 118 would indicate the warmest October on record; a number of 1 would indicate the coolest. For example, Iowa had its 21st-coolest October on record, and California its 21st-warmest. NOAA/NCDC

After 16 consecutive months of above-average temperatures, the U.S. enjoyed a cooldown in October. According to NOAA's National Climatic Data Center, temperatures averaged across the contiguous 48 states were slightly below average for the first time since May 2011.

NCDC's State of the Climate report said the average temperature over the Lower 48 was 53.9°F, only 0.3°F below the long-term average.

Sun hurled two bright CMEs into space, both non-Earthbound

Rain's picture

Source: The Watchers - By Chillymanjaro, 11/08/12

The Watchers Tweet Tweet New region 1611 rotated into view on the east limb and produced a moderate M1.7 flare at 02:23 UTC and a type II radio sweep shortly after, on November 8, 2012. Flare generated bright coronal mass ejection (CME) in eastward direction which means that it would not be geoeffective. Bellow is the video by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory showing the extreme UV flash caused by flare-generated CME. Later in the day another  bright full-halo CME was observed on...

New region 1611 rotated into view on the east limb and produced a moderate M1.7 flare at 02:23 UTC and a type II radio sweep shortly after, on November 8, 2012. Flare generated bright coronal mass ejection (CME) in eastward direction which means that it would not be geoeffective.

Total Solar Eclipse Nov. 13th ~ Will Earthquakes Follow

Lia's picture



By Mitch Battros - Earth Changes Media
 7:12:15 PM


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A total solar eclipse will take place on 13-14 November 2012 (UTC), beginning locally on November 13 west of the International Date Line over northern Australia, and ending on November 14 east of the date line off the western South American coast. Its greatest magnitude is 1.0500, occurring only 12 hours before perigee, with greatest eclipse totality lasting just over 4 minutes.


~ Space WeatherUdpate~ M 1 Class Solar Flare

Lia's picture

TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE SUN: Scientists and sky watchers are converging on the northeast coast of Australia, near the Great Barrier Reef, for a total eclipse of the sun on Nov. 13/14. For researchers, the brief minutes of totality open a window into some of the deepest mysteries of solar physics. [video] [full story]

M-CLASS SOLAR FLARE: The week-long spell of solar quiet was broken this morning, Nov. 8th, when a new sunspot unleashed an M1.7-class flare. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory captured the extreme UV flash:

Because of the blast site's location on the sun's northeastern limb, Earth was not in the line of fire. It will take about a week for this new active region to turn squarely toward our planet. Stay tuned for updates as the chance of geoeffective flares increases in the days ahead. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.

Brutus Threatens Snow, Severe for West, Midwest

Rain's picture - Nick Wiltgen, 11/08/12

Winter Weather Alerts

Even before Winter Storm Athena can finish pulling away from the Northeast, we have another significant winter storm system to deal with in the western half of the country: Winter Storm Brutus.

This time, not only will there be a wind-snow combo on the cold side of the system, but there will be a warm sector with severe weather potential - eventually.

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